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Why Can't we fix our Special Teams...


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I`ve had it. You don`t need special teams demons.... if you consistently kick touchbacks. Replace one of these special teams guys... and hire a damn kickoff specialist already.

This could work too. We need someone who can consistently kick it out the back of the end zone.

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There was a year, years ago, where the Chargers had the top rated offense and defense, and missed the playoffs predominantly because of horrendous ST play.


I really thought we were going in the right direction.  But apparently not. You CANNOT give up kickoff returns for TDs.  If it happens every so often on a punt return, it's almost forgivable.  Lots of chaos on punts. 


But on Kickoffs, everything is in your control.  It's completely unacceptable.


So far, this year they have given up a punt block for a TD, had an PAT blocked, missed a makeable FG in a tight game, and given up a kickoff return.


It's ridiculous.   

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I don't know who it was, but on that KO return one of our guys had a legit shot to make a play if he just fought off the block long enough to move 2 yards to the right.  Instead, what does he do?  Tries a weak ass spin move that would fit right in at a ballet.  Your Washington Redskins ladies and gentlemen. 

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I will say this again and again but as a result of the BS cap penalty, we lost the heart and soul of our ST when we couldn't afford to pay Lorenzo Alexander.  One of the biggest losses nobody talks about. 

Even ST needs leaders and 'Zo was that, we went from clobbering people on returns to rolling over and dying.

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Its frustrating as ****.  Every other team seems to do make it all seem so easy.  We can' t even kick off right (no matter whose kicking), we can't return without penalizing, and we sure as **** can't kick gimme FG's consistently.  Really Forbath?  33 freaking yards?




That's what bothers me so much. I've seen bad special teams performances over a season. The Chargers a few years ago were atrocious. They allowed so many touchdowns and blocked kicks that it was embarrassing. But then, they fixed it. It wasn't a year after year thing like it is with the Redskins. This is the only team where I've seen it be a glaring problem over and over again.

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It was the difference in this game. Defense did the damn thing in the fourth quarter against not just the best offense in the NFL but best second half offense as well. Cousins went off as well.

The front office did everything you can ask for in regards to fixing special teams (new respected coach, added quality special teams players from other teams, signed a legitament return man). I guess we just have to give it time and continue to build on it. We were still 3-13 last year and the unit, despite the screwups, is definetly better then last year.

Honestly, Kai is still hurt, so I'm more mad at the kick return for the TD then I am at him. That and 100+ yards in penalties is what really killed us today.

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Ever since Lorenzo left it's gone downhill as far as coverage goes. Not sure why we can't figure this part out. As far as a kicker, Forbath needs to be shown the door. After last season I thought he should've been out and I would've rather us keep Hocker. 33 yarder should be a lock for any FG kicker in the NFL. I'm usually against drafting a kicker, but I'm all in for the 2015 draft.

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Our ST is horrible and an embarrassment.  Dan please wake the **** up and realize that we need GOOD ST and depth, **** the star name players - you chase!  I am sick and tired of losing - please for the love of all things good - stay the **** out of picking players and coaches!!!!  If you want to be involved how about make our team's stadium a true home field advantage!!!!

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Ya don't get this... When forbath missed the chip shot, I knew the game was over.

They are a st unit away (well maybe some secondary help) from being good.

How many games have st given away over the last few years???


Plus 10 penalties.... Ugh

Keep wishing Danny had not left for the Steelers.

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Special team has been awful. Every single game they are getting multiple penalties, including offsides, which is pathetic. So far, there has been blocked extra point, blocked punt for TD, 102 yr kickoff TD, and an absurd number of penalties. This special team still looks pathetic early on. The only difference is Wey and Roberts, who are doing well.

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The Eagles got a long punt return, and I watched the gunner (Robinson, i think) peel to the inside, easily wall himself off from the play and leave the bottom of the field practically empty.

Poor discipline, or poor design, or just a lack of awareness.. not sure which.

i see us offsides on numerous kickoffs this year,, this is inexcusable..  I see we have a man running parallel to the line at the kick. Why?

What's the purpose besides to overthink the simplest of plays?


We do seem to be the only team in the NFL that cannot kick it to the goal line.  Inexcusable. i watch the Eagles hit it 8 yards deep each and every time. We can't hit beyond the 2.


we got rid of a bad coach, and replaced him with two coaches with no experience at all.

surprise; it isn't working.


Returns i can maybe forgive with a young coach, Penalties at this rate..  hard to look by that. 



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