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Manti Te'o's supposedly dead girlfriend is a hoax - Deadspin


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Personally, I'd sue someone who made a mockery of me and harmed my career.

But not if I was in on it too.


And you do notice what's happening now, right? Things are being spun so we look at Te'o as a sympathetic figure in this whole mess.

I hope NFL GMs grill the **** out of him in the interview process. He might be the first dude to cry on field due to trash talk. Opposing teams are gonna go HAM.

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Personally, I'd sue someone who made a mockery of me and harmed my career.

But not if I was in on it too.

Let's see now. At least a half dozen people with direct knowledge have said he wasn't in on it and/or Tuiasosopo pulled the same hoax on them. We have Tuiasosopo's confession to a church lady. And just about every other detail has been clearly explained away.... But you still think he was in on it.

Let me guess...You're a 9/11 truther too. :ols:

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The AD explained that. He said they wanted to investigate and *then* compare Te'o's statements with what they found. Later they questioned him *TWICE*. That's a proven method for catching people in a lie. And guess what... His story was consistent and matched what they found out.

As a ND fan I want to believe him, and even ignoring the fact that he never visited his sick girlfriend (even over summer break, which I found weird) Teo said himself he never talked to the investigator again:


MANTI TE'O: Coach Kelly just said she's dead. That's how we're going to go about it. She's dead. When you come in, we'll talk about it. That's all he said.

JEREMY SCHAAP: When do you meet the team?

MANTI TE'O: I meet Coach Kelly, Mr. Swarbrick and Coach Diaco right when I get into South Bend, which was the 27th or 28th.

JEREMY SCHAAP: What do they say?

MANTI TE'O: They're confused, too. But they said if we're going to launch an investigation, we're going to try to find answers to all of our questions. So that's what they did.

JEREMY SCHAAP: And they questioned you?

MANTI TE'O: Yeah, they questioned me.

JEREMY SCHAAP: Who questioned you?

MANTI TE'O: They all did. They just asked simple questions. What did she say? What did she tell you? When did you find out?

JEREMY SCHAAP: When you say "all of them," you mean Swarbrick?

MANTI TE'O: Swarbrick, Kelly and Coach Diaco. The investigator, all she asked was just for a picture and any evidence that I had.

JEREMY SCHAAP: She never interviewed you?

MANTI TE'O: No, she never interviewed me again

---------- Post added January-21st-2013 at 10:42 AM ----------

Manti Te'o hoax continued in Miami

Manti Te'o was still being hoaxed two nights before the Discover BCS National Championship, a source told "Outside the Lines."

The Saturday night before the title game, the Notre Dame linebacker said he thought a group of people that had admitted duping him about the death of his Internet girlfriend "Lennay Kekua" was downstairs in the Notre Dame team hotel lobby trying to reach him, according to an interview Te'o did with ESPN.

However, "Outside the Lines" has learned that the stalking story appears to be just one more hoax that was played on Te'o.


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As a ND fan I want to believe him, and even ignoring the fact that he never visited his sick girlfriend (even over summer break, which I found weird) Teo said himself he never talked to the investigator again:


And you left out the part where the AD questioned him twice AFTER he got the details from the investigator so he could compare what was found with what Te'o said. That and the confession of the guy behind it all who says Te'o was not involved.

Come on folks. Yeah Te'o was gullible. Yeah, he played along as the MEDIA hyped the story. But there isn't a single shred of evidence to say he was involved.

---------- Post added January-21st-2013 at 03:56 PM ----------

Not if you were a practicing Mormon who actually believed what he preached.

I'll just post this again to re-enforce the truth in your words...

The 12 cognitive biases that prevent you from being rational


Projection Bias

As individuals trapped inside our own minds 24/7, it's often difficult for us to project outside the bounds of our own consciousness and preferences. We tend to assume that most people think just like us — though there may be no justification for it. This cognitive shortcoming often leads to a related effect known as the false consensus bias where we tend to believe that people not only think like us, but that they also agree with us. It's a bias where we overestimate how typical and normal we are, and assume that a consensus exists on matters when there may be none. Moreover, it can also create the effect where the members of a radical or fringe group assume that more people on the outside agree with them than is the case. Or the exaggerated confidence one has when predicting the winner of an election or sports match.

For the general purpose of self improvement and growth, I recommend reading the whole thing. Better yet go here and learn even more about the biases that can adversely affect our understanding of the world around us and the decisions we make.

List of biases in judgment and decision making


Look, there's even one that explains Bacon. :evilg:

Backfire effect

A similar cognitive bias found in individuals is the Backfire effect. Here, individuals challenged with evidence contradictory to their beliefs tend to reject the evidence and instead become an even firmer supporter of the initial belief.[32][33] The phrase was first coined by Brendan Nyhan and Jason Reifler in a paper entitled "When Corrections Fail: The persistence of political misperceptions".[34]

And for what it's worth, maybe Te'o should read it too. :ols:

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I am not sure if Teo was involved or not, but I fully believe he was hoaxed to some extent. I say to some extent because I believe that he played along after he knew he was being hoaxed, for whatever reason (embarrassment, price, fear of media mockers, a mixture of all.)

