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Election 16: Donald Trumps wins Presidency. God Help us all!


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I'm still not convinced that the record turnout for Republicans isn't Democrats flocking to be independents or "one week republicans" just to cast a vote either against Trump (from fear) or for Trump (because they feel they can beat him). Realistically, if I'm a hard liberal who has decided to vote for the D regardless, doing such a thing isn't unimaginable. 


The question is, how many of these record numbers flocking to the GOP to vote for or against Trump will do so in the general?

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Always read the last paragraph:


"The 19,800 who left the Mass Dems represent about 1.3 percent of the 1.49 million enrolled in the party. And though the MassGOP gained several thousand voters, it actually lost more in the same time frame, when 5,911 quit the party to be unenrolled."


More people have actually left the GOP then joined during the period in question.  People are flooding away from Trump as much as to him.

Yeah it seems that for every person who moves towards Trump, more move away from him. Don't burst JMS's bubble though. Poor guy is on a roll.

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I'm curious if any of you have dissenting opinions with your spouse over who to vote for?  My wife and I will both be voting for the same party but it sounds like different candidates.  I think she is ****ing retarded for supporting who it sounds like she is going to support.  How do you all deal with that?


It's like I tell her I would divorce her if she became a Cowboys fan.  She points out that there are many couples who support opposing teams (not that she is considering switching).  I just don't see how people can stand a divided house like that. 

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I'm curious if any of you have dissenting opinions with your spouse over who to vote for?  My wife and I will both be voting for the same party but it sounds like different candidates.  I think she is ****ing retarded for supporting who it sounds like she is going to support.  How do you all deal with that?


It's like I tell her I would divorce her if she became a Cowboys fan.  She points out that there are many couples who support opposing teams (not that she is considering switching).  I just don't see how people can stand a divided house like that. 

Think of it this way. If you said your favorite player was Kirk Cousins and she said her favorite player was Ryan Kerrigan would you really hate her for it? Heck, if you said your favorite all time was Sean Taylor and she always loved Reed Doughty... you might disagree, but would you really hate her?

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Think of it this way. If you said your favorite player was Kirk Cousins and she said her favorite player was Ryan Kerrigan would you really hate her for it? Heck, if you said your favorite all time was Sean Taylor and she always loved Reed Doughty... you might disagree, but would you really hate her?

I get what you're saying and I'm not rising to the level of hate.  It's just that I am so adamant against who I think she is going to support.  It's like "I know I didn't marry someone this stupid" though I suppose I shouldn't open with that line.


EDIT:  Maybe a better analogy would be if she was a Vinny Cerato fan.  Sure, we are still supporting the same team but she is supporting someone who is really hurting the team.  And I can't support or come to terms with that.  Surly I'm not the only person dealing with this, right?

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I get what you're saying and I'm not rising to the level of hate.  It's just that I am so adamant against who I think she is going to support.  It's like "I know I didn't marry someone this stupid" though I suppose I shouldn't open with that line.

You could start with that line. All depends on how well you renovated the dog house?

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I'm curious if any of you have dissenting opinions with your spouse over who to vote for?  My wife and I will both be voting for the same party but it sounds like different candidates.  I think she is ****ing retarded for supporting who it sounds like she is going to support.  How do you all deal with that?


It's like I tell her I would divorce her if she became a Cowboys fan.  She points out that there are many couples who support opposing teams (not that she is considering switching).  I just don't see how people can stand a divided house like that.

I've never voted for the same person for President as my wife. I'm historically a moderate Republican (though I don't think such a thing can exist in the current national Republican party). My wife is far to the left and is excited to vote for Bernie Sanders.

We simply agree to disagree on a lot of issues.

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I get what you're saying and I'm not rising to the level of hate. It's just that I am so adamant against who I think she is going to support. It's like "I know I didn't marry someone this stupid" though I suppose I shouldn't open with that line.


I know what you're saying. I'm not sure I could have ever seriously dated, let alone married, someone with significant differences in political opinions. So if my wife suddenly came out as a serious Trump or Carson supporter for instance, it would definitely cause some problems in our household.

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I get what you're saying and I'm not rising to the level of hate.  It's just that I am so adamant against who I think she is going to support.  It's like "I know I didn't marry someone this stupid" though I suppose I shouldn't open with that line.


I know you're at least partly tongue in cheek, but I do think this speaks to Kilmer's "two Americas".


Plenty of presidents from both sides of the spectrum have been excellent shepherds of this nation. We MUST stop thinking of the opposing party, let alone opposing candidates within the same party, as an "us vs them" or an "opposing team" mentality. It's not healthy for us as a nation.


Frankly, I think we should go back to the way the founding fathers originally did it, where the second place vote became the vice president. That would really encourage the parties to nominate moderates who can reach across the aisle and work with each other.

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Frankly, I think we should go back to the way the founding fathers originally did it, where the second place vote became the vice president. That would really encourage the parties to nominate moderates who can reach across the aisle and work with each other.

I don't think that's what would happen. VPs would still be extremists and would actively work to undermine the President they are serving with (especially in a 1st term when they likely would be running against that person again).

And then VPs would just further be shut out from the process of governance, which would put them in a worse position to step in if something does happen to the President.

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Wow.  I just cannot fathom deciding who to date that way.

I cannot fathom NOT deciding that way.  If I were very pro-life, I couldn't imagine dating a very pro-choice person, or pick most any other topic to be on either side of.  Not saying we have to 100% agree on everything but I want to at least have the same general opinions on matters of importance as my spouse.

