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Election 16: Donald Trumps wins Presidency. God Help us all!


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Any predictions for tomorrow ?

-Hillary wins all the southern states: Arkansas, Georgia, Virginia, Tennessee, Texas, and Alabama by about 25-35%.

-Hillary take Minnesota in a close one.

-Bernie wins Vermont with at least 70% of the vote.

-Bernie takes Colorado by a pretty big margin.

-Oklahoma is a surprise win for Bernie.

-Massachusetts is too close to call for most of the night.

That's my most realistic guess anyway. Hopefully it goes better than that.

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It doesn't "offend" me, it just makes me sad that we've gotten to the point where pretty much every lowbrow 5th grade schoolyard insult is being hurled back and forth by people who are actually being considered for President of the United States.


I feel like I'm in the movie Idiocracy.

Open systemic corruption offends me more. People not being able to pay for medicine, or education for their young offends me more. 10 Trillion dollars evaporating from the Treasury offends me more.

Defense Budgets which eclipse all reasonable proportions. Candidates who want to repeat the folly of the Iraq war where we spent thousands of lives and trillions of dollars and the war was lost by political leaders before the first shot was fired offend me more. To my mind if trump wants to get those other pukes on stage a Bronx cheer that's lite to what I would do to Cruze or Rubio or Kasich or Hillary.

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These are prominent republicans publicly arguing whether the KKK should be a part of their constituency.

But racism is dead. And republicans don't actually court these voters, if you know, they existed.

I don't know if Laura Ingrham is all that prominent, and I don't think Tucker Carlson was ever prominent.

And if senators want to badmouth the guy their own party just made their Presidential nominee, I say go for it. It would be suicide, given by winning the primary he would already be more popular with the national party than any individual senator, including Mitch McConnell. And you think the Clinton's hold a grudge? Go for it, I think that's more wishful thinking by folks who don't like republicans.

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Got me back in the spirit!



...speaking of which, my hope is entwined with that very notion.  That is that perhaps the SC Stomping could motivate some "unlikely to vote" apathetic members of the body politic who lean Bernie or don't like Hilary to head to the polls.  In the spirit of "we ain't going out like that..."



Remember the Tampa game of last season!  Down a whole lot, which worked as a wake up call and went a long way to saving the season.


But anyway, never doubt that by the light of reason your command of ideas involving matters of who's best fit to captain the ship of state




will work to convince.  


When it's all said and done I'm betting that you will have performed a superlative job in outlining that Bernie is most suited to  charting the best possible course, the harmony of the crew  and dealing with whatever outside exigencies crop up along the way.











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And So it Starts..




Amid Trump Surge Nearly 20000 Mass Voters Quit the Democratic Party




The primary reason? Galvin (Democratic Mass. Secretary of State William Galvin ) said his “guess” is simple: “The Trump phenomenon,” a reference to GOP frontrunner Donald Trump, who polls show enjoying a massive lead over rivals Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz and others among Massachusetts Republican voters.

“The tenor of the Republican campaign has been completely different from what we’ve seen in prior Republican presidential campaigns,” Galvin said. “You have to look no farther than the viewership for some of the televised debates.

“The New York Times referred to the campaign as crude; I suppose that’s fair,” added Galvin, a Democrat. “The fact of the matter is the tenor has been very different this time. And that has an effect. People are interested. It’s exciting.”

Galvin said the state could see as many as 700,000 voting in tomorrow’s Republican primary, a significant number given just 468,000 people are actually registered Republicans. In Massachusetts. unenrolled — otherwise known as independent — voters can cast a ballot in the primary of any party....

That's in Ma. probable the most loyal Democratic State in the Country.. That's like mass defection from Republicans in Utah for pete sake...

It's not too late.. Vote Bernie tomorrow or risk 4 years of Trump!!

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Donald Trump Is Paying Himself to Run for President


To sift through the disbursements of presidential campaigns, disclosed to the Federal Election Commission, is to be inundated by pages upon pages of mundane revelations regarding the behavior of the semi-human.


Ted Cruz’s campaign spent $110 at 1-800 Flowers on March 19. John Kasich’s frequents an office cleaning service in Ohio. Hillary Clinton’s camp is a recurrent customer at Alley Cat Pizzeria in Manchester. Ben Carson’s staff eats at Wendy’s.


In some ways, Donald Trump’s campaign is just like any other. His staff racks up bills from Staples and Burger Heaven, McDonald’s, Famous Original Ray’s Pizza and Taco Bell. But the tinsel-haired reality TV star has an obvious advantage over his rivals: the name that seems to come up most often on the list of businesses the Trump campaign pays is…Trump.


Between June 16, when he announced his candidacy from the lobby of Trump Tower, through the end of 2015, the Trump campaign spent $2.2 million patronizing Trump businesses.

According to The Sunlight Foundation, after the period ending February 20, Trump will have spent $17.5 million of his own funds on his campaign—68% of the total amount he’s raised since June. $7.7 million has come from donations to his website, which features a prominent “DONATE” button in its upper right-hand corner.


But to the FEC, campaign money is just campaign money. The FEC doesn’t differentiate between money put into a campaign by the public or by the candidate.
“This is sort of a strange gray area of the law that I don’t think the FEC has ever addressed,” Paul Ryan, of the Campaign Legal Center, told me.


Were Trump to profit from, say, the sale of 15 Ivanka’s Salads, Ryan said it would be a “technical violation” of FEC law, “but it doesn’t make sense for it to be a violation.”

