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Cliff Lee did the same thing as Lebron James! (Where's the outratge)


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Well, I can't speak for everyone else; but all I can say is that I loathe douchebaggery of any variety. I have little tolerance for it, especially when I find myself doing it.

What Lebron did was a 10 on the jackass Richter Scale. That's why I feel the way I do about him. It has nothing to do with race (obviously, since we're both black). It's just that he was being an ass about it. I can't stand that at all.

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You would say the same about favre. A douche see's no racial or state boundaries :ols:

That's true, but Lebron's q rating took a huge hit. There was a good CNBC link to this a while ago ( it may have been posted on here). How does a guy go from being one of the respected athletes in the country to one of the most hated?

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That's true, but Lebron's q rating took a huge hit. There was a good CNBC link to this a while ago ( it may have been posted on here). How does a guy go from being one of the respected athletes in the country to one of the most hated?

So did Favre's. Went from people saying he was a LOCK at HOF to I am not sure.

It's because he is an absolute douche bag.

Lebron fits the bill.

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not 2, not 3, not 4...

What else do you need? Between this and the TV special, what else do you need to say? When I saw that on SportsCenter, I wanted to throw my shoe at the TV. How big of a jackass do you need to be to make a huge spectacle like this? Do you think Lee, Oswalt, Hamels, and Halliday are going to do that kind of thing at Citizens Bank Park?

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So did Favre's. Went from people saying he was a LOCK at HOF to I am not sure.

It's because he is an absolute douche bag.

Lebron fits the bill.

Lebron q rating took a dramatic turn ( I really should find that link- maybe tomorrow). He is right now among the most hated athletes in the country. Farve isn't.

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Once again, yes, but there is more to simply that. It's clear I am in the minority on this. This is just one those we are going to agree to disagree on it.

No, it's really that simple. Lebron James is a douchebag, and the entire Eastern Conference did a spit-take when they saw that.

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Are ya sure? Maybe it's just because it's 90% trolls, but the /sp/ board on 4chan was giddy when Farve got the snot knocked out of him against Buffalo and when it was announced Farve wouldn't play on Monday.

The only reason why Farve is getting the love he is (which, I don't think, is nearly enough as you think) is because the man holds every record in the book.

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It's a completely different situation. Favre has had trouble walking away from the game, when he should have a good 3 years ago. Has that been unfair to his teams at times? Sure has. Would I be frustrated as one of those fans? Sure would. As I said, I've grown not to like Favre after all the drama the last few years.

But it would have been FAR different if Favre had held an hour long special to announce to the Packers that he was going, by choice, to Dallas or Philly. That's what LeBron did. Green Bay chose to move forward with Rodgers. LeBron chose to humiliate a town of grossly under-rated sports fans.

But pointing out facts isn't any match for, nor as easy to argue as, "People are subconsciously racist." That's a matter of opinion, unless there are polls out there that I'm missing that address this directly.

I really still would like to see an apples-to-apples "Black athlete commits crime and is villified. White athlete commits same crime and is still loved" kind of comparison.

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I really still would like to see an apples-to-apples "Black athlete commits crime and is villified. White athlete commits same crime and is still loved" kind of comparison.

Here's something to chew on.

1) Kobe Bryant & Ben Roethlisberger! Here's why the double standard is appalling. Ben was accused of raping 2 women. One which he left with a swollen forehead. We barely heard a peep out of the national media. When It was Kobe, it was the lead story for weeks.

2) Roger Clemens & Barry Bonds. Another stomach wrenching double standard, I mean, Clemens had Republican lawmakers go on the record and state they didn't believe his trainer, even though the trainer still had a bloody syringe that contained Rogers D.N.A.

As for Bonds, they totally want to get his trainer on the record, to say he injected Bonds with steroids, that's all they want and need to garner a conviction. Bonds had ZERO lawmakers on capital hill defending him like Clemens did, even though there's more physical evidence against Roger than Barry. I can go on, but I'm sure you get my drift.

Black athletes are largely resented in America outside of the Black community, the rest of the country can't wait for a reason to surface so they can justifiably hate them. Which is really sad.

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Here's something to chew on.

1) Kobe Bryant & Ben Roethlisberger! Here's why the double standard is appalling. Ben was accused of raping 2 women. One which he left with a swollen forehead. We barely heard a peep out of the national media. When It was Kobe, it was the lead story for weeks.

Never charged, and it never went to trial. There's a big difference when a trial happens. Accused vs charged.

And let's not forget the coverage the Duke Lacrosse team had.

2) Roger Clemens & Barry Bonds. Another stomach wrenching double standard, I mean, Clemens had Republican lawmakers go on the record and state they didn't believe his trainer, even though the trainer still had a bloody syringe that contained Rogers D.N.A.

As for Bonds, they totally want to get his trainer on the record, to say he injected Bonds with steroids, that's all they want and need to garner a conviction. Bonds had ZERO lawmakers on capital hill defending him like Clemens did, even though there's more physical evidence against Roger than Barry. I can go on, but I'm sure you get my drift.

What are you arguing here? Try to stick to the subject. If you're talking about public perception and media coverage, Clemens has Bonds beat by a mile. I'd say just as many people dislike Clemens as they do Bonds.

Besides, both Bonds and Clemens were indicted on perjury charges. Your argument is irrelevant.

Black athletes are largely resented in America outside of the Black community, the rest of the country can't wait for a reason to surface so they can justifiably hate them. Which is really sad.

That's bull**** and you know it. The majority of high profile athletes in this country are black. Chances are that if there's an athlete out there who did something wrong, they're going to be black. Chances are that if you hate a high profile athlete, they're going to be black.

