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Manti Te'o's supposedly dead girlfriend is a hoax - Deadspin


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Interview with Katie Couric is tomorrow night i believe

Can't imagine anything new will come from the interview except for the fact that it's leaked that he admitted he lied after he found out on December 6th. The problem is he frames it as though he lied because he was asked questions about it but if you look at the interviews and twitter feed you see that he was volunteering the information without even being asked about it.

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NYDN reporting that the "female" on the other end of the line that Te'o spent hours talking to was no other Roniah Tuiosopo...SMH.

Anyone still really believe this guy, Te'o?


Buster Olney ‏@Buster_ESPN

NY Daily News is reporting that the female voice on the other end of the hoax line was that of Ronaiah Tuiasosopo. http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/college/hear-te-hoax-perpetrator-impersonated-female-voice-phone-article-1.1246480

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NYDN reporting that the "female" on the other end of the line that Te'o spent hours talking to was no other Roniah Tuiosopo...SMH.

Anyone still really believe this guy, Te'o?


Story is so insane and hard to believe that I've just stopped believing anything everyone has said. I'm just assuming 100% of what I hear is BS :ols:

The longer it goes on the more ridiculous it gets. Also find it funny that a "source" gave ESPN a spreadsheet containing phone records when it would been 100x easier and more believable to grab the .pdf of the records and scrub whatever names/numbers they didn't want revealed.

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While it seems obvious that Ronaiah Tuiasosopo was behind the hoax . . . . . who the hell was Manti talking to for 10 hours a day? There has to be a female involved with the hoax who was willing to spend 50% of her time for 1 year keeping the hoax alive.

Manti said they would talk on the phone all night and sleep with the phone on and then start talking when they woke up.

Ronaiah could do texting, facebook, chat, etc . .. but someone was talking for hours on the phone. I want to know who that is, because that person is straight up insane. Who spends HOURS of their time per day on the phone talking for 1 year straight? Straight up crazy.

This was the issue I had. This is going to get interesting.

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I assumed all along that the voice on the other end was Tuiasosopo, his boyfriend, and they were using Lennay as a cover. It makes 1000x more sense than him talking for hundreds of hours with a fake girlfriend and thinking it was a girl. But sure, people can keep saying it's ridiculous if you want.

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I assumed all along that the voice on the other end was Tuiasosopo, his boyfriend, and they were using Lennay as a cover. It makes 1000x more sense than him talking for hundreds of hours with a fake girlfriend and thinking it was a girl. But sure, people can keep saying it's ridiculous if you want.

That's still a huge leap to make. If he was simply covering up for being gay, then why the car accident, then the illness, then the death, then the re-emergence? If he's behind all of this, the fake events make absolutely no sense.

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That's still a huge leap to make. If he was simply covering up for being gay, then why the car accident, then the illness, then the death, then the re-emergence? If he's behind all of this, the fake events make absolutely no sense.

The faked death is easy for me… trying to ditch the fake girlfriend persona when ND and Teo were getting national attention at the beginning of the season (Heisman talk, BCS watch, etc- reporters would want to talk to the girlfriend at some point).

The reemergence doesn’t make a ton of sense… but didn’t it occur AFTER the story broke? So it could have been more of a “yeah you caught us, haha” moment for Tuiasosopo.

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The faked death is easy for me… trying to ditch the fake girlfriend persona when ND and Teo were getting national attention at the beginning of the season (Heisman talk, BCS watch, etc- reporters would want to talk to the girlfriend at some point).

The reemergence doesn’t make a ton of sense… but didn’t it occur AFTER the story broke? So it could have been more of a “yeah you caught us, haha” moment for Tuiasosopo.

So, instead of a quiet break up they go with a huge story of a long battle with an illness? It still makes no sense. What opens the door for more questions:

1) My girlfriend, who I would have married, passed away after being in the hospital with Leukemia. Her family is grieving and I'm devastated.

2) Oh, that girl that I was dating? We broke up...I'm single now.

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That's still a huge leap to make. If he was simply covering up for being gay, then why the car accident, then the illness, then the death, then the re-emergence? If he's behind all of this, the fake events make absolutely no sense.

Agreed. That theory doesn't fit 100%. Why would they make it so complicated with the death instead of a simply break-up? But the idea that Teo was talking to Tuiasosopo for hours a day doesn't make much senses either. . . .

Strange all around.

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Agreed. That theory doesn't fit 100%. Why would they make it so complicated with the death instead of a simply break-up? But the idea that Teo was talking to Tuiasosopo for hours a day doesn't make much senses either. . . .

Strange all around.

I agree with that. Either he's a very convincing girl or something is shady. The other thing that's weird (other than actually being able to convince another guy that you're a girl) is that he had no problem spending hours on the phone. At some point, that has to get annoying and boring unless there is a pay off. Sick!

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So, instead of a quiet break up they go with a huge story of a long battle with an illness? It still makes no sense. What opens the door for more questions:

1) My girlfriend, who I would have married, passed away after being in the hospital with Leukemia. Her family is grieving and I'm devastated.

2) Oh, that girl that I was dating? We broke up...I'm single now.

That part I agree doesn't make a lot of sense, but perhaps in their mind the media still might have tried to get ahold of the Ex. I don't think they would have gone that route if they had anticipated the story blowing up like it did. Don't think Te'o envisioned himself having to give tearful interviews about it.

Either way... the story doesn't make a lot of sense no matter how you look at it. I suspect there's still a lot we're going to learn before what actually happened is clear.

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You're still not going to hear me use the victim card. Like I said, I'd bet a lot of money that he knew it was a hoax at some point and still kept up the narrative that she had died of cancer. I also believe he embellished exactly how seriously he took the "relationship" for reasons that can be debated. Calling him a full fledged "victim" in this case is more than stretching the meaning of the word, in my opinion.

FYI my imaginary gf is way too hot for Te'o - no chance.

You sir, were definitely correct. Te'o is not the victim, the fans and supporters that he lied to were/still are. A lot more will come out on this story, as way to many holes need to be filled. I really hope the guy goes undrafted, no way I want someone like this in the skins locker room.

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Let this sink in...he's talking to Tuiasopo for THREE YEARS.

My question I now have is, how don't you know that is a man you are talking to? While he might be a total dumbass and ditz, wouldn't certain voice tones make you think that's not a female you're speaking to?

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My question I now have is, how don't you know that is a man you are talking to? While he might be a total dumbass and ditz, wouldn't certain voice tones make you think that's not a female you're speaking to?

that's EXACTLY what I was thinking. Te'o trying to pull the wool over the eyes of the public, but his story has more holes in it than some swiss cheese.

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that's EXACTLY what I was thinking. Te'o trying to pull the wool over the eyes of the public, but his story has more holes in it than some swiss cheese.

Oh c'mon. You guys are grasping now. The guy was apparently a professional singer and actor. I think he can fake a woman's voice. Look at Seth MacFarlane.

Where at one point it certainly looked like Teo had fooled us all, I think at this point it is pretty clear that Teo was a victim of this thing.

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