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If you go shopping on Thanksgiving, you are a ****ing *******


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I bought my wife a Nikon SLR and got it for $250 off the normal price at Target tonight. Normally $799

Well dang, that is a great deal. Maybe I should get my ass off the couch and go shopping...next year.

And for the record, you just experienced a typical shopping trip for me...go to store for bananas, come back with 6 dvd's and no bananas (in fact, that happened to me last night) :ols:

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Many manufacturers do make specialty one-offs for the event, and the model/item will be released well before at a "retail" (inflated margin) price, and then discounted to what it was originally planned for---that still being a reduced profit margin. And both industry people know, and studies show, that there are equivalent (or better) "deals" throughout December and right after Christmas, though not as broad a proliferation. My first career was in consumer-electronics/music (mainly high-end and upper mid-fi home audio) and even 10-15 years ago it was so. It's simply grown in scope and hype (substantially).

Not that this means you aren't really getting great deals on many items when shopping at that time, and some really are "one time only", but only a small faction of what people think is the case. Careful shopping most any time of the year, or at least around the half-dozen key shopping holidays, usually will net very similar results, but will often be more work.

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I had to stop and get gas then walked into the store to get cigs and a thing of Milanos to bring to my friend's family. Then I apologized to the girl. Then I felt like an *******...but she said she got to have a good morning with her fam and was going to have dinner too...and that it hadn't really been crowded.

If I didn't go in there, wouldn't it have been a waste for her to go to work?

Okay, not really being serious, but still. It really does suck to have to work on Thanksgiving...but at the same time...I would do it if my job required it. I'd probably ***** about it, but I'd work something out so I could at least make dinner - or dessert or just time see my family.

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Do not pass go, do not collect $200. Just look in the mirror and realize that you are a terrible person, responsible for thousands upon thousands of people missing out on the Thanksgiving Holiday to be with their family.

Instead, they get to go to work so you can get in line before anyone else to buy your cheap crap made in China to give to the few people you know who actually can stand being around you.

I don't even blame Wal mart or Target for opening on Thanksiving. Just you.

I completely agree. Now with Black Friday over, and all the nubmers counted, around 250 million Americans went shopping on Black Friday, some sites are saying as high as 300 million but the consensus seems to be around 250. With the US's total population at 311 million, and your assertion that anyone who goes shopping is a ****ing *******, that would mean that 80% of Americans are ****ing *******s, which based on my estimates, seeems about right.

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CNN: All Adults in America Went Shopping on Black Friday Weekend

"A record 247 million shoppers visited stores and websites in the post-Thanksgiving Black Friday weekend this year, up 9% from 226 million last year, according to a survey by the National Retail Federation released Sunday," the CNN reports reads. The headline reads: "247 million shoppers visited stores and websites Black Friday weekend."

This would seem to mean, according to these statistics, that basically all Americans over the age of 14 went shopping this past weekend.

There are, according to the 2010 Census, an estimated 308,745,538 folks living in this country. Under the age of 5 years old, there are 20,201,362; between 5-9, there are 20,348,657; and between 10-14, there are 20,677,194.

That means, if you subtract those who are too young to shop, 0-14 year olds, from the total U.S. population, there are 247,518,325 people in this country. The number of people CNN reports who went shopping this past weekend.

So if CNN's statistics are to be believed, that means everyone over 14 went shopping between the Friday after Thanksgiving and the Sunday two days later. That includes 4,371,357 who are between 75-79, 3,110,470 between 80-84, 1,913,317 between 85-89, 830,206 between 90-94, 228,669 between 95-99, and 40,397 over 100.

CNN's numbers, however, include those who visited "websites." The numbers so loose it could even include news website or the same person visiting multiple shopping websites.

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I was in West Palm Beach for the holiday. We drove down to Miami on Friday, toured downtown, went to Bayside to have lunch and then took a boat tour. We had fun and I think only one of us even bought anything. Bayside has shops, but it's more entertainment. The stores were advertising sales, but I never saw anyone walking around with a pile of bags.

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Oh there is no rumor to that at all. It is 100 percent fact.

I don't know how you can make this blanket statement. While I agree that most of the products sold on BF are pretty crappy, if you do your research you can find some good deals. Although I don't do the BF thing anymore, I have gone in the past. Back in 2006, the year I graduated college, I wanted a new TV but didn't have the money to buy the best one on the market. So I waited in line for 3 hours in freezing temperatures to pick up a 37" TV for $500. At the time this was a great deal. Although outdated now (like all TVs from 2006), it still works perfectly. I haven't had one issue since I bought it. So no, not all products lack quality. If you do your homework you can avoid these items.

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I had to stop and get gas then walked into the store to get cigs and a thing of Milanos to bring to my friend's family. Then I apologized to the girl. Then I felt like an *******...but she said she got to have a good morning with her fam and was going to have dinner too...and that it hadn't really been crowded.

If I didn't go in there, wouldn't it have been a waste for her to go to work?

