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Cliff Lee did the same thing as Lebron James! (Where's the outratge)


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Look, I agree that there are still a huge race issues in the country that go largely ignored. Especially when it comes to upward mobility and the completely out of control disparity in crime sentencing.

You never hear about black and Latino racism against whites, it exists big time and yet is ignored.. Racism is on both sides of the fence not one. But it is political incorrect to call a minority racist. I am sure i will be called a racist for daring to say such stuff.

As for sentencing, it is income level rather than skin color. It you have to get a PD then you are going to jail.

If you want to see what races and education level commits the most crimes then I suggest you look it up, it is there if you care to research it

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Since we're on racism and since this thread is retarded and nearly dead (and since I don't feel like starting a thread), I'm curious to get people's take on this Duncan Hines ad controversy. Here's the commercial:

More info: http://theweek.com/article/index/210362/duncan-hines-blackface-cupcakes

To me, that's just disgraceful. I don't think it's overt racism but I think it shows a complete lack of sensitivity to the history of racism in the US.

I didn't get it until I read the article.

Actually, after reading the article, I think it's a major stretch. Maybe I'm just a insensitive white guy.

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Oh I get it, Ben Roethlisberger has had 2 women go on the record and allege that he raped them, but yet, Lebron is more hated for having a special That everyone watched. No wonder this country is going to into the ****ter. Peoples priorities are beyond sane.

Seems like every time someone tells you you're way off base you just bring up another random white guy who got a pass from the media on something.

Your priorities suck. It's nothing but race.

You've been given a million reasons why Cliff Lee is different from LeBron James, and all you want to do is say "Nop, it's because one is white and one is black"

All you see you view through the prism of race, and that makes you exactly what you're railing against.

A racist.

Wise up.


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Oh I get it, Ben Roethlisberger has had 2 women go on the record and allege that he raped them, but yet, Lebron is more hated for having a special That everyone watched. No wonder this country is going to into the ****ter. Peoples priorities are beyond sane.

I think the argument here would be Big Ben versus Kobe or Mike Tyson... maybe even Mike Vick.

The Lebron thing doesn't jibe with this issue.

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I think the argument here would be Big Ben versus Kobe or Mike Tyson... maybe even Mike Vick.

The Lebron thing doesn't jibe with this issue.

And funny how Big Ben, Kobe, and Vick have all been treated pretty much the same - 24/7 media coverage surrounding their scandals, but as soon as they get back to on the field/court they are back to being regarded as nothing more than the top athletes in their sports.

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You never hear about black and Latino racism against whites, it exists big time and yet is ignored.. Racism is on both sides of the fence not one. But it is political incorrect to call a minority racist. I am sure i will be called a racist for daring to say such stuff.

As for sentencing, it is income level rather than skin color. It you have to get a PD then you are going to jail.

If you want to see what races and education level commits the most crimes then I suggest you look it up, it is there if you care to research it

You're confusing racism with bigotry. Blacks and Mexicans don't have the social or institutional power to be racist against Whites. Whites on the other hand do! In Zimbabwe, Blacks are "racist" against Whites, that's because they have the power to subjagate their progress, just as Whites did to Blacks in America.

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You're confusing racism with bigotry. Blacks and Mexicans don't have the social or institutional power to be racist against Whites. Whites on the other hand do! In Zimbabwe, Blacks are "racist" against Whites, that's because they have the power to subjagate their progress, just as Whites did to Blacks in America.

I'm sure all your friends in the Sociology department think you're super cool.

(No offense to Sociology grads or students that don't buy into this garbage)

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You're confusing racism with bigotry. Blacks and Mexicans don't have the social or institutional power to be racist against Whites. Whites on the other hand do! In Zimbabwe, Blacks are "racist" against Whites, that's because they have the power to subjagate their progress, just as Whites did to Blacks in America.

You have twisted and turned your argument so many times I don't think you even remember what your point was.

If I'm walking down the street and a bunch of black guys beat me up for being white, that's not racism? Just bigotry? But if a group of whites do it to a black guy, then it's racist?


let me remind you what your original point was. Cliff Lee. Cliff Lee, a good baseball player (but not the level of player that LeBron is at Basketball), a jouneyman pitcher whoe once played for the Phillies, signs with the Phillies (as he is on record as being VERY upset that Philly traded him to Seattle last year) to form as solid rotation as we've seen. Not once has Lee ever been thought of as arrogant or as a douche. Cliff Lee allowed his agent to break the news, and had no ESPN special announcing it. Lee did not have a city that he was from that he represented almost his entire life. People don't give Lee crap like they did LeBron, so it's racist.

Am I correct? Was that your original point?

Stop listening to your barbershop buddies. They aren't that bright.

EDIT: I propose to you this challenge. Go over my summary of your original point I wrote above. Tell me which parts are correct, and which parts are incorrect.

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You have twisted and turned your argument so many times I don't think you even remember what your point was.

If I'm walking down the street and a bunch of black guys beat me up for being white, that's not racism? Just bigotry? But if a group of whites do it to a black guy, then it's racist?


There's a difference between the 2, obviously you don't know the difference between the two so let me educate you. A racist is someone who believes they're innately superior to the other race. A bigot is someone who's "utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or opinion".

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There's a difference between the 2, obviously you don't know the difference between the two so let me educate you. A racist is someone who believes they're innately superior to the other race. A bigot is someone who's "utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or opinion".

And an idiot is someone that doesn't realize that they are in fact themselves a racist AND a bigot.

Check yourself. You are starting to resemble the idiot in this scenario.

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And an idiot is someone that doesn't realize that they are in fact themselves a racist AND a bigot.

Check yourself. You are starting to resemble the idiot in this scenario.

Adhominem attacks against my personal character has nothing to do with the issue that's being debated. You're letting your hateful and spiteful emotions get the best of you. I would adivse that you check yourself. You're one angry man.

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Adhominem attacks against my personal character has nothing to do with the issue that's being debated. You're letting your hateful and spiteful emotions get the best of you. I would adivse that you check yourself. You're one angry man.

haha. I am not angry at all. In fact most of your posts have made this thread pretty humorous. You would know if I was angry. I would just flat out say it instead of trying to be nice.

Besides I don't take advice from bigots/racists/idiots...not saying you are... but just in case.

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haha. I am not angry at all. In fact most of your posts have made this thread pretty humorous. You would know if I was angry. I would just flat out say it instead of trying to be nice.

Besides I don't take advice from bigots/racists/idiots...not saying you are... but just in case.


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