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Image result for cloverfield paradox


Watched this this morning.  Overall, I enjoyed it for the most part, but will give it a C+.  Definitely the worst of the three Cloverfield movies, imo.   Another different approach was taken, first was the found footage, 10 Cloverfield Ln being a psychological thriller and the latest one being more sci-fi/horror (think Life).  


It felt rushed in parts, some plot holes and scenes that felt like they didn't really belong or need to be in there.  Sometimes I sat there watching like WTF?  The overall story, how it relates to the first two movies and ending I enjoyed.  Felt kinda long though and was very predictable in most scenes.  If you loved/liked the first two movies, I'd recommend watching it, would be a great rainy day movie.




Probably don't need to put the first part in spoilers, but was obvious after the first 10-20 minutes that this was a prequel.  Well sort of, prequel/simultaneous existing dimensions from different periods in time interacting at the same time.  So, basically the earth is in an energy crisis and on the brink of WWIII, they create the space station with a particle accelerator that is supposed to be tested in space due to its power, but if successful it will bring an alternate power source to the world and save mankind. 


What was cool was in the beginning, one of the characters is watching the news and there is a guy on there talking about the Cloverfield Paradox and how the particle accelerator would cause that and how it would rip open the fabric of time and other dimensions, etc. releasing demons, creatures/monsters, etc. Pure chaos.  I read that that character had the same last name as John Goodman's char. Howard in the second one, if so, pretty cool nod.  Along with the bomb shelter scene with the husband and girl he saved.  


After thinking about it more, I believe that when they opened up the door/rip and traveled to the other dimension, that it opened up more portals/rips/whatever its called all over, including parallel universes/dimensions not only in the same time but in the future and past.  As the first Cloverfield took place in 2008.  This one takes place in 2028. 



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The Phantom Thread.  Paul Thomas Anderson takes a stab at a love story drama based on a famous dress maker.  Daniel Day Lewis is up to his old acting tricks as the fiercely driven and cagey Reynolds Wood****.  Vicky Krieps challenges him for the spotlight as his lover and creative inspiration.  Both are incredible here.


There's little doubt in my mind that Paul Thomas Anderson is the most gifted filmmaker working today.  I say this with great respect for Villeneuve, Nolan, Aronofsky, Spielberg, etc.  I just believe that a good Paul Thomas Anderson film is tough to beat.  They just feel different.  Like nobody else in the world could've created them.  His work is always a must see for me.  


With all that praise out of the way, I did find the movie to be a bit tedious at times.  It didn't bother me at all, but it is surely not a film for everybody.  There are a couple of sordid elements that I wish would've been explored more.  That's largely because I'm a bit twisted. :)


Full disclosure, my favorite PTA film is The Master.  Hoffman and Phoenix simply burned up the screen.  I found that subject matter to be a bit more compelling than The Phantom Thread, but this movie is great in its own right.  If easily bored, please stay away.  If you like fine wine, then enjoy this piece of terrific, classic cinema.  3.5/4.

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I love PTA but good lord The Master took me 3 days to watch. The performances were great but I just didn’t get that movie st all, apparently. It really dragged for me. You always know you’re going to get an amazing performance with him tho which is really what interests me the most about Phantom Thread. 


I think his best is There Will Be Blood which I also think is a masterpiece and one of the best movies of the last 20 years. 

Edited by Momma There Goes That Man
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The Cloverfield Paradox was okay.  Probably, the worst of the 3 movies.  It was a Sci-Fi thriller for the most part.  I'll give it C+.



It was part prequel but it felt more like a setup for future movies, since this one brought the multiverse into play.  So, they can make endless Cloverfield movies taking part in different universes.  


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Memento - I have no idea what I just watched.


*edit* I guess the main question I have is: did Leonard kill his wife? And if he did why? Is Sammy Jankis completely made up? And where does the name John G come from? Does Leonard even know what he is doing? Ahhh this movie is ****ing with my mind.


*double edit* How does Leonard even know what he is doing? He claims he remembers everything up until the accident, then how does he even know he has short term memory loss? I think that is the flaw of the movie. How does he even know he is looking for John G? I suppose his tattoos...but he never seems astonished at the fact he has tattoos. You would think he would forget he even had them, if his memory is truly gone. 