However, after reading the South Bend Tribune and after reading that transcript from him I do not recall him ever saying he talked to Jack S. twice after the investigator talked to him. Maybe I missed if, but that is where I am confused in this story.

Well that and him never visiting the sick GF, but at this point nothing in this story is "normal" so I really should not let that surprise me

EDIT: Also, and this one has been really puzzling me. When someone passes, you typically Google them. At least most people of the younger generation do. You see the obituary, a lot of times people post that on facebook and twitter. A lot of people live comments on the online obits now. At first I thought maybe it was because Manti is not a huge internet type of person, but even before ND had the breakout season this year I remember him having a twitter and I want to say he had a FB page he updated regularly. Just another "weird" thing that had to be right for him to get hoaxed. But like I said, "normal" is relative

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Exactly why I said you couldn't trust anything coming from the AD or the "investigation": (Scrolling on ESPN now)

Notre Dame spokesman tells South Bend Tribune that school's investigation of Manti Teo's girlfriend hoax was limited to electronic search. Investigators did not interview Teo or his family, examine cell phone records, emails or any other electronic communication to determine the extent of Teo's contact with the person claiming to be Lennay Kekua.

Essentially the "investigation" was a Google search.

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At first, I assumed this was all speculation and that the story was false. That was before Teo came out and admitted it. Then, I started to think that he was just full of crap.

I have to say though, I'm starting to believe he really was a victim of this. I wouldn't say I understand how it happened, but I do see how it could be pulled off. And it does seem like some people who were jealous of him just decided to try to embarrass him, probably not realizing what a big deal it would be.

The one thing that I think Teo really exaggerated though was that this was his "girlfriend." If he had said it was a close friend, or even "someone I have strong feelings for," I think the whole thing would have made more sense. So, maybe he exaggerrated that it was his girlfriend. Then again, if I'm Teo, I don't want to admit on TV that I have an internet girlfriend, and might choose to leave that part out.

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Can someone explain to me why this still matters? When this started I understood people's fascination with gossip and awkward embarrassing stories especially when celebrities are the ones left looking foolish. Now however it seems like people are treating it like a PED investigation. You've got grown men on camera complaining that people's emotions were manipulated making me wonder if I accidentally switched the TV over to Oprah. Now people are demanding an examination of phone records?! This situation is ridiculous and the only reason I now care is because I'm absolutely sick of hearing about it everytime I turn on ESPN or sports talk radio. I was watching a basketball game the other night and the announcer said "stay tuned after the game for the latest information on the Te'o thing". Horrible.

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Mike, even if the AD director questioned him twice after the investigation, why should we believe anything anything from the ND camp? The HEAD COACH told Manti to continue the lie that she was dead for crying out loud!!!!!

And he told it twice...not just once to cover. He continued to cry, or pretend to. Whatever. He knew it was a hoax on Dec.6, and told the lie, in its totality("I lost my grandma and my girlfriend to cancer on the same day") TWO DAYS LATER.

He's a liar, not a victim.

Thanks, brandymac, for the link to the floral delivery. Can somebody say "Huh?" Another weird twist of a number in the address...wow.

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Can someone explain to me why this still matters? When this started I understood people's fascination with gossip and awkward embarrassing stories especially when celebrities are the ones left looking foolish. Now however it seems like people are treating it like a PED investigation. You've got grown men on camera complaining that people's emotions were manipulated making me wonder if I accidentally switched the TV over to Oprah. Now people are demanding an examination of phone records?! This situation is ridiculous and the only reason I now care is because I'm absolutely sick of hearing about it everytime I turn on ESPN or sports talk radio. I was watching a basketball game the other night and the announcer said "stay tuned after the game for the latest information on the Te'o thing". Horrible.

Technically, not "horrible". It's importance is on future prospects, and how they stack up as "human", or "not idiot". Seriously, if anything even remotely like this had come up when RGIII was at Baylor, we'd have avoided him like the plague. I hope other NFL teams are as wary of the "stupid factor", and if he did comply with any of this, he's commended for it, with nothing left except the shingle from Notre Dame, where he got a degree in....what?

At least when we were seriously thinking about the trade for RGIII, I knew he wanted a law degree. Don't know squat about this idiot.

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Technically, not "horrible". It's importance is on future prospects, and how they stack up as "human", or "not idiot". Seriously, if anything even remotely like this had come up when RGIII was at Baylor, we'd have avoided him like the plague. I hope other NFL teams are as wary of the "stupid factor", and if he did comply with any of this, he's commended for it, with nothing left except the shingle from Notre Dame, where he got a degree in....what?

At least when we were seriously thinking about the trade for RGIII, I knew he wanted a law degree. Don't know squat about this idiot.

