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Cliff Lee did the same thing as Lebron James! (Where's the outratge)


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Dude, just take an L, seriously, theres no harm in it, you're just digging abigger hole for yourself. It's not worth it. Seriously, it isn't

Once again, he's either a troll or he's so hell bent on this that nothing, not even a letter co-signed by the late Dr. Martin Luther King and Fredrick Douglass, will persuade him.

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Yes, thank you. Reading through some of this, and watching it unfold live, has been hilarious. :ols:

You know what's more hilarious. When Roger Clemens gets convicted for lying to federal prosecuters just as Marion Jones did. I wonder if he'll have to give up his MVP awards, and World Series rings just as Marion Jones had to give her Olympic Gold Medals. Probably not, however there's is hope.

---------- Post added December-18th-2010 at 12:39 AM ----------

Dude, just take an L, seriously, theres no harm in it, you're just digging a bigger hole for yourself. It's not worth it. Seriously, it isn't

Not at all, I'm not digging myself into a hole for examining the different standars as to which Black athletes and White athletes are held to. If you're convinced of your hollow victory, why do you keep returning, that's because you're not satisfied with that you've stated thus far.

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You know what's more hilarious. When Roger Clemens gets convicted for lying to federal prosecuters just as Marion Jones did. I wonder if he'll have to give up his MVP awards, and World Series rings just as Marion Jones have to give her Olympic Gold Medals. Probably not, however there's is hope.

---------- Post added December-18th-2010 at 12:39 AM ----------

Not at all, I'm not digging myself into a hole for examining the different standars as to which Black athletes and White athletes are held to. If you're convinced of your hollow victory, why do you keep returning, that's because you're not satisfied with that you've stated thus far.

Let me ask you this: What do you think the backlash/public outcry would have been like if Peyton Manning or Tom Brady were caught doing EXACTLY what Mike Vick did? Unrelated to this topic (but so is everything you've brought into this thread :ols:), but I'm curious what you think.

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You know what's more hilarious. When Roger Clemens gets convicted for lying to federal prosecuters just as Marion Jones did. I wonder if he'll have to give up his MVP awards, and World Series rings just as Marion Jones have to give her Olympic Gold Medals. Probably not, however there's is hope.

Give It time. When he is found guilty, I will be right there alongside you to pop champagne. :)

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Not at all, I'm not digging myself into a hole for examining the different standars as to which Black athletes and White athletes are held to. If you're convinced of your hollow victory, why do you keep returning, that's because you're not satisfied with that you've stated thus far.

Honestly, at this point, the reason I keep returning is to laugh at your ignorant comments. :ols:

Does that make me a racist?

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Not at all, I'm not digging myself into a hole for examining the different standars as to which Black athletes and White athletes are held to. If you're convinced of your hollow victory, why do you keep returning, that's because you're not satisfied with that you've stated thus far.

Posted from Bleacher Report.

Which "race" (if you want to have the race baiting question) has the NFL protected more? Black or white?

Consider the following list of criminals and wrong-doers in the NFL:

** Santonio Holmes - arrested twice, drug possession, assault, domestic assault, and violation of the league's substance abuse policy.

** Randy Starks - Arrested twice - domestic assault, and assault on a police officer

** Steve McNair (R.I.P.) - DUI Arrest, Arrest on an illegal weapons charge

** Vincent Jackson - Arrested three times

** Willie Andrews - Gun charges, drug possession, assault with a deadly weapon (3 separate incidents)

** Steve Foley - 2 DUIs, resisting arrest, assault on a police officer, domestic violence, disturbing the peace

** Shaun Phillips - assault on a security guard, arrested for resisting/obstructing a security guard

** Dwight Smith - Four incidents - indecent conduct, brandishing a handgun, drug possession, pulling a fake gun on fans

** Gerald Sensabaugh - 3 incidents - arrested speeding/carrying a loaded gun, charged with brandishing a weapon, driving without a license and weapons possession

** Add to that list the following names of Black athletes, all with multiple offenses - A.J. Nicholson, Admad Carroll, Albert Haynesworth, B.J. Sams, Bobby McCray, Cato June, Cedric Benson, Cedric Grffin, Claude Terrell, Darrell Reid, David Boston, Dominic Rhodes, Dominque Byrd, Donte Whitner, Jeramy Stevens, Jeremy Bridges, Joey Porter, Jonathan Babineaux, Kenny Wright, Kalif Barnes, Koren Robinson, Leroy Hill, Marcus Coleman, Najeh Davenport, Plaxico Burress, Sam Brandon, and Terrence Kiel

Do you know what all of them have in common Dexter? Not one of them, not a single one, was penalized under the NFL Player Conduct Policy, despite the PCP stating explicitly that players with multiple offenses would face penalty under the PCP.

