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Election 16: Donald Trumps wins Presidency. God Help us all!


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Because Trump is FOX News. He's Limbaugh, O'Reilly, Hannity, and Savage. He personifies the Republican discourse. He reflects their anger, invective, and their disregard for truth in favor of scoring points.


......... No matter how much they protest or revile that thought.

 The reason why Trump is winning is because he's the most popular candidate on the GOP side. I will grant you that his negatives are high... But claiming his favorability is half of what Cruz's or Rubio's  and his negatives are twice as high as theirs are, given Trump has nearly twice their support in delegates is absurd.


It's frankly beyond absurd, it's self indulgent fantasy.

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BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH.. The reason why Trump is winning is because that poll is wrong. The reason why Trump is winning is because he's the most popular candidate on the GOP side. I will grant you that his negatives are high... But claiming his favorability is half of what Cruz's or Rubio's are, given Trump has nearly twice their support in delegates is absurd.

So now we're there. Finally got to the meat of it. You simply don't believe the polling data. At this point there probably isn't much need for anyone to give you data anymore because you'll eventually just dismiss it and say you don't believe the poll.


This is hilarious. Remember what happened to the Romney people when they refused to believe the polls in 2012?

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Because right now he is running against scumbags like Ted Cruz?

No no.. according to the poll Ted Cruz has twice Trumps favorabilities and half his unfavorabilities.

According to that poll Trump should have dropped out before Carly and Mike Huckabee...


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But who should have been the nomination? The uber liberal Sanders (who, despite a few posters opinions of, doesn't represent the majority of the party - imho)?

Sanders is a fantastic candidate, honest and principled as the day as long, a stellar voting record, supported by an unprecedented grassroots movement, not billionaires.

And he is about as liberal as Teddy or FDR, and not much more liberal than Ike.

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Democrats draw plan to shatter the GOP


Democrats are drawing blueprints for stealing GOP moderates from a rightward-driving Republican Party, saying the heist is key to scoring a White House win in November.

Democracy Corps’ Stan Greenberg, a prominent national Democratic pollster, released data Monday morning that suggest moderate Republicans — nearly a third of the GOP base — are being ignored by their presidential candidates. These Republicans don’t revile Planned Parenthood — in fact, many prefer the women’s health group to pro-life groups and candidates who take hard-line stances on abortion. They’re supportive of same-sex marriage. They’re not enamored of the NRA. They have less rigid attitudes about sex. They accept climate science.


Still, the poll shows that GOP moderates may be pliable — and that Democratic efforts to corral GOP votes shouldn’t end with just looking for moderates. The results show that Catholic Republicans are similarly out of step with the Republican base. They’re less hostile to government regulation and generally agree that those making more than $250,000 a year should pay “a lot” more in taxes.

These tactics could be even more potent if Donald Trump is the nominee. The winning arguments, Greenberg says his research shows, include convincing these Republicans that Trump is an egomaniac, that he’s disrespectful to women, that he can’t be trusted with the nation’s nuclear arsenal, that he has no clean energy agenda and that he’s hostile to global trade.

The poll shows that Trump, more than his leading rivals, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz, would cause Republicans to rethink their party loyalty. About one in five say they would either not vote or are unsure whom they’d support — or even consider supporting a third-party candidate — if Trump is the nominee. Among Catholics and moderates, these figures jump even further.

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This isn't true.  Please just stop making stuff up.


I've already posted a link on Trumps negatives in this thread.



It's amazing how much stuff you make up on the fly without a shroud of evidence backing it up.



Ok..I'll edit.

What's your proof, JMS?



I'm starting to wonder if this is a Andy Kaufman type of act.



I think we'll be waiting a long time for that one.



Still waiting on evidence for literally anything you stated in your earlier post. Your thoughts and feelings don't count.




Yeah, but...he just like, KNOWS, man. He feels it in his gut.



EDIT: Seriously, I'm not usually a grammar or spelling nazi but can you PLEASE PLEASE stop saying "loose" when you mean "lose", JMS? It is driving me nuts.


When we sent him in for maintenance at Cyberdyne Systems last year they told me that they had worked out the kinks in the program. And it worked beautifully for about 6 months until this thread. Looks like the issue was more complicated than first envisioned.  But I'm not giving up hope yet. He could be the greatest single accomplishment in the history of humanity if we just work out the last remaining bugs in the program.

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So now we're there. Finally got to the meat of it. You simply don't believe the polling data. At this point there probably isn't much need for anyone to give you data anymore because you'll eventually just dismiss it and say you don't believe the poll.


This is hilarious. Remember what happened to the Romney people when they refused to believe the polls in 2012?

The color of the sky in your universe must be plaid. I don't believe polls that say Mike Huckabee who dropped out of this race a month ago are better candidates than the guy with a nearly 2-1 lead in an ongoing primary.

And that doesn't make ME the one denying reality.

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The color of the sky in your universe must be plaid. I don't believe polls that say Mike Huckabee who dropped out of this race a month ago are better candidates than the guy with a nearly 2-1 lead in an ongoing primary.

And that doesn't make ME the one denying reality.

So which specific part of their process for collecting polling, and which specific part of their statistical analysis do you believe they screwed up so badly?

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Sanders is a fantastic candidate, honest and principled as the day as long, a stellar voting record, supported by an unprecedented grassroots movement, not billionaires.

And he is about as liberal as Teddy or FDR, and not much more liberal than Ike.


We know. You have said it like 30 times a day on this thread alone. Really, you should just embed it in your sig line. It'll save you the time. 

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No no.. according to the poll Ted Cruz has twice Trumps favorabilities and half his unfavorabilities.

According to that poll Trump should have dropped out before Carly and Mike Huckabee...


I refuse to believe that there is a human being this dense. Do you read?


There is no way he's not just trolling all of us.


Actually, I'll go with this. 

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Another Trump lie: "I am funding my own campaign. I've spent 25 million dollars of my own money so far."

What he doesn't say is that is money he's lent to his campaign.  He will be reimbursed that money by campaign finances.

Hillary, Jeb, Cruz, Rubio are raising between 150-80 million for their campaigns. In the last campaign disclosures trump raised about 2 million and loaned his campaign 10.

If you think that's a trump liability, you are welcome to use that in the general.

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Hillary, Jeb, Cruz, Rubio are raising between 150-80 million for their campaigns. In the last campaign disclosures trump raised about 2 million and loaned his campaign 10.

If you think that's a trump liability, you are welcome to use that in the general.

Not a liability, just a lie.

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So which specific part of their process for collecting polling, and which specific part of their statistical analysis do you believe they screwed up so badly?

First Mr Tim, let's vet you as a reasonable thinking individual.

(1) Is trump more popular than Mike Huckabee or Carly Fiorinina? Does trump have less than their favor abilities? Does trump also have nearly double their negatives?

Answer me that. and let's confirm we both live in the same universe before we start discussing physical constants in said universe.

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Sanders is a fantastic candidate, honest and principled as the day as long, a stellar voting record, supported by an unprecedented grassroots movement, not billionaires.

And he is about as liberal as Teddy or FDR, and not much more liberal than Ike.


This is why I'm more comfortable with Hillary,  At least I can tell myself that Hillary is lying about some of things she intends to accomplish.  I actually believe that Sanders is going to try to do the things he claims, which scares the **** out of me.


How's that for an optimistic view of the state of American politics?

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