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Wow.  I just cannot fathom deciding who to date that way.


I've met numerous women that I had to cut it short with because of their political beliefs. It wasn't necessarily the beliefs in and of themselves, but it went deeper in regards to the values held close to their heart which dictated their political leanings.


Most of my social beliefs are pretty progressive. Being with somebody who fundamentally disagrees with me on something like the right to choose, gay marriage, etc is something I have a hard time getting past. Sort of like on Seinfeld where Jerry finds out one of his girlfriends used to date Newman.


As a non-believer, I actually have dated a pretty pious Christian girl. It didn't work out, but it wasn't an issue (surprisingly). So, maybe I'm just being short sighted.

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I cannot fathom NOT deciding that way.  If I were very pro-life, I couldn't imagine dating a very pro-choice person, or pick most any other topic to be on either side of.  Not saying we have to 100% agree on everything but I want to at least have the same general opinions on matters of importance as my spouse.


My wife is a pro-choice feminist.....that detests Hillary  :lol: and wanted Jeb!,we get along just fine.


my partner and his wife on the other hand are Trumpists that make JMS look reticent.


I might be going to jail if they don't shut up.

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I'm curious if any of you have dissenting opinions with your spouse over who to vote for?  My wife and I will both be voting for the same party but it sounds like different candidates.  I think she is ****ing retarded for supporting who it sounds like she is going to support.  How do you all deal with that?

Really long, completely OT, no need to read, but I think it's a really nice joke.

There was an episode of All In the Family that really stuck in my head. (Everybody who just said "What's that?" might as well quit now.)


Meathead and Gloria have announced that they're on their way down to McGovern headquarters, where they're volunteering for the guy they're going to vote for. 


Archie is, of course, outraged.  The very idea that hos own daughter and her Polak husband have actually gone so far as to be voting for that communist


Archie tries to talk them out of it.  He points out that it's their patriotic duty to vote for Nixon.  There's a war on. 


He points out that one vote really doesn;t make any difference, anyway.  It's a waste of time.  you're going to go and stand in line, just so you can do an anti-American act that's completely meaningless anyway. 


He even points out that he and Edith are going to be voting for Nixon.  Meaning that the Bunker Household will have exactly zero impact on the election, anyway.  So, how about instead, we just make a deal that none of them will vote.  (And that way he won;t have to live with the shame of knowing that his own family voted communist.) 


his kids will have none of it.  They're politically active hippies, and they're going to exercise their duty as Americans, because that's the moral thing to do. 


So Archie decides that if they're going to do that, then it's his duty to go down to the polling place and at least cancel their votes.  He tells Edith to go get in the car so they can go cancel the votes of their communist children. 


Edith has been trying to play peacemaker through the whole thing.  She reminds Archie about his speech that one vote won't make any difference, anyway.  Remember what you said about all the long lines?  And the paperwork? 


Archie is insistent.  It's his duty as a True American to go and stand against the communist acts performed by his hippie children.  He and Edith have a patriotic duty to go down their and cancel Meathead's and Gloria's votes. 


They go to the polling place.  And Archie can't vote.  He's not on the rolls, because he hasn't voted for 20 years. 


Archie is furious.  It's a communist conspiracy.  His meathead polak son in law can vote for a communist, but a patriotic upstanding American like Archie is being disenfranchised. 


But he insists that Edith go and vote.  She tries to talk him out of it.  He's upset, and one vote won;t matter anyway, and why don't we just go home, Archie?  Archie insists that she absolutely must go in there and vote, even if it's just to cancel one of their kids' communist votes. 


The last scene of the episode has the two of them sitting in front of the TV, as the election coverage starts.  Archie is still fuming.  The very idea that a good American like himself was denied his constitutional rights.  But what's really going to tick him off, is if that communist McGovern actually win the election by one vote. 


Edith:  "Or two". 


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I cannot fathom NOT deciding that way.




I've met numerous women that I had to cut it short with because of their political beliefs.



Keeping in mind - you have to be with someone who makes you happy and works for you, so my opinions on it are not important when it comes to who you choose to be with.


But to me that just means you've been sucked into identity politics. This view that people who don't share the same political views are somehow significantly different than you; i mean my god could you imagine marrying one of them?


My friends and family have a wide array of political beliefs and I don't hold it against any of them. I guess political views are very far down my list of priorities when I look at other people *shrug*

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I imagine there are a few philosophical deal breakers. Going over the top, I could never date someone who was a white supremacist or neo Nazi. Luckily, they would never date me either. The issue has to be a major one though. Religion isn't big enough as I've dated outside my religion. Politics isn't either generally.


There are some big ticket issues though... a couple shallow ones too (like smoking) I probably could deal with someone who did marijuana, but not tobacco.

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. Going over the top, I could never date someone who was a white supremacist or neo Nazi.


Well, that doesn't feel like a Political Views issue.


I also don't view one party as being a party of racists though. (Back to that identity politics)

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Keeping in mind - you have to be with someone who makes you happy and works for you, so my opinions on it are not important when it comes to who you choose to be with.

But to me that just means you've been sucked into identity politics. This view that people who don't share the same political views are somehow significantly different than you; i mean my god could you imagine marrying one of them?

My friends and family have a wide array of political beliefs and I don't hold it against any of them. I guess political views are very far down my list of priorities when I look at other people *shrug*

For clarity, it wouldn't have been an up front "check the box" type situation where I used political leanings to determine whether or not I dated someone. But I'm pretty outspoken politically, and it would have assuredly caused issues in any relationship where there were significant differences of opinion.

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