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Cliff Lee did the same thing as Lebron James! (Where's the outratge)


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Do you realize that both of those articles argue against any accusation of racism?

Both of them said that it wasn't a big deal. All you've put out there is that Cliff Lee and LeBron both signed up with loaded teams.

Clearly you don't follow baseball or know anything about how it works.

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We know LeBron James is a fraud

Because he partnered up with a bunch of alpha dog players, instead of going it alone.


That's the story fan after fan, and even NBA team executives, have been peddling since the Decision.

An e-mailer to ESPN Radio's "Mike & Mike" this morning pointed out that baseball's Cliff Lee just did the same thing.

He could have stayed with his old team in Texas, joined a new one trying to find its way in New York, or latched onto the Phillies, who are dominant. The longtime Clevelander became a very hot commodity, and had a lot of options this summer, and he chose the power team.

So ... did we learn that there's something wrong with Cliff Lee's character? Is he not a true competitor? Is he some kind of fraud?

Or is he just a guy who wanted to join the best team he could?

And why wasn't that option open to LeBron James?

Every time I write a James post like this, there'll be some comments and tweets about how I'm such an apologist, or fan, of James'. But you know what? Search through all the LeBron James stories I have written: I'm not a fan at all. I respect advanced statistics, so I revere the sheer production of his career -- lack of titles be damned. I know enough about the economics to be aware that the NBA's best players make far more money for their owners than their owners are allowed to pay them under the CBA.

I accept the position of power he put himself into.

But beyond that, LeBron James the person? I have never much cared. His personality doesn't move me. I don't know him. I can't say I have much of a feel, or caring for him at all. And I have not been pressured by ESPN to take any positions on the matter.

I haven't been writing much at all about LeBron James the person, or even the player. I have been writing, since the night of the Decision, almost entirely about fans. Those in Cleveland get a pass, but the rest of the country? You had options to treat him with love, indifference, resignation, whatever -- the mishmash of sports emotions Cliff Lee can expect. Or hate. That's another option. For reasons that still puzzle me, a huge chunk of you chose that one.


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James is one of the best players in the NBA, possibly the best.

Lee is a very very good pitcher, around the top 10 for his position (but not for overall players in MLB)

James left his hometown team. He was promoted as such. Hometown guy makes good.

Lee played for Montreal, Cleveland, Philly, Seattle, and Texas before RE-joining Philly.

James is super duper high profile. People waited for 3 years for him to be a free agent. Many considered him the biggest free agent since A-Rod in MLB.

Lee was in the top three free agents... this year.

James has been hyped since he was 13. He has multi-million dollar endorsements.

Lee has spent much of his career as one of the most underrated players in baseball.

The two aren't really similar.

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i am honestly saddened that people think this way. some people really dont know why lebron gets the hate? and why lee doesnt? or why these situations arent close?

how can you even attempt to have a conversation with someone like that?

my lord. freaking ponderous.

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Cliff Lee didn't have an after school special on ESPN to announce where he is taking his talents next season.

Oh I get it, Ben Roethlisberger has had 2 women go on the record and allege that he raped them, but yet, Lebron is more hated for having a special That everyone watched. No wonder this country is going to into the ****ter. Peoples priorities are beyond sane.

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Oh I get it, Ben Roethlisberger has had 2 women go on the record and allege that he raped them, but yet, Lebron is more hated for having a special That everyone watched. No wonder this country is going to into the ****ter. Peoples priorities are beyond sane.

Where's all the hate for Brandon Underwood? 2 women alleged that he raped them, and he's a black athlete. Should all us whities be crucifying him because he's black?

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James is one of the best players in the NBA, possibly the best.

Lee is a very very good pitcher, around the top 10 for his position (but not for overall players in MLB)

James left his hometown team. He was promoted as such. Hometown guy makes good.

Lee played for Montreal, Cleveland, Philly, Seattle, and Texas before RE-joining Philly.

James is super duper high profile. People waited for 3 years for him to be a free agent. Many considered him the biggest free agent since A-Rod in MLB.

Lee was in the top three free agents... this year.

James has been hyped since he was 13. He has multi-million dollar endorsements.

Lee has spent much of his career as one of the most underrated players in baseball.

The two aren't really similar.

There are plentiful of post that could have closed this thread. But I think this one is the best of the best.

Yes there is racism still in this world today, but for goodness sake, can we please stop using the race card for stupid stuff like this.

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Oh I get it, Ben Roethlisberger has had 2 women go on the record and allege that he raped them, but yet, Lebron is more hated for having a special That everyone watched. No wonder this country is going to into the ****ter. Peoples priorities are beyond sane.

Donte Stallworth killed a guy, and that barely got any coverage.

