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Election 16: Donald Trumps wins Presidency. God Help us all!


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Yeah, I'm sure after everything he has said about Mexicans and females that they will rush out to vote for him.


Both are supporting him now....he doesn't need to win the majority, just enough


Ya'll kept asking for the GOP to move to the middle....welcome to hell  :P

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Holy crap, is Delusion on sale today at Walmart or something?


And what will Trump do to combat how much he is disliked by independents and even moderate Republicans? How is he going to get them on his side, given how much they seem to not be able to stand him? What about the Hispanic vote? His disapproval numbers with Latinos is historically bad (no surprise there). Are these extremely important voting blocs just going to disappear? Or is he going to use some sort of Trump magic wand and make them forget how much they loathe him?

Trump doens't have to do anything to combat his disapproval rating because if he's matched against Hillary disapproval basically cancels itself out.

And in case you have' t notices on Hispanic vote.. Trump won the hispanic vote in Nevada and SC by nearly 2-1 vs two cuban guys he's running again. Hillary is going to win the minority vote, and she's going to have a week turn out, and she's going to loose just about everybody else with a week turn out.

Trumps not only going to win, he's going to win big..

While his ideas aren't well thought out, at least he has ideas. Hillary doesn't have a single original idea of her own she's running on. That's ultimately would have cost her the primary if she didn't have it handled administratively. That will absolutely cost her the general.

Trumps a builder.. we need a builder to rebuild our infrastructure.. Business Sense.

Trumps a leader. We need someone with his business leadership skills to get decent trade deals, decent legislative deals.. and a better non embarrassing process for our Vet's healthere. And while these ideas are not terrible ambitious They are absolutely better than nothing.. which is what Hillary has used to win the Dem Primary.

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Oh please that's ludicrous.


How much did they paid to conduct that poll?




You think your poll is unbiased?


even in it he got 5% running in a three way race AS a independent  :lol:


Ludicrous seems a popular way to describe the madness occurring :blink: 




after all ,would you have called the Christie endorsement?  

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I think there is a good chance that in a general election, a lot of moderates and apathetics will come out of the woodwork to vote against Trump, and I do think it could be enough for the GOP to lose almost every battleground state.  


I know quite a few people that have said something along the lines of: I don't ever vote, but I'll definitely go vote against Trump if he's the candidate. No way in hell am I letting him be president.


But I always think - yeah, sure, the person that's never bothered to vote before is going to actually get off their ass and go vote now.


I'll believe it when I see it. People who find reasons to not vote are going to continue to find reasons to not vote. At the end of the day it requires you to actually make the time to go do it. You don't develop a history of not voting for no reason. It's because you don't value it.

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Here's conservative flag bearer George Will weighing in on Donald J. Trump:


Donald Trump’s distinctive rhetorical style — think of a drunk with a bullhorn reading aloud James Joyce’s “Finnegans Wake” under water — poses an almost insuperable challenge to people whose painful duty is to try to extract clarity from his effusions. For example, on Friday, during a long stream of semi-consciousness in Fort Worth, this man who as president would nominate members of the federal judiciary vowed to “open up” libel laws to make it easier to sue — to intimidate and punish — people who write “negative” things. Well.


Trump, the thin-skinned tough guy, resembles a campus crybaby who has wandered out of his “safe space.” It is not news that he has neither respect for nor knowledge of the Constitution, and he probably is unaware that he would have to “open up” many Supreme Court First Amendment rulings in order to achieve his aim. His obvious aim is to chill free speech, for the comfort of the political class, of which he is now a gaudy ornament.


More than anything Marco Rubio said about Trump in Houston, it was Rubio’s laughter at Trump that galled the perhaps-bogus billionaire. Like all bullies, Trump is a coward, and like all those who feel the need to boast about being strong and tough, he is neither.



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he seems to do well in every demographic....but I agree the black vote might not split much.....as usual



 be afraid



25% of the black vote?



That poll was from last Labor Day, and was an automated robo-poll, which are notorious for being even more unreliable than regular polls.  


please stop

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She's never faced an opponent as absurdly divisive and unequalified as Trump. 10% is the +/-. GOP insiders know this. That's why people like Rove are desperate to stop The Donald.

You mean absurdly decisive as herself. This election will not be won or lost by who is the least likable.

This election will be won or lost as all American elections are won or lost on who has the best ideas for the domestic US economy. American's vote their pocketbooks and economic / trade issues will be king once again.

Hillary's big problem here is she has no ideas. She will come out and try to discredit Trumps ideas but again that won't win her any elections. She has to have ideas of her own to actually win the election and she doesn't. Her entire political philosophy works against her having original ideas. Trump wants to rebuild America's infrastructure. Hillary will say it's too expensive? We can't do that? Trump wants better trade deals than those which relegate the US to 50 billion dollar deficit with Mexico and a 500 Billion dollar deficit with China. And Hillary is going to say what those trade deals are fair?

You can't be the candidate of "no you can't" and expect to win.

Yeah, in a race for President of the United States of America we are now at the point where we have candidates making dick jokes about their opponent.

and if that is why you are offended in this election, I'd say you must have slept threw the last 25 years.

