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Guys I need recommendations on the next TV series I should start watching.


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I started watching American Horror Story late last week, but fell asleep in the middle of the pilot. Busy right now but I might check it again later tonight. I like spooky/supernatural tv shows.


That little girl warned them, man. "You'll die in there." They sure did.

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I started watching American Horror Story late last week, but fell asleep in the middle of the pilot. Busy right now but I might check it again later tonight. I like spooky/supernatural tv shows.


That little girl warned them, man. "You'll die in there." They sure did.

I highly recommend American Horror Story, all three seasons have been really good.


If you haven't checked out SuperNatural, do so.  They do a season right, 20+ episodes a season, its in 9 now I think.  ****ing great show.

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I highly recommend American Horror Story, all three seasons have been really good.


If you haven't checked out SuperNatural, do so.  They do a season right, 20+ episodes a season, its in 9 now I think.  ****ing great show.


Yeah I am familiar with Supernatural. Watched quite a bit of season 1, as well as any of the episodes that may come on in the morning occasionally. Lost interest after awhile though

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My favorite 2 series of all time are Lost (which most have watched and love or don't ) and the other is the 2004 Battlestar Galactica. I love that series. There is so much that is awesome. I've seen it through 2 times. I just started it again this past weekend and we've been stuck in the snow, so almost through season 2.

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My favorite 2 series of all time are Lost (which most have watched and love or don't ) and the other is the 2004 Battlestar Galactica. I love that series. There is so much that is awesome. I've seen it through 2 times. I just started it again this past weekend and we've been stuck in the snow, so almost through season 2.

Number 6 - the highlight of a great tv show.  One of my favorites too.



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My favorite 2 series of all time are Lost (which most have watched and love or don't ) and the other is the 2004 Battlestar Galactica. I love that series. There is so much that is awesome. I've seen it through 2 times. I just started it again this past weekend and we've been stuck in the snow, so almost through season 2.


I think I am the only person in the world that hated the Battlestar Galactica reboot.   I was excited and tuned in the first episode, only to learn that the Cylons had been for the most part replaced with, humans.  I mean, Cylons that look like humans.  It went downhill from there.  The physics of the space battles were supposed to be unique, but came off as rather boring to me, and as the show went on, rare.  I only tuned in for about 5 episodes until I got tired of the cliche, who's really human ongoing storyline.  Also the corny overuse of the word "curse" word frack.  I would tune in once in a blue moon when the show got to syndication, just in case it was a slow pick up.  But still got bored rather quickly. 

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I think I am the only person in the world that hated the Battlestar Galactica reboot.   I was excited and tuned in the first episode, only to learn that the Cylons had been for the most part replaced with, humans.  I mean, Cylons that look like humans.  It went downhill from there.  


Actually, The Cylons resembling humans is a plot line from the orginal BSG. the org. BSG was retooled in 1980

The fleet found earth,but couldn't reveal themselves to 1980 earthlings. One Cylon fighter followed them to earth

The crew was made up 2 Centurions & a commander who looked human.

But BSG;1980 really sucked & only lasted 1 season


I was watching Breakin Bad & currently Walking Dead ,can't wait for " Better Call Saul" in Nov.

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The wife and I have been watching Lost Girl a lot.


We binge watched seasons 1-3 on Netflix about a month ago, and are watching it again in between season 4 episodes on SyFy. It is a Canadian show in the same genre as True Blood and the like, and has been nominated for several Gemini awards (Canadian Emmy). Decent cast with a great chemistry, interesting storylines if you are into that sort of fiction, sex about every other episode....but we watch it for the story, I swear!

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The wife and I have been watching Lost Girl a lot.


We binge watched seasons 1-3 on Netflix about a month ago, and are watching it again in between season 4 episodes on SyFy. It is a Canadian show in the same genre as True Blood and the like, and has been nominated for several Gemini awards (Canadian Emmy). Decent cast with a great chemistry, interesting storylines if you are into that sort of fiction, sex about every other episode....but we watch it for the story, I swear!


That show is pure guilty pleasure. I still think Ksenia Solo (Kensi) is hotter than Anna Silk (Bo).

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I just watched the first episode of The Wire last night. I have to say I wasnt impressed. I'm going to give it a good 4-5 more episodes as I know things take time to get started, but from all the praise I figured it'd have me hooked right away likeTrue Detective or Breaking Bad.

Let the characters develop. There are so many good ones. Stringer Bell and Omar are my favorites. The last three seasons of The Wire are so epic.

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I just watched the first episode of The Wire last night. I have to say I wasnt impressed. I'm going to give it a good 4-5 more episodes as I know things take time to get started, but from all the praise I figured it'd have me hooked right away likeTrue Detective or Breaking Bad.


As others have said, don't go on one episode.  I'm not sure you can really do that with any show.


I did prefer Breaking Bad to the The Wire, but The Wire was great.  You will see a bigger story arc the more you get into it.  It gets very interesting as you go through the seasons, see all the different perspectives and influences on the drug problem in Baltimore, and see the characters develop and change.  


The millions of us who say it is a great show are not all crazy.  

The Wire was a show that does take a few episodes, and then it takes off. I usually advise new viewers to wait until Omar ' s character is fully established before finalizing your opinion.


Omar is one of THE GREAT TV characters of all time.  Can't agree more.  And Stringer Bell really captivated me also.  

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I read that FX is working on an American Psycho TV series that will take place years after the movie and Bateman will be training an apprentice to take over his evil doings.  


Have y'all checked out the Pilot TV shows on Amazon Prime?  I have watched The After and enjoyed it.  Definitely hoping it catches on.  I also watched The Rebels and thought it was funny as ****, hoping it catches on too.  


Bosch looks like it will be good, crime/drama, haven't got around to viewing it yet.  

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I thought it was very good, haven't the read the books though.

3/9 just got done with a binge of Orphan Black on Amazon - excellent show, I can't wait for this coming season.

Orphan black is great. Also if you don't mind subtitles check out The Returned on Netflix. The new show Resurrection is based on The Returned. It's really super awesome.

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