This has obviously gone far beyond a character/intelligence question as it relates to draft stock. There's been many such issues over the years and it's never looked a thing like this. This is getting covered by CNN and it amazingly overshadowed Lance Armstrong's admission of guilt.

Any chance he falls all the way to the Redskins in the second? We could use a middle linebacker and I don't give a damn about the kids fake eGirlfriend.

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Can someone explain to me why this still matters? When this started I understood people's fascination with gossip and awkward embarrassing stories especially when celebrities are the ones left looking foolish. Now however it seems like people are treating it like a PED investigation. You've got grown men on camera complaining that people's emotions were manipulated making me wonder if I accidentally switched the TV over to Oprah. Now people are demanding an examination of phone records?! This situation is ridiculous and the only reason I now care is because I'm absolutely sick of hearing about it everytime I turn on ESPN or sports talk radio. I was watching a basketball game the other night and the announcer said "stay tuned after the game for the latest information on the Te'o thing". Horrible.

It's just one of the more bizarre and fascinating stories of the past few years. I think people just find it interesting the lengths to which this guy went to pull this hoax. It's pretty crazy.

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And he told it twice...not just once to cover. He continued to cry, or pretend to. Whatever. He knew it was a hoax on Dec.6, and told the lie, in its totality("I lost my grandma and my girlfriend to cancer on the same day") TWO DAYS LATER.

He's a liar, not a victim.

Thanks, brandymac, for the link to the floral delivery. Can somebody say "Huh?" Another weird twist of a number in the address...wow.

Not that is makes any more sense:

EREMY SCHAAP: I went back and looked at the transcript, Jack Swarbrick never says you knew on Dec. 6 that it was a hoax. He only says that you got the phone call on Dec. 6? MANTI TE'O: Exactly.

JEREMY SCHAAP: So people have made the leap that they shouldn't have?

MANTI TE'O: Yeah. They think that I found out it was a hoax on Dec. 6.

JEREMY SCHAAP: That's what everybody's writing?

MANTI TE'O: No, I got a call saying that she was alive on Dec. 6th.

JEREMY SCHAAP: Which explains why you continued to talk about her?

MANTI TE'O: Correct.

---------- Post added January-21st-2013 at 03:46 PM ----------

It's just one of the more bizarre and fascinating stories of the past few years. I think people just find it interesting the lengths to which this guy went to pull this hoax. It's pretty crazy.

I think this is spot on.

That, and like someone else said, how incredibly stupid (or naive?) one has to be to fall for something like this

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Any chance he falls all the way to the Redskins in the second? We could use a middle linebacker and I don't give a damn about the kids fake eGirlfriend.

Unless it comes out definitively that he was in on the whole thing I don't see him falling out of the 1st round. Even with the sketchy situation some team will be willing to take a chance on him with a high pick. The guy is a hell of a prospect and, to my knowledge, he hasn't had any other "character concerns" in his time at ND.

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This is a case where ESPN and the media embarrassed themselves by not doing any real reporting. Now they're turning it around and making it about Manti rather then the fact they screwed up.

After hearing Manti's story and seeing the guy admit to the hoax, I believe him.

I'm not sure I agree about this mindset. Are reporters really expected to assume a kid is lying about his dating life when it's being corroborated by teammates, coaches, etc.?

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Is there any idea who the girl is on the other end of the line? Is it the girl that was providing the pictures? Is it his cousin who actually did come down with Leukemia?

Why isn't the media on those facts?

---------- Post added January-22nd-2013 at 12:01 AM ----------

Oh and I read through the Twitter Archive on Deadspin but following the @'s and #'s and figuring out who said what was darn confusing.... a waste of time. Just say it appears that Lennay Kekua may have had other targets for a hoax and it was Manti Te'o who bought it hook, line, sinker, and rod.

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Woman in fake photo speaks out

NEW YORK -- The woman whose photo was used as the "face" of the Twitter account of Manti Te'o's supposed girlfriend says the man allegedly behind the hoax confessed and apologized to her.

Diane O'Meara told NBC's "Today" show Tuesday that Ronaiah Tuiasosopo used pictures of her without her knowledge in creating a fake woman called Lennay Kekua. Te'o asserts he was tricked into an online romance with Kekua and, until last week, did not understand he was being hoaxed.

O'Meara went to high school in California with Tuiasosopo, but she says they're not close. He called to apologize Jan. 16, the day Deadspin.com broke the hoax story, she said.

"I don't think there's anything he could say to me that would fix this," said O'Meara, a 23-year-old marketing executive in Los Angeles.

O'Meara said she had never had any contact with Te'o, and that for five years, Tuiasosopo "has literally been stalking my Facebook and stealing my photos."

Tuiasosopo has not spoken publicly since the news broke. His family has said they may speak out this week.

Te'o did an off camera interview with ESPN last week and is scheduled to appear on appear with his parents on Katie Couric's syndicated talk show Thursday.

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