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Yeah, in a race for President of the United States of America we are now at the point where we have candidates making dick jokes about their opponent.


Lots of people pretending that they aren't witnessing the demolition of the Republican Party as we know it.


The Economist had a great cartoon that summarizes Republicans coming out of the denial stage and entering acceptance.



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You think your poll is unbiased?


even in it he got 5% running in a three way race AS a independent  :lol:


Ludicrous seems a popular way to describe the madness occurring :blink:  


Look, I edited my post.


But it almost certainly better reflects reality  What % are going to vote for Jeb?  3%.  That's 8% of the African American vote not going to Hillary, and the Republican label on Trump is going to scare African Americans off.


There is no way that he's pulling in a large % of African Americans and still behind her in national polls unless you start proposing other crazy ideas like there is some huge line of Republicans that are going to switch over to Hillary.


It is the same as JMS' 20% democrats are going to vote for Trump over Hillary poll.  If you take the person that's easily winning Republican primaries and take 20-25% of the likely Democratic vote (and that's what 25% of the African American vote is) should be killing the corresponding Democrat.


Unless you are also going to claim that person is losing 20-25% of the expected Republican vote going the other way.


If I give Romney 20% of the African American vote, he beats Obama.


Why isn't Trump killing Hillary in other polls?


Are they all wrong?

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I know quite a few people that have said something along the lines of: I don't ever vote, but I'll definitely go vote against Trump if he's the candidate. No way in hell am I letting him be president.


But I always think - yeah, sure, the person that's never bothered to vote before is going to actually get off their ass and go vote now.


I'll believe it when I see it. People who find reasons to not vote are going to continue to find reasons to not vote. At the end of the day it requires you to actually make the time to go do it. You don't develop a history of not voting for no reason. It's because you don't value it.



Generally true.  Sadly, it is particularly true for young people.


Nevertheless, when the country is as divided as it is right now, you don't need that many extra voters to swing a battleground state.   Places like Florida, Ohio, Virginia and Colorado all have come down to a mere handful of votes in recent years.   

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Lots of people pretending that they aren't witnessing the demolition of the Republican Party as we know it.


The Economist had a great cartoon that summarizes Republicans coming out of the denial stage and entering acceptance.




Cute, but I see a big ass elephant


It is just a manifestation of the so-cons and libertarians loss of influence and the neo-cons being nuetered


enjoy the tusks ya brought on yourselves

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Trump explanation #1:  http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-idUSMTZSAPEC2TBIQTGK?utm_source=twitter

"I'm sitting in a house in Florida with a very bad earpiece that they gave me, and you could hardly hear what he was saying, but what I heard was various groups," Trump said on NBC's "Today" show.


Trump explanation #2:


Holy **** this is amazing. Trump's spokesdummy Pierson just tried to say Trump thought @jaketapper was talking about a different David Duke.
11:51 AM





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and if that is the most offensive thing to you in this election, I'd say you slept threw the last 25 years.

It doesn't "offend" me, it just makes me sad that we've gotten to the point where pretty much every lowbrow 5th grade schoolyard insult is being hurled back and forth by people who are actually being considered for President of the United States.


I feel like I'm in the movie Idiocracy.

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Hillary's big problem here is she has no ideas. She will come out and try to discredit Trumps ideas but again that won't win her any elections. The has to have ideas of her own to actually win the election and she doest. Her entire political philosophy works against her having original ideas. Trump wants to rebuild America's infrastructure. Hillary will say it's too expensive? We can't do that?


Hillary is going to say she's for rebuilding the US infrastructure too.


It is already on her web page:




And that she's been calling for more infrastructure spending for years:



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I know quite a few people that have said something along the lines of: I don't ever vote, but I'll definitely go vote against Trump if he's the candidate. No way in hell am I letting him be president.

But I always think - yeah, sure, the person that's never bothered to vote before is going to actually get off their ass and go vote now.

I'll believe it when I see it. People who find reasons to not vote are going to continue to find reasons to not vote. At the end of the day it requires you to actually make the time to go do it. You don't develop a history of not voting for no reason. It's because you don't value it.

I think there is a big chunk of regular GOP voters who stay at home. I've heard chip say he wouldn't vote in Trump vs Hillary. Kilmer may have as well. You?

My buddy is a middle of the road guy, voted Romney last time, and he said he'd be holding his nose and voting Hillary if Trump is the nominee.

The moderate, lean conservative type is going to have a hard time with this. Trump isn't going to win of lot of them over, and that's a big enough part of the electorate to make it a really ugly election for the GOP.

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The video of the photog being choke slammed is insane. Is the full story out there? Did he go after somebody or was just taking pics?

According to him he stepped out of the Press pen to take a picture of the Black Lives Matter protesters that were being ejected and was immediately choked and slammed to the ground.

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I think there is a big chunk of regular GOP voters who stay at home. I've heard chip say he wouldn't vote in Trump vs Hillary. Kilmer may have as well. You?



I'm not a regular GOP voter.  I haven't voted for them in a while.


I can't decide if I should try to vote for the one GOP person I like, or vote for Sanders in the primary tomorrow. I only get to vote in one. On election day I have no idea who I will vote for we have a ways to go.

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