Why should it matter, in other words, if it was his own money to begin with, if it is being recirculated back into his pocket throughout the course of the campaign?


The 2002 McCain-Feingold Act stipulates that, although candidates can spend as much money as they want on their campaigns, there’s a limited amount of time in the aftermath of a campaign during which the candidate can pay themselves back. It’s why Carly Fiorina emptied her account back into her own pocket the day before election day in 2010. But there’s no law that specifically addresses what to do if a candidate finds a way to make a profit, or at least neutralize their loss, during a campaign.




Donald Trump erotica novel is a huuuge hit on Amazon
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BEGALA: Enthusiasm gap ‘keeps me up at night’

FEBRUARY 29, 2016


Democratic operatives smell disaster coming in November.

Appearing on CNN over the weekend, consultant Paul Begala acknowledged Democrats have a big problem when it comes to Americans being excited about electing their candidates. ( Not all of their candidates.. Just one )..

"70% of conservatives say they are excited about this race.. Only 40% of millennial's say they are excited. Bernie's doing his job, he had 200 staffers in SC, more than Iowa or NH."

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Pat Buchanan:


Regardless of nominee, Trump surge marks 'death rattle' of establishment

The first four Republican contests – Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada – produced record turnouts.

While the prospect of routing Hillary Clinton and recapturing the White House brought out the true believers, it was Donald Trump’s name on the ballot and his calls for economic patriotism, border security and an end to imperial wars that brought out the throngs.

The crowds that continue to come out for his appearances and the vast audiences he has attracted to GOP debates testify to his drawing power.

Moreover, Trump has now been endorsed by Gov. Chris Christie, ex-chairman of the Republican Governors Association, and Sen. Jeff Sessions, one of the most respected conservatives on Capitol Hill......

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After careful review of that reporter getting choke slammed, dude has some brass ones or no concept of dealing with law enforcement. He was asked to step back politely and went chest to chest (bumped the agent) and i think he dropped a good "f you" inches from the agents face. That move would invite punches in church, that's usually a fast track "stop resisting" *punch punch punch* when one guy has a badge normally. So he gets choke slammed, but this guy is no ones coward he starts kicking the agent. Then gets up and angrily grabs the agents neck to show the grand injustice that had befallen him. I don't think he was arrested. Incredible.

I'm not sure what kind of privilege that is, I suspect it's the privilege of having so many cameras around, but with the back drop of black students being herded out of a Trump rally to provide a sobering contrast. The media missed the story hoping to pin it on Trump, who had nothing to do with it, and demonize the agent.

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But anyway, never doubt that by the light of reason your command of ideas involving matters of who's best fit to captain the ship of state

The light of reason most certainly leads to our side, unfortunately a good many appear to be blind to that luminescence.

But you do remind me to stop quibbling about Hillary and electability, and get back to explaining why Bernie is America's best choice.


Why Bernie Sanders is America’s best choice

. . .

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I really don't like electability arguments. It reminds me of why George Washington hated the idea of political parties. Vote for the best person with the best plan who will best lead America forward and through a crisis.


If you think that's Sanders then vote for Sanders. If you think that's Trump vote for Trump. If you think that's Rubio, Cruz, Hillary, Kasich, or Kermit the Frog... that's who you should vote for.


Don't be a one issue voter though. Don't cast your vote on abortion or gun control or even the economy. Think through what the President must lead us through. The person who can best deal with domestic and foreign affairs should earn your vote. If enough people agree then that is who should sit in the Oval Office.


Mind you, if you think the person is Donald Trump... remember voting never occurs on a Tuesday. The national election is held on a Thursday this year. That announcement thing??? That's just another poll. All the people lining up on Tuesday? That's just early voting...doesn't get counted. Trump voters should cast their ballots on Thursday December 2nd.

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And So it Starts..


That's in Ma. probable the most loyal Democratic State in the Country.. That's like mass defection from Republicans in Utah for pete sake...

It's not too late.. Vote Bernie tomorrow or risk 4 years of Trump!!

It must be rough to have to choose between a Socialist and a Felon. 

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Electability is yet to be determined by the actual events of the campaign. Sanders has weaknesses that have not been attacked. How does he stand up to an alpha male competition in a debate that Trump thrives on? Can Trump use that tactic on Hillary? According to polls both sides are choosing their least electable candidate.

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If anyone is getting tired of Politics, Bubba's Redskins Breaking News has actual Redskins news to read.

Actual news or more speculation.


(I read two articles already this morning. Thanks for the endless, tireless, and too infrequently appreciated work)

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JMS has finally convinced me.

Trump really could walk down Fifth Ave and shoot someone, and his supporters would still defend him.

Does Donald Trump remind anyone else of Lex Luthor?

Ted Cruz reminds me of Martin Sheen's character in The Dead Zone.

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And So it Starts..


That's in Ma. probable the most loyal Democratic State in the Country.. That's like mass defection from Republicans in Utah for pete sake...

It's not too late.. Vote Bernie tomorrow or risk 4 years of Trump!!


Always read the last paragraph:


"The 19,800 who left the Mass Dems represent about 1.3 percent of the 1.49 million enrolled in the party. And though the MassGOP gained several thousand voters, it actually lost more in the same time frame, when 5,911 quit the party to be unenrolled."


More people have actually left the GOP then joined during the period in question.  People are flooding away from Trump as much as to him.

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