No, because she would have gotten paid whether there were 0 customers or 1000 customers. Now for her employer, on the other hand, if nobody had come in than it would have been a waste for them to be open and maybe next year they'd remember that and decide to close.

And now to be an ******* myself, did you REALLY need to buy gas and cigs on Thanksgiving? That wasn't something you could've done the night before? That's really all I try to stress to people in situations like this: maybe plan ahead just a little. Emergencies are 1 thing, but I saw a guy in Walmart on Thanksgiving (I was working, not shopping) who bought an 8 pack of Gatorade and a bag of chips. On Thanksgiving. I really wanted to stop the guy and ask him what had gone wrong in his life that lead him to that situation.

And yeah, I did some shopping on Black Friday weekend. From amazon.com in the comfort of my home over the weekend. At no point did that require me to go into a physical store on Thanksgiving to buy something, thereby inconveniencing actual people on a holiday.

As for China's link about every adult in America going shopping over the weekend...that may be true, but a lot of that could be unrelated to Black Friday. If somebody buys milk and a candy bar from a supermarket, or a pair of shoes from Foot Locker because you need a new pair, does that count as "Black Friday weekend" shopping? If so, that seems a tad skewed statistically. :ols:

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  • 11 months later...

Just a polite bump for all you self absorbed assholes who can't wait a few more hours to buy your cheap imported crap from China

Hope you all enjoy making other people's lives miserable. The season of thanks

Just saw tonight on the news that Toys r Us and several other retailers have announced they are opening earlier on Thanksgiving. It's just their employees family time, no biggie.

It's funny when the conservatives start beating their chest about lazy Americans complaining about having to work on a holiday and in the next breath complaining about the erosion of family, traditions, and values in this country.

Remember, you are "conservatives" because you feel things should stay the way they've always been.

Conservatism is very inconvenient at times
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Last year the Black Friday sales at most major retailers started at 8 PM on Thanksgiving.


This year, most of them will start at 6 PM on Thanksgiving. Fantastic.


Maybe next year we can just ditch the illusion and Black Friday can start on Wednesday. That way those of us who work retail could finally have Thanksgiving off again.

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Here is how the free market speaks.

You stay home, and you buy your Christmas gifts on Amazon.

because they ave convenience that the stores cant' compete with, and the stores, well they lose more and more money every single year.

Holiday shopping is a HUGE part of the retail year.. the stores were different when all they had to compete with was each other.

But now you can shop in your nightgown at midnight and they will deliver it to you in days or sooner.

The only thing the stores can offer to compete is BIG deals, and SPECIAL specials, and gimmicks to get you off your couch and in your door.

The economy is bad, dollars are tight, and who gets yours this year is very important to their livelihoods.

So **** all you want about these evil retailers making their people work on Thanksgiving. Maybe your boycott will actually damage them, holiday shopping is THAT big that you actually CAN, you know.. and they can lay more people off who will become known as moochers and "lazy bums" in other threads.

As usual, it's not so easy once you think beyond the huffing and puffing.


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Here is how the free market speaks.

You stay home, and you buy your Christmas gifts on Amazon.

because they ave convenience that the stores cant' compete with, and the stores, well they lose more and more money every single year...

So **** all you want about these evil retailers making their people work on Thanksgiving. Maybe your boycott will actually damage them, holiday shopping is THAT big that you actually CAN, you know.. and they can lay more people off who will become known as moochers and "lazy bums" in other threads.

As usual, it's not so easy once you think beyond the huffing and puffing.


Uh huh.

Or, you know, you could get in your car and shop somewhere else, like some of us will. Patronize a small business.

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my family's thanksgivings are the best :) last year was special cause the redskins were playing, and we won in dallas :) our family friends and their daughter came over to watch the game with us while eating turkey, gravy, other amazing foods as well. this year the skins wont be playing on thanksgiving, but my brother is bringing his girlfriend home from vermont, and i get to see my brother for the first time since august. every thanksgiving, i start the day off at 10:30 AM, walking downstairs to watch the Macys Thanksgiving Day Parade with my mom and my sister while my dad and brother are out running. Then after we watch the parade, i turn on the lions vs whoever they play on that thanksgiving (btw, is it just me or has that first thanksgiving day game turned into a "whos head will Ndamakung Suh step on next" game?), while my mom gets the turkey ready, and then my dad does his turkey dance for us (he puts his hand in the turkey and makes it dance). Around 4:30 PM we eat, and then afterwards, some of us watch the thursday night thanksgiving game, and some of us watch "a christmas story". we eat pie as well. ah man, have i mentioned how much i LOVE thanksgiving? :)

also, my dad always wakes up on black friday around 7, maybe 7:30, and heads out to Tysons Corner. he comes home around 4 PM with lots of cool new gizmos and gadgets. He tries to get me and my brother to go with him, but we're like "screw you, we're sleeping in". ah man, yep i love my familys thanksgivings :) although nothing could ever beat last year. ate smores and sat in the hot tub and sat by the fire pit in my backyard with my family and our family friends, celebrating the skins win.

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