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Cliff Lee did the same thing as Lebron James! (Where's the outratge)


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Now you are calling me racist ?

Oh my goodness, this just gets better and better.

Here you go a bone...you are proving yourself to be an idiot.

Even the kids on this site are calling you out. They call me a word that begins with A, but I know who I am so it's ok and I know that I can show that side sometimes.

You need to learn who you are. Start there and then your voice will be heard.

Why do you have to personalize this debate with the myriad of childish attacks and slanderous name-calling? Can't you make your points intelligently without reverting to the very same behavior that you're objecting to? Rule number 101 when debating, never illuminate the fragility of your emotional state, it disables you from communicating in a civil manner. I'm not saying you can't disagree with any of my positions, but it's paramount that you allow the facts to solidify your position, devoid of any negative emotions. It's the personification of immaturity, and I'm positive that's not the temperament you were conditioned to exhibit.

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Why do you have to personalize this debate with the myriad of childish attacks and slanderous name-calling? Can't you make your points intelligently without reverting to the very same behavior that you're objecting to? Rule number 101 when debating, never illuminate the fragility of your emotional state, it disables you from communicating in a civil manner. I'm not saying you can't disagree with any of my positions, but it's paramount that you allow the facts to solidify your position, devoid of any negative emotions. It's the personification of immaturity, and I'm positive that's not the temperament you were conditioned to exhibit.

What "facts" have you listed?

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he did bolt to go to a winning team that was stacked with talent in their rotation. .

Thats the similarity you found? LeBron bolted to a winning team? Last time i checked, the Cavs had a better record than the Heat. In fact, they had the best record in the NBA.

---------- Post added December-18th-2010 at 02:32 AM ----------


1 Is Cliff Lee from Texas? No.

2 Did he promise the Rangers that he'd bring them a title? No.

3 Is he one of the most recognizable celebrities in the world? No.

4 Is he the best player in his sport? No.

5 Did he quit on his team in the playoffs? No.

6 Did he hold a press conference to announce his decision? No.

7 Was he considered to be an ******* by fans across the country before changing teams? No.

8 So where are the similarities again?

1. If everyone is saying that its not the fact that he left cleveland, but its because of his 1 hour special, why do people continue to point this out? If your okay with him leaving cleveland, why bring up the fact that he was homegrown there? This doesnt make sense. A lot of you guys keep referring to this, and its quite idiotic because you are contradicting your-selves.

2. True.

3. True. But this has nothing to do with switching teams.

4. True

5. Dan Gilbert, is that you?

6. True.

7. Where did you happen to come across this knowledge? LeBron wasnt considered an ******* until AFTER he switched teams. Mostly because people were pissed that he didnt go to their team. (i.e New York, New Jersey). The vast majority of fans loved him. He would get standing ovations on the road. I think he even finished 1st or 2nd in voting for the all star game, in a lot of seasons.

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Shabby, LeBron was hated before he did The Decision because he's clearly an arrogant, self-centered, everyone loves me d-bag. Also, he quit in the playoffs. Jordan would NEVER have pulled the performance he did vs. Boston.

Yes, being one of the most recognizable athletes makes you more prone to a variety of opinions, in this case, mostly hatred.

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7. Where did you happen to come across this knowledge? LeBron wasnt considered an ******* until AFTER he switched teams. Mostly because people were pissed that he didnt go to their team. (i.e New York, New Jersey). The vast majority of fans loved him. He would get standing ovations on the road. I think he even finished 1st or 2nd in voting for the all star game, in a lot of seasons.

Hate to burst your bubble, but no. You're wrong.

Plenty of people hated LeBron's guts before he switched teams. Fact.

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Cliff Lee didn't grow up in Texas, or Seattle, or Cleveland or any of the other teams he played for. Cliff Lee didn't require teams to come to him to court him. Cliff Lee didn't have an hour long special on ESPN where he made his "decision" to take his talents to the city of brotherly love.

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Hate to burst your bubble, but no. You're wrong.

Plenty of people hated LeBron's guts before he switched teams. Fact.

Sorry dude, but you're wrong. More people liked him than not. I know you might be a little biased because he beat our team in the playoffs a bunch of times, but you cant account for everyone. I know washington fans hated him. But just because you do doesnt mean everyone does.

Btw, if everyone hated him, then why in the world would they want him to come to their team? I know, there is no way in hell that you would be against him coming to washington. And if you were, then either 1, you clearly dont care about winning, or 2, you have a personal hatred towards him.

---------- Post added December-18th-2010 at 10:17 AM ----------

Shabby, LeBron was hated before he did The Decision because he's clearly an arrogant, self-centered, everyone loves me d-bag. Also, he quit in the playoffs. Jordan would NEVER have pulled the performance he did vs. Boston.

Yes, being one of the most recognizable athletes makes you more prone to a variety of opinions, in this case, mostly hatred.

See above.

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Shabby, judging by your sig, you're biased.

You can keep denying all you want but plenty of people hated LeBron before The Decision.

By the way, your sig is kind of funny. A 26 year old player in his prime is better than a near 33 year old about to leave his...whoopde doo...but I know who I'd rather have in the last 30 seconds.

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Shabby, judging by your sig, you're biased.

You can keep denying all you want but plenty of people hated LeBron before The Decision.

