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Defensive Line Calls Itself "Capital Punishment"


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Nicknames are a lost art in today's NFL- so unlike a lot of you scrooges I'm all for it!


Aside from poor management, poor players, and poor coaching-- we also usually have poor team chemistry.  If it takes a cheesy nickname to get our boys playing like a band of brothers, then I'll be the first one screaming it at FedEx when Tannehill gets KO'd by one of our big boys!

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This is so typical.  


A marketing invention without playing a down on the field.  Color me shocked.


Win some damn games and the fans will call you whatever you want, until then you're one of the worst defensive units in football.

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Quote myself here...

New nickname?

Wasn't it "Capital Punishment/National Defense" back during the JG1 era? Its like using Hogs again.

Totally destroy a few good offensive lines first, than we can think about naming it.

Like in Fury...they all light up a cigarette and take a swig from the bottle, when it comes to Ellison's turn he takes a big swig from the bottle..."Goddamn, son. You a fighting, ****ing, drinking machine, ain't you? "Machine, that's it, that's his war name."

Right now your name is Fat Pork Sandwich.

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I don't even know why they'd want to be called Capital anything. Nothing gets done in that building now. Tell you what, if they go out there and can't get the job done, they can keep the nickname, because exactly what it will feel like. (Will delete or move to tailgate if necessary).

As long as they are getting the job done and having fun, I'm not pressed on the nicknames (fan created or otherwise). I'm just tired of losing, bro. Stop talking, and stop losing already.

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