Edited by abdcskins
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Its implied that he kills his wife with the insulin overdose and there was a real John G that Leonard already hunted down and killed. You have to believe Teddy though to think that the first John G was actually the guy that attacked Leonard and his wife. Teddy could just be a liar, using Leonard as a sort of hitman. 


I don't think we're actually supposed to know where Sammy Jankis' and Leonard's stories differ from each other because its from Leonard's POV where he's purposefully tricking himself. Teddy says Sammy Jankis was just a short-term memory case that Leonard correctly investigated as a fraud. Leonard remembers that Sammy had the diabetic wife, and that he was wrong in his assessment; both supposed fake memories to help him forget he killed his own wife. 


Maybe part of the "remember Sammy Jankis" is also to help him remember that he himself has short-term memory loss since he would remember that case was about short-term memory loss? I'll have to watch it again. Does he know he has short-term memory loss before he reads a "remember Sammy Jankis?" Because if he does, then it might just be a huge plothole. 


Nolan working backwards I'm sure created some problems in the story. 


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9 hours ago, abdcskins said:

Memento - I have no idea what I just watched.


*edit* I guess the main question I have is: did Leonard kill his wife? And if he did why? Is Sammy Jankis completely made up? And where does the name John G come from? Does Leonard even know what he is doing? Ahhh this movie is ****ing with my mind.


*double edit* How does Leonard even know what he is doing? He claims he remembers everything up until the accident, then how does he even know he has short term memory loss? I think that is the flaw of the movie. How does he even know he is looking for John G? I suppose his tattoos...but he never seems astonished at the fact he has tattoos. You would think he would forget he even had them, if his memory is truly gone. 


Leonard kills his wife with an insulin overdose due to his short term memory loss. He chooses to reject this reality because it makes him his wife’s killer and believes that his wife was never diabetic. His wife survived the attack and even lives into Leonard hunting down a “killer” as shown when he remembers his wife laying on his chest with him already having tattoos. 


He has put that overdose part of their story onto Sammy Jankis who was a guy that was faking short term memory loss and he investigated for fraud. This allows him to still perceive himself as the hero hunting for his wife’s killer. It gives his life purpose and meaning. 


It is clear at the end of the movie that Leonard during his moments of awareness is willingly choosing to continue hunting for more men so he can continue giving his life purpose. That is why he burns the photos of the man he killed before and wrote down teddy’s license plate because he knows once he forgets, he will have a new fact to chase down. At the end of the story (beginning of the movie) he will simply find another John G to hunt with teddy being killed. 


His tattoos tell him everything he needs to know and trigger what little he remembers of his purpose. I think The first time he sees his tattoos in the mirror (our first time as well) he is a little taken aback by what they say but he is quickly resolved to continue that mission. He has no choice because otherwise his life is empty, simply reliving over and over the day that he was attacked and what he now believes as the day his wife was killed.   


One of my favorites. Nolan is something else 

Edited by Momma There Goes That Man
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11 hours ago, abdcskins said:

Memento - I have no idea what I just watched.


*edit* I guess the main question I have is: did Leonard kill his wife? And if he did why? Is Sammy Jankis completely made up? And where does the name John G come from? Does Leonard even know what he is doing? Ahhh this movie is ****ing with my mind.


*double edit* How does Leonard even know what he is doing? He claims he remembers everything up until the accident, then how does he even know he has short term memory loss? I think that is the flaw of the movie. How does he even know he is looking for John G? I suppose his tattoos...but he never seems astonished at the fact he has tattoos. You would think he would forget he even had them, if his memory is truly gone. 

Valid points but it's a movie and I still liked it. (Wife got onto me about something similar while I was re-watching 28 days later on saying they should just hold up in the Super market for another month or two to let the infected die off- she said would I want to watch a movie of people sitting in a store hiding?).

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Re: The Cloverfield Paradox - I felt the plot device used to tie together all the Cloverfield movies was a bit lazy. It opens the door (no pun intended) to make any kind of movie they want asd say "oh it's Cloverfield, just in a different dimension/time/reality."


As for the movie itself, it's okay. A fair science fiction story done by okay actors who seemed to think they had signed on to make an Alien sequel. A couple nice twists thrown in to keep things interesting.   

