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Manti Te'o's supposedly dead girlfriend is a hoax - Deadspin


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Because can't get blood from a stone

Plus he probably just wants it to all go away, not show up in the headlines again.

Just my guess.....

---------- Post added January-25th-2013 at 12:47 PM ----------

Will he be the first with a negative score?

If your character has been dragged through the mud due to a hoax, wouldn't you want to sue? If anything, that would show a lot of people that he's 100% serious about NOT being involved.

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Wow. I can't believe how many of you "men" are still talking about this. Really? Most of you had your DVR's set for the Couric interview, didn't you?:ols:

Right...because it's a true judge of one's masculinity if you're discussing one of the biggest stories in sports. Go sit down.

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Wow. I can't believe how many of you "men" are still talking about this. Really? Most of you had your DVR's set for the Couric interview, didn't you?:ols:
No. Far from it. Faaaaaaaaaaaaaar from it. :silly:
Whoever decided to cut to the girl laughing in the audience after Teo's answer needs to be nominated for Best Director in a daytime TV interview. It's like they knew they were creating an amazing internet GIF and adding that extra scene would put it over the top.
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Right...because it's a true judge of one's masculinity if you're discussing one of the biggest stories in sports. Go sit down.

No, but it makes one wonder how many of you are sporting meggings. I thought gossip was left to women? This non-story has gotten completely out of control.

Quit being sensitive.

---------- Post added January-25th-2013 at 02:07 PM ----------

No. Far from it. Faaaaaaaaaaaaaar from it. :silly:

Ha ha. Nice.

Saw it on the internet. They can't put anything on the internet that isn't true.

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No, but it makes one wonder how many of you are sporting meggings. I thought gossip was left to women? This non-story has gotten completely out of control.

Quit being sensitive.

---------- Post added January-25th-2013 at 02:07 PM ----------

Ha ha. Nice.

Saw it on the internet. They can't put anything on the internet that isn't true.

Again...we are discussing one of the biggest stories in sports. If you don't like it, keep it moving....which it seems like you're having a hard time doing. You are adding nothing to the topic other than trying to take shots at other members due to whatever hangups you have.

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This story is getting loonier and loonier by the day.

Now it's just getting irritating. "Confirmed" reports are being thrown in the trash in a matter of hours.

I hope the next twist is that it wasn't actually Manti Te'o that got "hoaxed," it was Rex Ryan.

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It was so overly defensive it does make you wonder. Hell I was half expecting him to pull a George Costanze and scream at Katie "You want to have sex right now? Come on, let's do it! Right now!!!".

Sounds like a heterosexual kid to me.

The *kid* part is the most important when trying to understand Te'o. He clearly hasn't quite grown up yet and his naiveté is just the tip of the iceberg. Seriously, we keep talking about him as an adult but just imagine him as high school kid and suddenly everything he said and did makes a lot more sense.

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You at least going to come out and admit you were wrong about Te'o lying after December 6th?

Sure, if you are going to admit I was right about the other 95% of the story. :ols:

---------- Post added January-29th-2013 at 05:34 PM ----------

The best thing to come from this is Jon Stewart's Tuiasosopo jokes. They really don't get old.

Nah - The best joke wasn't even about Te'o. :evilg:

Found in one of the twitter feeds posted in the first pages of this thread:

Whenever I'm feeling a little down I just imagine a frustrated libertarian playing SimCity, and that brightens my day.
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Sure, if you are going to admit I was right about the other 95% of the story. :ols:

Lol what are you even talking about? I admitted that a long time ago. By the 3rd day we were almost in complete agreement except for the fact that you kept trying to make Te'o out to be this poor victim only and doubted that he really lied about anything. It was baffling to damn near everybody in the thread.

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Wow. I can't believe how many of you "men" are still talking about this. Really? Most of you had your DVR's set for the Couric interview, didn't you?:ols:

How many of the "other gender" demographic decided you should tell "Men" what they can and can not talk about?

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In an interview with Dr. Phil McGraw that will air Thursday, Ronaiah Tuiasosopo says the voice of Manti Te'o's "girlfriend," Lennay Kekua, was his and that the star Notre Dame linebacker had no role in the hoax.

The first of a McGraw's two-part interview with Tuiasosopo will air Thursday on the "Dr. Phil" show. McGraw appeared Wednesday morning on NBC's "Today" show, which aired two clips of the Tuiasosopo interview.

"There were many times when Manti and Lennay have broken up," Tuiasosopo said, "but something would bring them back together, whether it was something going on in his life or Lennay's life or in this case my life."

McGraw said Tuiasosopo told him he fell deeply in love with Te'o and that for Tuiasosopo it was a romantic relationship.


From Dr. Saturday

Tuiasosopo still contends that it's his voice on the famous voicemail recordings, not a cousin. That may be the only mystery still left in this story, one which has now reached its natural end.


Dr. Phil should have put him on the spot and had him imitate the voice that he was using.

In thinking about it, Te'o's camp could have had ANY girl do that voice over on the clips that were made public.

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Sounds like an unhealthy obsession. No surprise considering that it lasted for 3 years.. My only thing is that, if he was really in love with Te'o, then with the level of obsession that he was displaying, how did he, not once, get tired of pretending, and just outright tell him, or reveal himself in person, desperately craving a physical relationship, not caring about the repercussions? Sounds like he would've been crazy enough to do it.

That's just going with the story as it's been told, of course.

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