Interesting isn't it Dexter? It would appear, by and large, that the NFL has been protecting, covering up, shielding and protecting the rash of black athletes that commit endless crimes repeatedly.

You never cry about this because you lack objectivity.

Let me give you another bone to chew on.

Have you ever written about the travesty that is Brandon Marshall? I've never seen it. I know you wouldn't cover it objectively, because the man is black. Let me remind you of this good citizen's rap sheet:

- 2004 - college - Charged with misdemeanor trespassing, resisting arrest, disorderly conduct, assault on a police officer

- 2005 - college - Charged with misdemeanor retail theft

- 2006 - involved in an argument outside a Denver nightclub with patrons; argument is reputed to have led to shooting that took Darrent Williams' life

- 2007 - allegedly fired a gun at his own father outside a bowling alley; father refused to press charges

- 2007 - Atlanta hotel - domestic dispute, struck his fiance with a closed fist; officers noted her bruised face; she refused to press charges

- 2007 - South Florida - fiance filed police charges after a verbal domestic dispute

- 2007 - Arrest; Colorado - domestic violence & false imprisonment

- 2007 - Atlanta - domestic dispute - police find Marshall's fiance with a large cut on her thigh; no charges filed

- 2007 - Atlanta - domestic dispute, Marshall punched fiance's face, then rammed her friend's SUV with his Escalade while trying to flee; no charges filed

- 2007 - Atlanta - domestic dispute, Marshall hit fiance's face and choked her; no charges filed

- 2007 - Arrest; Denver - DUI

- 2008 - San Juan - Marshall hit fiance's face, choked her. Police report filed, no charges

- 2008 - Arrest; Atlanta - 2 police calls in one night; Marshall was cut, Fiance was cut on the face; Marshall threw fiance's belongings out of the 20th floor condo window

- 2009 - Arrest; Atlanta - arrested after an outdoor fight with his new fiance was witnessed by police

The man was arrested 4 times. Police were summoned to his residences ELEVEN times for assault related issues - on WOMEN. He fired a gun at his own father.

Do you know Dexter, what the NFL did to him under the PCP? They gave him a one game suspension.

Do you really want to continue to make a case that the NFL protects white athletes? Ben Roethlisberger was skewered in the media and roasted by the NFL with a 6 game suspension - despite having no charges pressed against him.

The NFL doing nothing so far to Brett Favre is no different than the NFL doing nothing to that list of black athletes I listed above that attacked cops, hit women, and fired guns at their fathers. Which is worse Dexter? Showing a woman pictures of your genitals or knifing your fiance? The NFL's let both slide.

I haven't even brought up Eric Foster, who summoned a hotel employee to his room, and by her word, sexually assaulted her. And then there's the recent Denver athlete charged with rape.

Sorry Dexter, but the NFL continues to protect the criminal black population in the NFL, perpetually hiding their endless crimes.

Your view is narrow, misinformed, uneducated, and tainted by a bias that blinds you so badly you can't see the forest through the trees.

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Now you are calling me racist ?

Oh my goodness, this just gets better and better.

Here you go a bone...you are proving yourself to be an idiot.

Even the kids on this site are calling you out. They call me a word that begins with A, but I know who I am so it's ok and I know that I can show that side sometimes.

You need to learn who you are. Start there and then your voice will be heard.

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There's a difference between the 2, obviously you don't know the difference between the two so let me educate you. A racist is someone who believes they're innately superior to the other race. A bigot is someone who's "utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or opinion".

Then tell me what the difference is in the example I gave you. Which one is racist.

Until you get it through your head that the lack of hate towards Cliff Lee has nothing to do with racism, your life is gonna suck. You're putting a non existent burden on yourself.

---------- Post added December-18th-2010 at 01:00 AM ----------

Fullnelson, it's alost cause, why fight it?

If I had to make a list of my top 5 pet peeves, crying racism when it doesn't exist would be pretty high up. It's just one of those things I cannot stand. Mostly because the people who do that are so oblivious to reality.

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Is Cliff Lee from Texas? No.

Did he promise the Rangers that he'd bring them a title? No.

Is he one of the most recognizable celebrities in the world? No.

Is he the best player in his sport? No.

Did he quit on his team in the playoffs? No.

Did he hold a press conference to announce his decision? No.

Was he considered to be an ******* by fans across the country before changing teams? No.

So where are the similarities again?

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