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Cliff Lee did the same thing as Lebron James! (Where's the outratge)


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I didn't expect to come to this board an have everyone agree with me. I'm just communicating to you all what's being expressed behind closed doors within in the Black community. This issue wouldn't be the first where Blacks and Whites differ.

Dude, let me be the first and say that between me and my friends(and yes I am black), this isn't expressed. I didn't like what he pulled with the so called "Decision" , and thought this was a ***** ass move. Some agreed to say he put his tail between his legs and wanted to follow someone else, some said he hated Cleveland all this time and was waiting for the right time to move.

2. Cliff Lee was a Phillie before, and helped them go to another WS before being traded to Seattle at the start of the 2010. Actually Lee called the Texas front office and told him of what he was going to do. LeBron didn't do that, he just left without saying anything to the owner. Not saying he owed them anything, but a courtesy call, and not doing this big decision to announce where his talents would land. You didn't see Kevin Durant hold a special to announce he's keeping his talents in Oklahoma City.

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I didn't expect to come to this board an have everyone agree with me. I'm just communicating to you all what's being expressed behind closed doors within in the Black community. This issue wouldn't be the first where Blacks and Whites differ.

Well in that case, the black community is wrong.

If you try and look for racism where it doesn't exist over and over, then why should anyone take you seriously?

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Lets talk more about the Q scores, because it clearly illuminates that non-blacks are the main detractors when it comes to Lebron James, and Black athletes in general. When it comes to White athletes, Whites don't hold White athletes to the same standards. You mean to tell me that Lebron is more hated than Ben Roethlisberger, Jerry Jones, Mark McGwire or Roger Clemens? Speaking of Roger Clemens, he did the same that Marion Jones did, the only difference between the 2 is race and gender. And don't get my started on Jim Leyritz, he did essentially the same thing that Donte Stallworth did, actually, what he did was worse, and guess what; yep you guessed it, Donte received a much harsher sentence.

So, black people and white people have different opinions on LeBron, and therefore it's automatically white people who are racist. Yet, inexplicably, when you see the exact same phenomenon in reverse for white athletes, which group is racist? White people, of course.

It'd be nice if you at least attempted to use consistent logic, but apparently that would be setting the bar too high.

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Cliff Lee is nobody compared to LeBron. /thread

imo cliff lee dominates baseball more than elbron dominates basketball. he just doesn't have the entourage and nike commercials to go with it. cliff lee is arguably the top pitcher or maybe #2 in baseball, while elbron isn't even the most dominant on his team. (ie the guy that actually has accomplished something, D Wade)

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Lets talk more about the Q scores, because it clearly illuminates that non-blacks are the main detractors when it comes to Lebron James, and Black athletes in general. When it comes to White athletes, Whites don't hold White athletes to the same standards. You mean to tell me that Lebron is more hated than Ben Roethlisberger, Jerry Jones, Mark McGwire or Roger Clemens? Speaking of Roger Clemens, he did the same that Marion Jones did, the only difference between the 2 is race and gender. And don't get my started on Jim Leyritz, he did essentially the same thing that Donte Stallworth did, actually, what he did was worse, and guess what; yep you guessed it, Donte received a much harsher sentence.

It's amazing how you try and compare black situations vs white situations. You seem to leave out a lot of white athletes who actually have gotten in trouble.

Your logic is awful.

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It's amazing how you try and compare black situations vs white situations. You seem to leave out a lot of white athletes who actually have gotten in trouble.

Your logic is awful.

Actually, my logic is sound. I'm comparing 2 similar situations, with the only major differences being race. And please, what BIGTIME white athlete has served prison time?

---------- Post added December-16th-2010 at 06:40 PM ----------

All of my white friends and I sit around and try to figure out where all of the white American NBA players went.

We figure they are with the white corner backs.

If a majority of the owners and GM's were Black, you'd actually have a point.

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Actually, my logic is sound. I'm comparing 2 similar situations, with the only major differences being race. And please, what BIGTIME white athlete has served prison time


Well, unless you don't count that one of them is a super-hyped mega-star with a ton of endorsements and is a household name, and the other, while a great pitcher, is not, then I guess you've got a point.