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Black athletes are largely resented in America outside of the Black community, the rest of the country can't wait for a reason to surface so they can justifiably hate them. Which is really sad.

:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Damn them darkies trying to overrun our sports. Good thing I've still got a white haven in hockey. :ols:

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Cliff Lee isn't to baseball what LeBron is to basketball. Cliff Lee also didn't "belong" to Rangers fans in the same way LeBron did to Cleveland fans.

Also most people don't really hate LeBron. They hate what the Miami Heat became--a Yankees for the NBA. The people of Cleveland hate LeBron, mostly because they're irrelevant now without him, and they ****ed and moaned loud enough for the rest of the country to take notice. You'd hate your exwife or exgirlfriend too if she left you for a handsomer, more successful man, which is more or less what LeBron did.

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Ok, I understand that Cliff Lee left the historically lowly Rangers, so he can re-join the MLB juggernaut known as the Philidelphia Phillies. He thought it was best to go there so he could form the BIG-3, I mean( the BIG-4).

However, I saw none of the American public go stark raving mad like they did with Lebron. The only difference I see in both defections is simple, one is Black, and one is White. Please tell me where I'm going wrong here?

This is totally idiotic. They aren't even CLOSE to the same. Lee didn't have a one hour special announcing where he was going. Lee took considerably less money to play in Philly. Lee turned down the YANKS. He also turned down the WS runner-up. Are you serious with this thread?

---------- Post added December-16th-2010 at 03:41 AM ----------

I don't believe so, if Lebron never did that one hour special he would still be hated.

Dude, you're so far out to left field its not even funny. It was most definitely the special. And its no surprise that you probably got this crap from a know-nothing like Cowherd.

---------- Post added December-16th-2010 at 03:48 AM ----------

It's a completely different situation. Favre has had trouble walking away from the game, when he should have a good 3 years ago.

Ok, I like ya Hog. But this is absolutely ridiculous. How can you possibly say he should have walked away 3 years ago when the man had his best season last year, and one of the best of all time? 33 TD 7 INT, if you've already forgotten. He should have definitely (in hindsight, anyway) walked away after last year though.

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The problem with the Lebron thing is that actually became worse WITH hindsight. It's not just that he left his home team, or that he left them after sabotaging them for years with his wonky faux gm demands, or that he left them in the dark or that he conspired with other players to create a super team. It's that he planned this for two years and still screwed his home team by leaving them in the dark making it difficult for them to execute a back up strategy and still demanded trades to build a team he knew he would not be playing on or for and then gave a lackluster performance during the playoffs. If he knew he was going two years ago, there was no reason to leave his team in the lurch like that. It was very low class. It makes "The Decision" that much worse.

I do think that the Farve thing is a good parallel though. I know a lot of people have turned on Farve and gotten sick of him. He is nowhere near as loved as he once was and is pretty well hated with his retirement or not tactics.

---------- Post added December-16th-2010 at 05:15 AM ----------

Also most people don't really hate LeBron. They hate what the Miami Heat became--a Yankees for the NBA.

I think that's a good point too. Look how many people HATE the Yankees. They are the most popular and most hated team in baseball... precisely for this reason. People dislike the notion of "buying" a team because it feels dishonest, it feels like cheating. That's one of the big reasons so many around this country turned on Snyder and the Redskins because he was trying to "buy" a Superbowl. Now, had it worked half those haters would have turned into fans as will happen with the Heat and has happened with Yankees and the Celtics and Lakers, but if it doesn't happen the hate just grows and "it serves them right"

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This guy is like the new boobie miles or Thanos. Race baiting all over the place. Wow, I can't believe this stuff.

What about all the black athletes that are loved? Right now I'm looking at sportscenter highlights and just saw Shaq's name on the screen. Michael Jordan automatically comes to mind. Vick is getting interviewed right now, look how much love he's getting this year.

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So based on this thread this is what i get out of this: For it to be racist:

The White people that watch basketball were upset over Lebron being born and raised in Ohio leaving with a huge ESPN hour, outraged because Lebron is a black basketball player.

The Black people that watch basketball were not upset over Lebron being born and raised in Ohio leaving with a huge ESPN hour. .05mm of skin tone would never make a difference to those of the same 'basic' hue. A nice buttery almond to a more richer moca latte, .

Because if I remember correctly 94% of the pundits were saying "no chance he leaves Ohio" ESPN was alive with predictions that not only failed but probably helped cause 70% of the issues with being wrong and creating the power hour on T.V.

(Brett Farve is a nightmare on t.v.) The pundits want him gone, most fans want him gone and he went from one of my favorite players to embarassing.

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Well if it helps, I hate Cliff Lee more, mainly because I'm a Nats fan and am not looking forward to facing that rotation 19 times next year. I don't like Lebron because he took three-four steps back in game 3 of 2005 (or was it 2006) and because he acted like a jackass on national television. I don't care about him now, honestly I laugh at Chris Bosh more, he so obviously a hanger-on and a 3rd wheel.

As to the Clemens-Bonds comparision, I think they're on equal footing. I think part of the reason Bonds got so much attention was because he now holds one of the most hallowed records in sports and people don't like a presumed cheat in that spot. Oddly, the person they would prefer to hold the record, Hank Aaron, is also black and beloved within the baseball community. Clemens is an *******, but doesn't hold a major record such as most wins or most strikeouts.

But hey, back on topic. I dislike Cliff Lee more. I dislike Clemens as much as Bonds. I might be Parsec's perfect white sports companion :ols:

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