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Stupid things your non-Redskins friends have said


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Yeah, I know it's technically not about the Redskins, but I think a lot of the comments will be our opponents this season

1) My friend/charity case is a Giants fan.  Last night during the fourth quarter he said, "I was worried about our defense coming into the year, but it looks like our offseason has solved that problem!"

Really man?  Fourth quarter of the fourth preseason game and your woes have been solved when overspending for three players?

2)  I live in Eagles country and heard this one:  "Can't wait for this year.  Wentz is gonna dominate when he starts." 

Seriously?  He's a draft pick you traded the farm for and STILL isn't your starter after all of that.  And the only way he starts is if the team is doing badly, so domination is impossible.

3)  Ravens fan after making fun of him for talking trash by pointing out that he's had since October of last year, when his season ended, to think of terrible trash talk:  "Whatever, you still have to deal with Kirk Cousins being your quarterback."

I mean, did he stop watching football once Flacco went down?  Cousins was the best quarterback for the back half of the season.

4)  Cowboys fan:  "Who cares about Romo?  Dak has been lighting it up in the preseason and that always carries over to the regular season."

I linked him to the Cult of Colt thread.

5)  Pats fan who wore a Brady jersey the next day:  "Brady's overrated.  We'll be fine with Garrapalo."

. . . ?


What have you guys heard?

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Cowboy fan at work:  "I am kinda glad Tony is out, this will give a chance for Dak to step in there and take the job.  Similar what happened with Brady"  Most cowboy fans on their forum.  Dak can hold the until Romo comes back and since the first part of our schedule is easy we should be around 5-0 or 6-1.

Giants fans:  "we spend 200 million our D will be much better than last year".

Most none skin fans:  "you guys didn't beat a winning team last year, back down to earth this year".  This is annoying when you have fans from the Giants, Eagles and Dallas saying this, like we played a totally easy schedule compared to them.

Some skin fans:  "I don't trust Cousins, we are going to be sorry we let RGIII go".  This was made mentioned in my office and forums as RGIII had a decent preseason game.

Carolina fans:  "We are so glad Norman is gone, he wasn't good anyway and owes last year his performance on the DL".


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1 hour ago, NewCliche21 said:

4)  Cowboys fan:  "Who cares about Romo?  Dak has been lighting it up in the preseason and that always carries over to the regular season."

I linked him to the Cult of Colt thread.

Not enough Fotball fan to talk with them around me, but your answer here sir is Epic.

Btw the only Dak I knew until they signed him was:


Sadly for him, he looks cool and stuff early in the movie only to get killed ASAP and ends up being crushed by an AT-AT...

I believe that Dak from the Cowboys will follow the same path...


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Oh, you signed Insert anyone's name here ?

haha! Same ol'  Redskins! Remember Deion? Albert haynesworth?

Showed them a calendar. Explained how Deion was nearly 20 years ago, and Haynesworth close to 10 years ago..
Doesn't matter. 

haha! Snyder'll never learn!
Oh, the Giants look great. Look who they signed!



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16 minutes ago, Passizle said:

Seattle already has a team... why does Washington even need two?


I just laughed really hard on the inside.


When I was about 7-8 years old somebody had college football ball on TV and the Washington Huskies were on playing and I automatically had to root for them since I was already a Redskins fan. 

Of course I had no idea they weren't from DC, oh and I was a 2ND or 3RD grader. 

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A co-worker/friend told me " oh, i'm not worried one bit that Romo is out; did you see our newest gem? He will make Romo look pedestrian." 

I absolutely love the state i live in { Texas }, but my god when it comes to football, Cowboy fans here are arrogant and ****y as all get-go, even when they get their asses handed to them by, say Cleveland, its 'oh we had to let them win a game" or some other dumb ass remark. I know there are some very intelligent Cowboy fans, but they must all live outta state !!!

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We have a lot of Cowpile fans here in Roanoke VA. Year-round I wear a Redskins polo, tee shirt or jersey. If it's cold outside I'll wear one of several Redskins jackets or hoodie. More times than not when I'm shopping or out and about I'll have a Cowpile fan ask "Are you a Redskins fan?"  I usually reply " Naw I wear this stuff just to make people think I'm a Redskins fan."

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Some things I've heard this offseason. 


"Dan Snyder is running that team into the ground dude until you get him out and a good gm and owner in y'all are screwed!"


....he said he had never heard of Scot Mcloughlan.


"Tony Romo is horrible and the Cowboys are way better off without him"

then followed it up after a couple mins of chatting with...


"dude only reason skins went to playoffs is because romo got hurt"


I roasted this this guy and he still didn't understand his failures as a football fan. 

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3 hours ago, roanoker said:

We have a lot of Cowpile fans here in Roanoke VA. Year-round I wear a Redskins polo, tee shirt or jersey. If it's cold outside I'll wear one of several Redskins jackets or hoodie. More times than not when I'm shopping or out and about I'll have a Cowpile fan ask "Are you a Redskins fan?"  I usually reply " Naw I wear this stuff just to make people think I'm a Redskins fan."

Ain't that the truth. Makes me hate the Mill Mountain Star. I've gotten asked the same thing before. "Nah, can't stand them" is the response I go with to mess with them. 

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Great thread :ols:

- After they drafted Wentz... Eagles fan told me, "You know who the last QB the Eagles took number 2 overall was?  Donovan McNabb!!!"

I just quietly looked at the dude for a minute to see which kind of Eagles fan he was...  He seemed sincere so I just said "cool man... "

- Walked into the office Fantasy Football draft yesterday... I had a championship belt around my waist and one over each shoulder (yes... I am THAT guy) and I also had on all of the Redskins Super Bowl rings and NFC Championship rings.  My boss is a Giants fan, and to show I'm fair... this one was pretty good.  He said "I like the belts, dude, but that's some antique jewelry you got on there." 

- Spent about 45 minutes trying to explain to someone how its different that Brady was suspended for doing something wrong and how that was completely different from the Redskins getting penalized for a salary cap violation.  She (the Pats fan) just kept saying "everyone does that..." 



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3 hours ago, AlvinWaltonIsMyBoy said:

Panthers fan last year:  Y'all are in a weak division.  You shouldn't be allowed in the playoffs if you're not above .500 (they made it at 7-9 the year before, proving his bandwagon greatness).  

My fiance:  Get a job. 


I live in Carolina right now (hopefully only for a few more months) and I have a bunch of them that work with me.  I asked them what they thought of the moment Keyshawn Johnson was on espn and the Panthers drafted Dwayne Jarrett to replace him.  "How awkward was that!?!?" I said, but all I got was awkward silence lol


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