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Cliff Lee did the same thing as Lebron James! (Where's the outratge)


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My "R" key has been giving me some trouble lately actually. Time to switch keyboards. :)

you could do what koolblue does and find an alternative somewhere else on the keyboard like a 7....save the $10, you might need it because of the lawyers we will all need because of the racism you have shown lebron :(

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First of all Lee left millions of the table which is pretty unheard of in today's sports which Labron didn't do. Second of all he played for the Philli's already once and knows the team well which Labron didn't. And most importantly Lee was on three clubs last year and was nothing more then a hired gun for my Rangers. He wasn't expected back and never acted like he was going to return. We wanted him back but we are more then happy with the 2 firsts we are getting from the Philli's from this deal in return and the fact is he didn't disappoint us last year taking us to our first world series. I don't get this comparrison at all

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According to The Q Scores Co., for non-blacks, LeBron's positive Q rating went from 18 percent in January to 10 percent in September and, more telling, his negative Q rating went from 24 percent to 44. Nearly half of the non-blacks in this country don't like the dude. Meanwhile, LeBron's positive Q rating among blacks went from 52 percent in January to 39 -- a noticeable drop -- but his negative Q rating barely budged, going from 14 percent to 15. Among African-Americans, says The Q Scores Co. executive vice president Henry Schafer, the shift in opinion was mostly to neutral.


Lets talk more about the Q scores, because it clearly illuminates that non-blacks are the main detractors when it comes to Lebron James, and Black athletes in general. When it comes to White athletes, Whites don't hold White athletes to the same standards. You mean to tell me that Lebron is more hated than Ben Roethlisberger, Jerry Jones, Mark McGwire or Roger Clemens? Speaking of Roger Clemens, he did the same that Marion Jones did, the only difference between the 2 is race and gender. And don't get my started on Jim Leyritz, he did essentially the same thing that Donte Stallworth did, actually, what he did was worse, and guess what; yep you guessed it, Donte received a much harsher sentence.

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Cliff Lee claims Philly is the team he wants to play for, both for professional and personal reasons. You could discount his claim but he does have a previous relationship there and the Yanks also came calling, does not have the same type of relationship with the Rangers or Texas that Lebron had with the Cavs and Ohio, as stated previously, does not play a sport where only 1 or 2 guys can make more than a marginal difference and, as stated, the overall gap in between the celebrity status of Basketball and Baseball players is huge. Now, as to Favre, yes he comes close as he is a "look at me guy" but he did not WANT to leave Green Bay. Yes, he did like the attention that his head-games drew and it was these games that got him in trouble with Green Bay but, in part, he wanted "revenge" because he felt slighted by Green Bay forcing him out (I agree that his belief in his being slighted by Green Bay was narcissistic).

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lol, so wait a minute here. I wonder if parsley noticed that it said "non-blacks" meaning everyone that isn't black....not white. so what parsley is saying is that whites, browns, yellows, reds, etc. combined, total more than the african american community....thanks parsley, without you I would have thought amurica was 50% whities and 50% blacks, I never would have thought that there were other races in there.

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Lets talk more about the Q scores...

Let's talk more about the fact that you are not addressing that your argument has been completely dismissed by pretty much everyone. This whole argument is just invalid.

I am not going to be ignorant and say that race is still not a significant issue in this country, but you are clearly and ridiculously reaching in this case. The only way that the two cases are similar is that Lee and James changed teams; every other factor (and there are many) is completely different. But you choose to focus on only one because it supports your argument.

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I don't get why anybody would be outraged that Lee signed with Philly. He was traded there before and he wanted to play there. He wasn't "scorning" any team (The Nats precursor traded him, the Indians traded him, the Phillies traded him, the Mariners traded him) and Texas traded for him knowing he'd either stay or leave and they would get two first round draft picks as compensation.

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Let's talk more about the fact that you are not addressing that your argument has been completely dismissed by pretty much everyone. This whole argument is just invalid.

I am not going to be ignorant and say that race is still not a significant issue in this country, but you are clearly and ridiculously reaching in this case. The only way that the two cases are similar is that Lee and James changed teams; every other factor (and there are many) is completely different. But you choose to focus on only one because it supports your argument.

I didn't expect to come to this board an have everyone agree with me. I'm just communicating to you all what's being expressed behind closed doors within in the Black community. This issue wouldn't be the first where Blacks and Whites differ.

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I didn't expect to come to this board an have everyone agree with me. I'm just communicating to you all what's being expressed behind closed doors within in the Black community. This issue wouldn't be the first where Blacks and Whites differ.

Well, its a completely different situation. And in my opinion, its sad that apparently some people think that people have an ulterior motive for having different feelings about LeBron and Cliff Lee.

Are you assuming that everyone who's posted in this thread is white??

Exactly. I was going to mention that, because I know that is not the case.

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I didn't expect to come to this board an have everyone agree with me. I'm just communicating to you all what's being expressed behind closed doors within in the Black community. This issue wouldn't be the first where Blacks and Whites differ.

lol behind closed doors? lol, so there is a super secret black community meeting! is that where all blacks across amurica get together and discuss what they dislike about the "non-blacks"?

what you completely miss are the folks in here who aren't "non-blacks" disagreeing with you. me thinks you need to read more and talk less

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lol behind closed doors? lol, so there is a super secret black community meeting! is that where all blacks across amurica get together and discuss what they dislike about the "non-blacks"?

what you completely miss are the folks in here who aren't "non-blacks" disagreeing with you. me thinks you need to read more and talk less

:ols: I knew it! I knew this was happening! How could we have missed all these secret meetings?!

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I didn't expect to come to this board an have everyone agree with me. I'm just communicating to you all what's being expressed behind closed doors within in the Black community. This issue wouldn't be the first where Blacks and Whites differ.

I'm black, and this issue hasn't been raised at all in my barbershop or amongst my friends.

Cliff Lee originally wanted to stay in Philly before he was traded. He played his best for a bad Seattle squad and played his best for a Texas team that went to the World Series.

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Are you assuming that everyone who's posted in this thread is white??

I don't see how he can even speak for the entire black community :ols:

I have plenty of friends who are black, and they all hate Lebron for what he did, and ftr, I'm puerto rican/italian, before any sweeping generalizations get thrown my way :ols:

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I'm black, and this issue hasn't been raised at all in my barbershop or amongst my friends.

Cliff Lee originally wanted to stay in Philly before he was traded. He played his best for a bad Seattle squad and played his best for a Texas team that went to the World Series.

Stop going to the supercuts at the mall!

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