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6 hours ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:


Leonard kills his wife with an insulin overdose due to his short term memory loss. He chooses to reject this reality because it makes him his wife’s killer and believes that his wife was never diabetic. His wife survived the attack and even lives into Leonard hunting down a “killer” as shown when he remembers his wife laying on his chest with him already having tattoos. 



So he killed his wife by giving her an insulin overdose- I'm assuming she was the one who decided that? Like she was "Sammy's wife" and didn't want to believe that he was truly gone mentally. Because obviously he wouldn't just kill her, nor would she allow him to keep giving her insulin shots.


I guess my main problem with the film is it is never clear what Leonard forgets and remembers on a day to day basis. When he wakes up from one of his little spells, does he forget absolutely everything that has happened that day, much less since the accident? You would think he would be completely baffled every time, like where am I and what am I doing? He seems to be aware of his purpose, there are times he seems to recognize Natalie and things like that. And if Sammy Jankis never truly existed, how does he remember him? Oh wait just read Mooka's post, I guess Jankis did exist, just not at that extent. In order for the story to work I think everything Teddy said had to be true.


Great movie though, got me thinking. Gonna rewatch for sure.


*edit* One last thing I don't understand is why Teddy is John G? Where did the name John G come from? Was he really John G, like the drivers license said he was? Did Natalie set that up? Perplexing as hell.

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Saw "15:17 to Paris" based on the true story of 3 Americans who stopped a terrorist on a train to Paris. It even cast the real life heroes playing themselves, of course. Unfortunately, I can only give this movie a C- and that's being kind.   What they did was amazing but turning what they did into a movie wasn't.



The movie really isn't even about the heroic act, the  3 men plus and additional person on the train, who stopped the terrorist.  That actual movie is about the backstory of the 3 Americans and what led them to be on that train that day.  The actual heroic act is near the end of movie.  If the gun the terrorist had pointed at one of the heroes actually fired; the story would've probably been different.  What they were able to do was amazing but there's just wasn't much there to propel an entire movie. 



I had better luck on Friday when I saw the kids movie, Peter Rabbit.  That movie gets a B.  It wasn't what I thought it would be about and I think it was a British film, since the whole story was set in England.



Don't care for the  50 Shades series, which will be the big movie of the weekend. Haven't seen any of them and don't plan to.  Next up is "Black Panther".

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3 hours ago, Kosher Ham said:

Watch it a few more times. It's one of the best movies made in that genre. 


I did. My final comment is this - I think it is too coincidental that Teddy's real name is John G. Furthermore, we are never even told where the name John G came from in the first place. Good movie but I think there are too many holes in the story.

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1 hour ago, abdcskins said:


I did. My final comment is this - I think it is too coincidental that Teddy's real name is John G. Furthermore, we are never even told where the name John G came from in the first place. Good movie but I think there are too many holes in the story.


John G came from the police report that Teddy gave him. That was one of the actual names of the attackers. 


I take Teddy at his word. He was a cop that tried to help Leonard. 


Leonard took the police report and blacked out all the details so he only knew very broad things like John G. That’s why you see so much of it marked out and Teddy even mentions pages are missing. Leonard does that to give himself a puzzle to chase that isnt specific and can continue. 


Teddy being a John G is convenient but it was also part of his point. There are a million John Gs, this will never end and Leonard will always move on to the next, manipulating himself to continue to give his life purpose 


Id imagine if the story were to continue there would be a time when Leonard removes the license plate tattoo because it is too specific and confining for his search. 

Edited by Momma There Goes That Man
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13 hours ago, FanboyOf91 said:

Saw Blade Runner 2049 again and had to upgrade my previous approval. So many little details scattered about that turn out to be quite revealing...


Also, can't believe I missed Luv's dramatic arc. Sylvia Hoeks was amazing.


She was brillant. Hope to see a lot more from her in the future.

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Image result for happy death day


Watched Happy Death Day last night.  I give it a solid B.  Basically a college girl gets murdered on her birthday, only to wake up at the exact same time and be forced to relive the day out again, over and over.  So, slasher movie meets Groundhog Day.  She is trying to figure out who the person is that keeps killing her.  Wife and I found it entertaining and thought they did a really good job throughout the movie and we loved the ending.








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I liked Happy Death Day as well.  Nothing really original about it, but it's a well put together movie. 


Just about everything Blumhouse puts out is quality.  The truth or dare movie they have coming out looks terrible but it'll probably end up being pretty good.  

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