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Election 16: Donald Trumps wins Presidency. God Help us all!


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lol. Jesse is legitimately crazy. He's not a con man like Trump - he's actually nuts. He's a conspiracy theorist on the level of Alex Jones.

Unlike Trump, Jesse actually believes in the madness he spouts, rather than just sort of letting it fly to get attention and support the way the Donald did with his Obama birth certificate stunt. Donald doesn't believe there actually are secret Muslim terrorist training camps scattered around the USA.

You caught me before I thought better of posting that. Even as a joke, that post was ill-advised.

You're totally right of course. ;)

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Trump has a history of making brash decisions and starting up new ventures that end up failing because he jumped into it without doing enough research or listening enough to other people. I'm afraid he would do the same as President. I don't think he actually HAS any concrete plans; I'm afraid that he is essentially just "winging it" like he has with failed business ventures in the past. However, this isn't a venture he can just quit on and walk away from, or declare bankruptcy on. If he ****s up, it has repercussions for the entire world. I don't think he truly understands or appreciates that. I think he is treating it like just another business venture.

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He's a businessman! You know. He does business stuff. That's what this country needs!


Besides - you know they are only going after him for fraud because they are scared of his deep appeal to the real people of America, scared that he is going to make America great again.  

Trump has a history of making brash decisions and starting up new ventures that end up failing because he jumped into it without doing enough research or listening enough to other people. I'm afraid he would do the same as President. I don't think he actually HAS any concrete plans; I'm afraid that he is essentially just "winging it" like he has with failed business ventures in the past. However, this isn't a venture he can just quit on and walk away from, or declare bankruptcy on. If he ****s up, it has repercussions for the entire world. I don't think he truly understands or appreciates that. I think he is treating it like just another business venture.



A history?   That's his entire business model.   

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Rubio did have a good line. If trump hadn't inherited his $200 million he's be a watch salesman in Manhattan.

The sheep love him though. You can tell the country what you are and they will believe you... They can't wait

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It's okay that you posted it. I love babbling about crazy conspiracy theorists.

The sad thing is Jesse wouldn't seem all that out of place next to Trump. Imagine the game of lunatic oneupmanship the debates would be! :D

And don't forget Jesse has Trump beat on governing experience. :P

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Rubio did have a good line. If trump hadn't inherited his $200 million he's be a watch salesman in Manhattan.

The sheep love him though. You can tell the country what you are and they will believe you... They can't wait

And immediately had an ask for money online featuring a broken watch and that dig. Almost like it was a clever dig and not written by somebody else.



Figurative firing squads composed of an entire political party don't count, they're not an individual "opponent."

Or an admitted hearing funding by taxpayers aimed at hurting her politically. That's not worse.
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And again you are just making things up. Donald Trump stood on stage in South Carolina and defended planned parenthood and said he would not defund it


JMS, he said in the last debate he'd defund it.


And I've already told you this in this thread.




You don't just to get to make things up.

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He's a businessman! You know. He does business stuff. That's what this country needs!

Let's remember most people, business and government, were wrong about the housing bubble. The only ones who won were those that created it would in Wall St that made themselves personally a great deal of money while destroying their own companies and global economies. There were very few people (relatively) that actually saw it coming, knew why it would, and made public statements about it.

Then again I've never bought into this notion that businessmen are the only ones that can run anything or that their skills apply to anything else. I've seen them take over non-profits ready to set all the lazy losers straight on how things should really work... and fall on their faces. turns out being good at one thing doesn't make you automatically good at other things. I'm sure becoming a doctor is hard and impressive, but I wouldn't trust one to change my septic tank unless he had experience doing so.

President isn't an entry level job.

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Trump telling it like it is.



Months before the housing market began to collapse, Donald Trump wrote a blog post for his now-defunct Trump University website dismissing claims of “doom and gloom” and painting a much rosier picture of the real estate market.


As part of the program, Trump maintained a blog as “chairman of Trump University,” where he offered advice and thoughts on business and current events. While most of his posts were innocuous, one from September 2005, in which Trump dismissed “doom and gloom” real estate market predictions, proved to be particularly fraught in hindsight. While real estate prices soared throughout 2005, the market began to collapse in 2006 and reached full crisis mode by 2007.




Even worse, he started "Trump Mortgage" in 2006.  It tanked after a year and a half.  Great timing, world class businessman.  From Time Magazine:


In April 2006, Trump announced that, after years in the real estate business, he was launching a mortgage company. He held a glitzy press conference at which his son Donald Jr. predicted that Trump Mortgage would soon be the nation's No. 1 home-loan lender. Trump told CNBC, "Who knows more about financing than me?" Apparently, plenty. Within a year and a half, Trump Mortgage had closed shop. The would-be lending powerhouse was done in by timing (the housing market cratered in 2007) and ironically enough, given Trump's Apprentice TV show, poor hiring. The executive Trump selected to run his loan company, E.J. Ridings, claimed to have been a top executive at a prestigious investment bank. In reality, Ridings' highest role on Wall Street was as a registered broker, a position he held for a mere six days.



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Trump before the Iraq war saying he supports the invasion on the Howard Stern show.


"Yeah, I guess so," Trump said after Stern asked him if he favored invading Iraq. "You know, I wish the first time it was done correctly."




Even more:




"Well, I think Wall Street’s waiting to see what happens but even before the fact they’re obviously taking it a little bit for granted and it looks like a tremendous success from a military standpoint and I think this is really nothing compared to what you’re gonna see after the war is over. … I think Wall Street’s just gonna go up like a rocket, even beyond, and it’s gonna continue and, you know, we have a strong and powerful country and let’s hope it all works out."


April 30, 2003


"With the winter behind us and the war virtually over and possible signs of a strengthening economy, I am confident that we will rebound through the remainder of the year,” Trump concluded."


There is a lot more at the WashPo link.


2-14-2016 debate:


“I’m the only one on this stage that said, ‘Do not go into Iraq. Do not attack Iraq.’ Nobody else on this stage said that. And I said it loud and strong. And I was in the private sector. I wasn’t a politician, fortunately. But I said it, and I said it loud and clear, ‘You’ll destabilize the Middle East.’ That’s exactly what happened.”


When and where did he say that?


And that's where his claims have telling the truth and calling people are liar is going to blow back onto him.

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Trump Ejects Blacks From Rally 


Donald Trump spoke today at the gymnasium at Valdosta State University in Valdosta, Georgia.  Before the event began, he directed that a group of about 30 black students be ejected from the building.  The group was standing quietly waiting for the event to begin when they were informed by Secret Service agents that they would have to leave the building.


“We didn’t plan to do anything,” said a tearful Tahjila Davis, a 19-year-old mass media major, who was among the Valdosta State University students who was removed. “They said, 'This is Trump’s property; it’s a private event.' But I paid my tuition to be here.”



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Big day tomorrow.   I'm hoping Bernie secures more than Vermont but the polls I've looked at are gloomy on that score.


Ya know, one might think that a 'Skins fan would find that being in the cheering section for a "lost cause"  gets old to the point of aversion to anything resembling such.  


But regarding Bernie it's a once in a lifetime opportunity to back a genuine statesperson. I'll take it.







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