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Curious case of Josh Doctson M.E.T. , (3-29-17, 100%)


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2 hours ago, 2006Skins said:


Really good point and great read. 


In college, he went to Wyoming, got home sick and went to TCU (much closer to home).  We forget that these are 21-22 year old kids sometimes too.  Players have said in the past as a rookie it's easy to get intimidated by vets in a meeting room - with likes of DJax, Garcon.  I really am starting to think this is more of a mental issue than physical.  But, I'm just a guy on the couch. 


Wow. See, that's exactly part of the personality type that tends to have these issues the most ... introverts, perfectionists, etc. Not trying to turn "Freud" in here, but I think at this point they have to start looking at this or some form of it as being a possibility. Could be the idea of finally "realizing his dream" was just somewhat overwhelming, the huge immediate changes in his life, completely uprooting, much greater pressure as the no. 1 pick, etc., etc. Some people react to these types of things this way. Something happens in their bodies brought on by subconscious stress, and the ailment actually serves as a " socially acceptable" way to avoid the stressor, i.e., "I can't play because I'm injured" is much more readily acceptable than "I can't play because I'm scared and can't deal with the pressure." And most of this happens on the subconscious level, not something necessarily at the forefront of his mind.


Think of how people can get upset stomachs when they're nervous, for example. These types of chronic things are just much more exaggerated versions of how the mind influences the body. It's not that the pain isn't real. It is. According to Sarno, it's caused by affected blood flow that results in oxygen deprivation to certain muscle groups the body just "decides" to affect. With Sarno and other doctors like him, people often get better very, very quickly once they recognize what's going on, recognize that there's a big mental component to their pain, that they're structurally fine, etc.  


Of course, none of this makes me feel any better about spending a first round pick on this guy. But it could be a potential solution worth checking out. Hopefully he'll get through it soon. Otherwise, could be the biggest bust in team history as far as the ROI goes. 

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At this point I have zero expectations that Doctson will ever see the field again for the Redskins, which honestly may not be the worst that could happen.


The worst case scenario is the thing just lingers forever and he takes up a roster spot with no real benefit to the team.


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28 minutes ago, CTskin said:

I rarely question Scot, but if these character issues are true, then my disappointment lies with him. For a guy who only wants "football players" on the team, I don't know how this didn't raise a huge red flag. I remember reading something toward the end of camp about how he's very shy and introverted. Just doesn't seem like a Scot guy at all.


The Doctson personality issues comes from Cooley guessing last off season.  Cooley recently backed off of that and said he sees him close and interacts well with the younger players on the squad.

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I think 'he might have character issues' is the worst kind of speculation.  Somehow we like to tie in physical injuries, etc. to character.  The guy isn't tweeting instagram videos at 2am from da club, I think he's just got a strange ordeal.  


I'm still placing my bet that he turns into a great player for us, and that we're happy we have him next year when our top WRs walk for bigger deals elsewhere.

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If it's not mental then what else could it be?  The head coach doesn't even know what it is and all the tests from the Doctors came back negative according to what I am reading...


Very concerning that this kid can't get on the field.  Hopefully he can overcome whatever it is because otherwise this will be a stain on McGloughin's draft record and the team could really use Doctson in 2017.

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I don't think I've ever heard of something like this before.  The guy hasn't played since like Week 2 and you'd think he needs to rehab for a major ACL tear.....but there's no damage, nothing torn, NOTHING.  He is clean, yet he is still in "pain".   This has to be something mental,  or even spiritual at this point.  I mean WTF is it??????

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10 hours ago, SkinsGuy said:


They didn't give daily briefings.  A reporter would ask about him and they would answer.


And Docston didn't "fail", whatever the heck that means. Just an unfortunate first round pick who got injured his rookie year (much like the Jaguars' pick of Fowler the year before).


**** happens. Let's try and follow Docston's example and just deal with it.


And when they were asked about him, they set him up for failure by publicly giving 2 week deadlines that he likely pushed himseld towards, instead of rehabbing. he never met any of those deadlines anyway so they just pushed it out again and again through the summer and season. 


Then hed he'd have to constantly hear about how he was STILL not on the field and missing those "2 more weeks" checks which likely discouraged him. He probably pushed himself to hit those and made it worse as well. 