You can't pick and choose your battles. If you cry racism once, you better be ready to defend everything else.

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Oh I get it, Ben Roethlisberger has had 2 women go on the record and allege that he raped them, but yet, Lebron is more hated for having a special That everyone watched. No wonder this country is going to into the ****ter. Peoples priorities are beyond sane.

Look, I agree that there are still a huge race issues in the country that go largely ignored. Especially when it comes to upward mobility and the completely out of control disparity in crime sentencing.

This ain't one of those things though. Lebron is a douche. Period. Some of us have been saying it for years. I hate Lebron. With a passion. Now, after "The Decision" people are finally on board and are saying the EXACT same things I've been saying for the last half-decade. It's not because of his race. It's not even because we're hating on his talents or jealous of him. It's because of him. As an individual, as a fellow human being. He is a douche.

The Cliff Lee situation is not in the same universe. If you can't see that, then that's your problem. You're the one with the closed mind and biased view.

Since we're on racism and since this thread is retarded and nearly dead (and since I don't feel like starting a thread), I'm curious to get people's take on this Duncan Hines ad controversy. Here's the commercial:

More info: http://theweek.com/article/index/210362/duncan-hines-blackface-cupcakes

To me, that's just disgraceful. I don't think it's overt racism but I think it shows a complete lack of sensitivity to the history of racism in the US.

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Donte Stallworth killed a guy, and that barely got any coverage.

You can't pick and choose your battles. If you cry racism once, you better be ready to defend everything else.

Oh, and hey! Remember what Ray Lewis did in 2000? Who remembers that? Kobe Bryant raping that girl? No one, NO ONE, remembers that.

Seriously, man. Your argument has so many holes in it, it's barely there to begin with. You've got nothing and this whole thing is pathetic.

You still haven't responded to any of my posts, by the way. Does it offend you that I'm a black person who doesn't go along with whatever other black people do? Do you not like the fact that I don't give people of my own race free passes? Does it get under your skin that I am actually doing more than you to achieve Dr. Kings dream and I'm able to look past a person's skin and judge them by "the content of their character?"

By the way, I think I've found "Parsec2010" new avatar


---------- Post added December-17th-2010 at 01:57 AM ----------

I don't see the racism, man. I certainly wasn't offended by it; but then again, it takes A LOT for me to get offended.

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^ I was waiting for the racism to pop out to me - I thought they were going to say something offensive...but I just dont see the problem with the commercial....shes pouring the chocolate frosting onto the cupcakes and its creating synthesized music...big deal. If anything, I think it was offensive to white people since they made the vanilla cupcake tonedeaf until she poured the chocolate on it :pfft:

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^ I was waiting for the racism to pop out to me - I thought they were going to say something offensive...but I just dont see the problem with the commercial....shes pouring the chocolate frosting onto the cupcakes and its creating synthesized music...big deal. If anything, I think it was offensive to white people since they made the vanilla cupcake tonedeaf until she poured the chocolate on it :pfft:

That part actually kinda cracked me up.

I don't know. Maybe I've been "indoctrinated" too much by the white man or whatever, but I just don't see it. I thought it was kinda clever. Sure as hell better than most light beer commercials.

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I feel like blackface and minstrel shows are one of the defining representatives of racism in the 20th Century and to me, that's blackface. Albeit on a cupcake. I feel like calling them Hip Hop Cupcakes puts it in that category. Like I said, I don't think it's overt racism. Just a lack of sensitivity toward the history of racism.

But that's just my opinion of course.

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I feel like blackface and minstrel shows are one of the defining representatives of racism in the 20th Century and to me, that's blackface. Albeit on a cupcake. I feel like calling them Hip Hop Cupcakes puts it in that category. Like I said, I don't think it's overt racism. Just a lack of sensitivity toward the history of racism.

But that's just my opinion of course.

See, my mind wasn't even there when I watched it. I suppose now that you mentioned it, yeah, I see the similarity; but apart from that, I didn't find anything offensive about it. Besides, those cupcakes looked pretty damn tasty. :D

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Yeah I'm not raging, boycott the company offended. More like shake my head offended. I can't believe that went through God only knows how many people in the company and no one said anything. Or if someone did say something, they still decided to roll with it. It's just insensitive.

Yeah, I guess I hear ya. I just don't see it myself. Maybe I just have a higher tolerance, but I just don't see anything there.

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]I cant believe you guys are missing the obviuse one Albert Haynesworth Leaving the city where his heart is to fleece danny of 100 million. Where is the outrage? All i see in the stadium is pro Haynesworth threads of how great he is. Then he promised to bring us 6 more offseason championships but didnt even show up last offseason once again where is the outrage? Just Kidding

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