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The immigration thread: American Melting Pot or Get off my Lawn


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won't be chaos at airport...wait and watch and details will unfold


courts have been giving potus wide latitude on protecting borders in recent years so that will be admins position in appeal 


whether they go appeal or defy is the thing


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14 hours ago, tshile said:

We know due to research and by observing what is going on in Europe that people from these areas are not like western civilization. Their culture don't just not align with ours, it conflicts with ours. Everything from human rights, to education, to how they prioritize religion and what it says about other religions. We also know that the differences are driven by their religion and that they are very, very serious about their religion. The middle east is the mess it is because of differences between sects within their own religion (among other things, but that seems to be the root cause going back to the 7th century.)

We also know they don't assimilate well - see Europe. If you think assimilation is important when it comes to immigration, then this is a problem. Although you must also look at the hosts, they share in the burden of assimilation (two way street and such.)


This part concerns me.  How are we measuring assimilation?  Is assimilation learning how to speak the English?  Than I suspect you will find they assimilate well because in my experience in many cases they come knowing how to speak English.


Do they really assimilate less well than other populations in Europe?  Europe doesn't seem to have a good or a long track record of assimilating other populations (you sort of address this, but I'd even take it further.  Europe seemed to do a very poor job of integrating the Jewish community.  So poorly their post-WW2 solution was to create a new nation to find a place for them to go).


I know plenty of Muslims for which education is a high priority.


Many of the same things could have been argued for the Catholic Irish when they came.  American Protestants and Catholic Irish had large differences (realistically by and large, they both thought the other side was wrong and going to hell because of it and there is a substantial part of both populations that believe that today).  They certainly took their religion very seriously, and there was a long history in Europe (and directly in Ireland) of Catholic-Protestant conflict.


(I'd be curious to see the comparison of the percent of US Evangelical Christians that believe non-Christians are going to hell as compared to US Muslims belief that non-Muslims are going to hell, and I'd be curious to see how that percentage is different between first, second, and third generation Muslims and American converts to Islam.)

Edited by PeterMP
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First, a round of applause for all the exceptionally thoughtful and articulate postings lately, the whole spectrum of thought has advocates talking here in a manner that would make their English teachers beam with pride.


This issue, like so many others, I see as a symptom of something more basic, rather than a stand alone AHHHHHHH! element in itself. Politics, immigration, jobs, economy, etc., etc., have all been reduced to "content" to be marketed, the product itself is irrelevant, it's the campaign to "sell" it that matters. We are living in the culmination of decades of Madison Avenue buzzspeak that seeks to avoid your thought process and push a more emotional button, going for the visceral response so that they get your money before you experience that "Hey! Wait a minute...." moment. Look back, we've seen waves of it in our lifetime, sex sells, tech sells, futuristic sells, and they all did in their day to some degree. Nowadays fear sells. Seatbelts aren't enough, need airbags, multiple airbags, a cocoon of airbags, but wait, video cameras, auto steering, lane drift alert/alarms, there's always "another". OMG you don't have an alarm system in your home? How have you survived? Your kid rides a bike without helmets and pads and GPS trackers and laser-sighted Bluetooth enabled wireless tracking to the inch realtime updated oversight? HEATHEN! GODLESS COMMIE UNFIT PARENT!


Now let's talk about your food...........


Or your laundry detergent


Or WiFi signals disrupting your child's development


Or chemtrails


Or .......................................... just fill in the next or for yourself. Basically none of these things have anything in common except for the fear marketing that is used to sell them. And now we have a Presidunce that was "sold" to a lot of the populace with the same style ad campaign. It was never about the product, or the policy or the competence or temperament or anything, the contents haven't mattered for years, it is all about the package.


And now we're sitting here late at night, credit card in our lap after ordering a Shamwow or EO from an infomercial, wondering what the hell just happened and why did I buy that POS.


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Ron Brownstein is killing it on CNN right now.  Compared the court's ruling to the route Republican attorney generals went to block Medicaid expansion in their states.  Said that the next court that the decision would go to is the most Democratically slanted with about a 2-1 Dem/Pub ratio.  Then, the Supreme Court would be next which sits, as we know, at 4-4.  


In short, Trump will have a real problem getting this overturned.  Maybe I can find a video of this to post later.  I thought it was the most succinct analysis I've heard yet.

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