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35 minutes ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:


And when they were asked about him, they set him up for failure by publicly giving 2 week deadlines that he likely pushed himseld towards, instead of rehabbing. he never met any of those deadlines anyway so they just pushed it out again and again through the summer and season. 


Then hed he'd have to constantly hear about how he was STILL not on the field and missing those "2 more weeks" checks which likely discouraged him. He probably pushed himself to hit those and made it worse as well. 


What they were saying to us, the public, is different to what they were probably saying to him privately. We have no idea how they were handling things or what he was told.


Folks need to relax about Docston. It's only January. Whatever happens, happens.

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30 minutes ago, SkinsGuy said:


No politics in the Stadium Forum.

Mea culpa, you are right. He was more the carrier of the sentament that maybe josh is hurting there since the drs found nothing and cooley's idea on homesickness. Was not trying to bring poly into this. My bad everyone. 


Just hope the kid bounces back as that would be like a free 1st round pick this year. Its just hard to believe until we see it and the unknown is just frustrating. 

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Rehab has to be extremely gradual.... after waiting weeks at minimum before commencing anything. First rest and avoiding anything that causes pain throughout are key to keeping the healing time within the expected 3-6 month time frame.


A young kid anxious to get out there, the team anxious to get him out there =  a recipe for a delay of game time.

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3 hours ago, RabidFan said:

Mea culpa, you are right. He was more the carrier of the sentament that maybe josh is hurting there since the drs found nothing and cooley's idea on homesickness.

Interesting about the homesickness thing, I had not read about that. He went to Wyoming for a year then sat out a year to transfer back home to TCU.  Something weird is up when no doctor can find anything wrong. 

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If all this stems from him being homesick, holy crap, i would be FURIOUS.

He declared for the draft, he signed the papers. 
If that is indeed the case, he needs to grow up. I would be asking the league if we can get any compensaton for cutting him. i mean, he declared, did the combine, did everything til it came time, then laid in bed and pined for home. i think we would be entitled to something.. the kid screwed us.

And if we can't get comp, i'd consider cutting him and suing him for every dime he's collected. that way he can see what happens here in Grown Up World when you act like a child.


Assuming that is true, of course. His injury is frustrating but allows for the benefit of the doubt. If he is immature to the point where he can't play.. i have no such sympathy.



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People have different pain thresholds.   My wife had surgery and she was in off the charts pain for a week when most others were walking by Day 4.  This isn't a sign of weakness, it's not "mental", it's kind of the way it is.   Every player can't have Gary Clark's pain threshold.  Of course if this is the case t is a real concern moving forward.  The best ability in this league is availability.

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26 minutes ago, Darrell Green Fan said:

People have different pain thresholds.   My wife had surgery and she was in off the charts pain for a week when most others were walking by Day 4.  This isn't a sign of weakness, it's not "mental", it's kind of the way it is.   Every player can't have Gary Clark's pain threshold.  Of course if this is the case t is a real concern moving forward.  The best ability in this league is availability.


Yeah, but your wife probably had an identifiable problem that the surgery was supposed to fix. Doctors, as far as I've heard, can find nothing wrong with the kid, nothing that would even warrant any procedures at this point other than "rest and see what happens." No one even understands what is causing this pain, as all the tests seem to show there's nothing wrong. That's what's so maddening about all of this. 

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I have read lots of information on tendinosis - degenerated tissue. My latest link.


Indeed it is not always conclusively detected by a doc. No pun intended. Docs apparently often overlook degenerated tissue looking for more visible damage instead.  We have to trust him on this one, if he is in pain and is reporting to the team that it probably feels like he is about to blow out his Achilles. Since, it is probably true.  Oh, and both of them.


Jay's latest comments about no significant recovery 3 months after going on IR has me bummed. More than ever I think this was a condition building up over time, and didn't just happen to happen after we drafted him. It's why Scot was so pissed.


Big Boy nih link


Significant advances in understanding tendon response to mechanical loading have been made, but a complete picture of the pathophysiology of tendinosis is still elusive. The ability to prevent this condition and to restore normal structure and function after the establishment of a tendinosis lesion continues to be a significant challenge to sports medicine clinicians


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