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Why Can't we fix our Special Teams...


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My God we are hot garbage on special teams!  Last night was another example.  Could not flip the field in the 2nd half.  Gave up WAAAAYYYY too much field position.  A fake field goal?  Really?  We fall for that?  It's unreal how bad we are.  Danny Smith did a much better job. 

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If any indication that field position is huge, last night was that indication.  Forbath may be "above average" in FG's, but not having confidence in his leg on kickoffs is a huge problem.


Pooching kickoffs will get us nowhere.  Touchbacks on kickoffs is boring but that is where the league is at.  Bring in a kicker (Prater) that can boot touchbacks.


This idea of pooching kickoffs to allow the other team to automatically start at the 35+ yard line is totally inexcusable!

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its annoying how we just cant find a good special teams coach. we hired that one burns guy and he sucked last season. then we hire mr military man kotwica who i hoped would be very good, and rumors were that he would fire up the special teams a lot. but we STILL suck. its like no matter who we hire, we will continue to suck on special teams. and i really wish i knew why.

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Firing up guys does not teach execution.

for the life of me i do not understand our kicking game. 

Forbath kicked one through the end zone last night, so i KNOW he can do it.

We pooch kick to the 15? Scared of a damn KICK RETURNER?


I don't care WHO is back there, Devin Hester is the best there ever was,and he's got a 24 yard KO return average, and has scored 5 times in 8 years. So I am to expect that we are so SCARED of a damn kick return happening that we treat everybody like they can return one for a TD at ANY time. Even the BEST gets stopped 95% of the time.

and we pooch kick to the 15, to the 10,, and we STILL give up 25 yard returns to the up man.


It's friggin' pathetic. PATHETIC.

we play TERRIFIED. 

CLUE: Teach them to stay in their ****ing lanes and play disciplined, and oh, TACKLE when they get a shot on a guy,, and what do you know,, you don't have to try to outsmart the ****ing KICKOFF.


I don't care. if you coach your men to be SCARED TO DEATH of the opposing kickoff returner, you are NOT FIRING UP ANYONE.


Kotwika, another in a list of failures. WTF. It really REALLY is not that goddam hard. Special teams is an entry level position.. entry level coaches, rookies and young players. EVERY other team in the league manages to at least be COMPETENT at it with young players, rookies and entry level coaches.

Except us. Everyone else manages to stay in lanes, be disciplined. 

Except us.

It's an embarrassment. 

And on THIS team, THAT is saying something.



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Bang hits the nail on the head.


Coaching afraid.


The players are not scared.  It's the coaches. The players stop believing when the see the game plan. Oh, we are kicking away from their KR all game? Any and all positive thinking goes out the window. Demoralized as they trot onto the field, because they have been told they are inferior and cannot cover kickoffs.  It's almost a self fulfilling prophecy at that point.


What a bizarre approach to special teams last night. Conversely, we were totally punked out by Seattle's special teams. They angled their punts, got a down on the 1, pinned Roberts into the corner, easily recovered an onside, and of course, pulled off a fake on us. 

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Is there any particular reason we don't just ask Tress Way to do Kickoffs? His leg seems really strong, and last night was another showing of that.

It does seem like we made progress from being downright embarrasing, but the fake FG and the over-hit onside-kick killed me, man. Definitely more effort shown in all three phases last night, its still about the execution though.

I know we're low on depth, but one thing that stood out to me was the number of starters for Seattle that play special teams. And it shows we need to address whatever has to be done to improve our gunners vs our opponents gunners. We got abused all game last night, making it impossible for Andre Roberts to do anything.

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Ray Ray Armstrong was just released by the Rams. Played FS at Miami, been a ST standout for St Louis 


Now granted, he's a bit of an idiot and got a 15 yard penalty last week which was the final straw. But he's a freak athlete. And when Silas Redd is making all the ST tackles, I'm willing to roll the dice

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A team is only as good as it's coaches IMO. Look at what Pete Carroll had done with the Seahawks in a relatively short  period of time...


Someone said it last night and I can't remember who, that the Redskins don't seem to communicate with each other on the field.

It's a team effort and the right coach/s are the ones responsible for bringing that together.


The Dan Snyder era is turning out to be a low point for this franchise.

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If you had told me that in 2014 when most NFL teams are routinely kicking the ball out of the back of the end zone that we would be pooch kicking to the up men at the 10 to 15 yard line hoping we can limit the opposing teams staring position to the 30 to 35 yard line I would have said you are an idiot.  But I saw it and I heard that this was the strategy coming straight out of the coaches mouth.  All I can say is unbelievable.  Two years ago on ST, Niles Paul was consistently arriving downfield on kicks and making big tackles.  Does he even play special teams because he sure as hell cant block as a TE.

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