By the way, your sig is kind of funny. A 26 year old player in his prime is better than a near 33 year old about to leave his...whoopde doo...but I know who I'd rather have in the last 30 seconds.

How am I biased? I stated that people hated LeBron before the decision, but not as many people as you believe. More people liked him than not. And i also stated that AFTER the decision, more people hate him then not. So i dont understand how I am bias? If anyone is bias, its you, because you hate lebron lmao.

Kobe is arguable one of the best players in the league. For someone to be better than him, thats pretty good.... i dont understand your logic here. Unless you are implying kobe sucks because hes old?

Oh wow, youd like to have Kobe in the last 30 seconds, what about the other 47 minutes and 30 seconds? Good job sir.

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How am I biased? I stated that people hated LeBron before the decision, but not as many people as you believe. More people liked him than not. And i also stated that AFTER the decision, more people hate him then not. So i dont understand how I am bias? If anyone is bias, its you, because you hate lebron lmao.

Kobe is arguable one of the best players in the league. For someone to be better than him, thats pretty good.... i dont understand your logic here. Unless you are implying kobe sucks because hes old?

Oh wow, youd like to have Kobe in the last 30 seconds, what about the other 47 minutes and 30 seconds? Good job sir.

Every great player can bring it when the pressure isn't on. When I need a big shot give me Kobe 24/ over Prince James.

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Obviously, you dont want basketball like I do. If your implying that LeBron is not clutch, your misinformed. Take a look at what he did against the pistons, celtics, wizards etc. in the playoffs.

Kobe is a better clutch player, I know that. If it were a last second shot, as of right now, id take him as well.

I am starting to wonder if lebron did something to you personally.... lol its kind of funny to see how much you hate him. Prince james haha, that made me chuckle.

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Obviously, you dont want basketball like I do. If your implying that LeBron is not clutch, your misinformed. Take a look at what he did against the pistons, celtics, wizards etc. in the playoffs.

Kobe is a better clutch player, I know that. If it were a last second shot, as of right now, id take him as well.

I am starting to wonder if lebron did something to you personally.... lol its kind of funny to see how much you hate him. Prince james haha, that made me chuckle.

How can he be King when he's in Miami-Wade County? LeBron has had some great performances and I think he's the best player in the league in terms of overall skillset but some of his playoff performances leave alot to be desired (ir when he faces a real opponent like the Celtics). Wizards were never that good, the Pistons were on their last leg and all the other first round fodder were garbage also.

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Besides the Pistons on their last legs that one year, LeBron has never beat a 50+ win team in the playoffs in his career so far.

The guy harvested on ****ty Eastern Conference teams. Finally gave up and is now playing second fiddle to Wade. Dude is a follower, not a leader. It's as simple as that and which is why he'll never be remembered as a dominant alpha male player the way Kobe and Jordan are.

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I personally tend to get offended whenever people refer to the Heat as "Lebron James' Team", it is evident that this team clearly runs through D Wade, it has always been that way. It's no coincidence that the team struggled coming out of the gate, Wade was playing like ****, but he's hitting hi stride right now. I doubt they can keep this up, playing the amount of minutes that they are, but we'll see.

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LOL. Yeah i was right, you dont watch basketball like i do. How quick you guys are to forget when he took his team to the finals. He beat the celtics to get their just so you know. So you whole argument is thrown out the window with that one. Yeah, its "wade's team" for now. But we all know why the Heat are who they are right now. As much as you guys dont want to believe it, you know damn well LeBron is the best player on the team, and in the league.

When was this? Was this a joke?

Clearly you know more about basketball than the rest of us right? So you were joking?

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When was this?

My mistake, i meant to say Pistons. What happened to my post?

---------- Post added December-18th-2010 at 11:53 AM ----------

Besides the Pistons on their last legs that one year, LeBron has never beat a 50+ win team in the playoffs in his career so far.

The guy harvested on ****ty Eastern Conference teams. Finally gave up and is now playing second fiddle to Wade. Dude is a follower, not a leader. It's as simple as that and which is why he'll never be remembered as a dominant alpha male player the way Kobe and Jordan are.

How can you say a two time mvp is a follower and not a leader? haha

---------- Post added December-18th-2010 at 11:54 AM ----------

When was this? Was this a joke?

Clearly you know more about basketball than the rest of us right? So you were joking?

Im sorry i wrote in the wrong team. I guess not everyone is perfect like you guys.

---------- Post added December-18th-2010 at 11:56 AM ----------

. It's as simple as that and which is why he'll never be remembered as a dominant alpha male player the way Kobe and Jordan are.

Kobe is an alpha dog? Who was the MVP of the finals his first 3 championships? Kobe? No. It was shaq. Because he was the most dominating center in the league. What happened when he left? Kobe didnt even make it out of the first round in 3 tries. He missed the playoffs entirely one year. When was the next time he made it passed the first round? When he got Pau Gasol, arguably one of the best center in the league, depending on where you put dwight howard.

---------- Post added December-18th-2010 at 11:59 AM ----------

its wades team for now. give it a season or two, and it will be LeBron's team sooner than you think. We all know who the best player on that team is, and the league for that matter. Wade is batman, but LeBron is batman on steroids. Come to reality guys.

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