Basically what you've said is the ONLY thing you can see between these two guys is race.

That's pretty sad.


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I'm guessing no one knew the answer to the Leonard Little question, so I'll answer it for you.

He drove drunk, and hit a woman and her two children in another vehicle. The children WATCHED their mother die. He was sentenced to a whopping 4 years probation, and 1000 hours of community service. AND THEN, this stupid son of a ***** was arrested for driving drunk AGAIN!!!!

I recall the sum total of ZERO outrage toward him, and he went on to have a long, mostly out of the glare of the spotlight career with the Rams. (Oh, and sorry about destroying your sentencing argument too. My bad. He's black, in case you weren't aware.)

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imo cliff lee dominates baseball more than elbron dominates basketball. he just doesn't have the entourage and nike commercials to go with it. cliff lee is arguably the top pitcher or maybe #2 in baseball, while elbron isn't even the most dominant on his team. (ie the guy that actually has accomplished something, D Wade)

I don't EVER watch basketball, and I rarely watch baseball. Until this thread existed, I had no idea who Cliff Lee was. I've known who Lebron James was since he was drafted.

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Actually, my logic is sound. I'm comparing 2 similar situations, with the only major differences being race. And please, what BIGTIME white athlete has served prison time?

Until you acknowledge the fact that there are just more black athletes than white ones, your argument is doomed to fail.

It's simple logic. More black athletes=more black arrests.

I'll ask you this: How many white athletes have even put themselves in a bad situation to begin with? And don't give me any of that bull**** "biased media coverage." We both know the public would have heard about it if something happened.

So yeah, your logic is quite flawed. We've given you every reason why it is, but you continuously choose to ignore them. If you can give valid responses to any of them, maybe we can get somewhere.

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LeBron James: evil. Cliff Lee: lauded. Something isn’t making sense here.

We all (me included) got on James’ case for signing with the Miami Heat with the stated purpose of winning six, seven, eight, whatever, NBA titles with Dwayne Wade and Chris Bosh instead of staying in Cleveland and trying to build a winner around him the way Kobe Bryant has done and guys named Michael and Magic and Larry did before him.

So now when Cliff Lee pulls a LeBron and goes to the already-stacked pitching rotation of the Philadelphia Phillies saying he wants to be the #2 to Roy Halladay’s #1 … we praise him?


---------- Post added December-16th-2010 at 07:09 PM ----------

Plenty of New York fans and writers are comparing Lee’s signing to that of LeBron James. Not just because Lee, like James, took less money to play with other superstars, but also because both athletes spurned New York. Fortunately, the Lee hysteria didn’t reach the fever-pitched idiocy of famous New Yorkers making commercials to recruit him. But the sting of Lee not signing, especially after reports at the trade deadline this season pegged Lee as a Yankee before the Rangers swooped in, may be a little more intense than that of LeBron. “Here is the simple reason why,” ESPN’s Ian O’Connor writes: “The New York Knicks never truly believed James would sign with them. The Yankees never saw it coming, and if it makes them feel any better, the Texas Rangers never saw it coming, either.”


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who cares that more black people support lebron? it's the same thing when you're on a college campus and see the several different racial cliques, but then you also see very diverse groups. of course people are gonna be proud of someone that is of the same culture and background. white people can support elbron too.

there are PLENTY of black people who are just as pissed as anyone else at elbron. bringing race up is stupid. the bottom line is if he wasn't such an ass when he left after choking in the playoffs and QUITTING on his team, this wouldn't be an issue.

if you don't believe me when i say quitting, i would suggest to re-watch the cavs playoffs last year. can't believe someone that generated this much hype performed like that. he is truly not on the same level of greatness as kobe and mj.

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Actually, my logic is sound. I'm comparing 2 similar situations, with the only major differences being race.

If that is the only major difference that you see, then there is really no point in discussing this with you. You are just going to look at whatever helps your agenda and you apparently have failed to see anything to the contrary even though it is significant, sound and incredibly logical.

I hope that this whole rant is just trolling.

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