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Cliff Lee did the same thing as Lebron James! (Where's the outratge)


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Ok, I understand that Cliff Lee left the historically lowly Rangers, so he can re-join the MLB juggernaut known as the Philidelphia Phillies. He thought it was best to go there so he could form the BIG-3, I mean( the BIG-4).

However, I saw none of the American public go stark raving mad like they did with Lebron. The only difference I see in both defections is simple, one is Black, and one is White. Please tell me where I'm going wrong here?

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Most people don't give a **** that LeBron decided to go to Miami.

The difference here is Cliff Lee didn't have a special on ESPN to tell the world about his decision.

Cliff Lee didn't join the same time as Halladay, Oswalt, Hamels, Howard, etc.

Lee has history with the team. Very good history.

So before you go and try to make this a racial issue....think. Seriously man.

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Because they are two totally different sports. Basketball is historically driven by a team with one megastar one really good sidekick and then a bunch of great role players. Therefore there is much more emphasis placed on being the man. In baseball it is more of a team sport with heavy importance placed on having a pitching staff complete with right and left handers that complement each other. Plus, he did not hold an ESPN special to announce his decision.

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You can't be ****ing serious. You haven't heard the multitude of people who have said that it wasn't that he left Cleveland, it was the way he left? People like me? People who think that if you're a city's golden boy and you're going to turn your back on the people of that city, you shouldn't hold an hour-long special highlighting your decision? People who think there's a difference between LeBron leaving the team he's been with for his entire NBA career, the team that's the closest thing to his hometown organization, the team that could very well go under without him, and Cliff Lee leaving the team that he's been with for a span of time that can be measured in months?

Thanks for wrongfully calling me a racist, you jackass.

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1) Cliff Lee did not hold "The Decision" and announce he was going to "take his talents" to Philadelphia

2) Cliff Lee was not drafted nor did he spend his entire baseball tenure to that point, with the Texas Rangers

However I was listening to Cowherd do the ESPN Radio Extra Point today and he basically said the same thing. There are some similarities, he did bolt to go to a winning team that was stacked with talent in their rotation. However, the comparison does not work because of the 2 reasons I listed above. He didn't get the kind of hate that LeBron did because he didn't spend a majority of his career in Texas. He wasn't born and raised, drafted, and groomed by Texas. He hopped around teams, so there wasn't as much vitriol when he left as when LeBron left.

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Seriously? Is this really a question?

The FO people went about their business, as did Lee's people, and they made a trade. Happens all the time in any sport.

Lebron, on the other hand, had a whole hour long special (for an announcement that took all of, maybe, 10 seconds) where he not only tore the heart out of an entire city, but did it in the most agonizing way possible. Who else in the history of sports has done such a thing? If they have, they deserve just as much flack for what Lebron did.

No one cared, outside of Cleveland, that Lebron. Most of us expected him to. But to take an hour just to make an announcement, as if this was THE MOST important thing going on in the world, just to tell people where you're "taking your talents" is the lowest form of douchebaggery.

Oh, and don't pull that race card garbage on me. That is (usually) just an out to justify ignorant, foolish behavior.

And this is coming from a proud black person, in case you were thinking about calling me out.

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Who else in the history of sports has done such a thing? If they have, they deserve just as much flack for what Lebron did.


Brett Favre has done the poor man version of " the decision" the last 5 years or so. At least Lebron's thing was only for an hour, Favre likes to stretch it out for weeks.

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Ok, I understand that Cliff Lee left the historically lowly Rangers, so he can re-join the MLB juggernaut known as the Philidelphia Phillies. He thought it was best to go there so he could form the BIG-3, I mean( the BIG-4).

However, I saw none of the American public go stark raving mad like they did with Lebron. The only difference I see in both defections is simple, one is Black, and one is White. Please tell me where I'm going wrong here?

completely different scenarios and history as well...

LJ born and raised in Ohio. Plays in Cleveland as a professional. The beloved son of the Ohio. Makes bunch of promises about how its his dream to bring the NBA title to Cleveland. The owner, fans, and the city in general complies with everything that LJ wants to do. Many in Ohio including the team believes that LJ will remain loyal to the team, city, state, and fans. However it turns out that (at least the perception) LJ has been planning for his exit from Cleveland for a while AND decides to do it on national TV.

Cliff Lee on the other hand according the Wiki


"Lee was drafted by the Florida Marlins with the 12th pick of the 8th round of the 1997 Major League Baseball Draft out of Benton High School in his hometown of Benton, Arkansas, but instead chose to attend Meridian Community College in Mississippi. Later, Lee was drafted by the Baltimore Orioles in the 20th round of the 1998 amateur draft, but did not sign, opting to attend the University of Arkansas.

In the 2000 amateur draft, he was chosen in the 4th round by the Montreal Expos and signed in July of that year. During 2002, Lee played for Double-A Harrisburg, and compiled a 7–2 record with a 3.23 ERA in Eastern League play by mid-summer.

In June 2002, the Expos traded him with Brandon Phillips, Lee Stevens, and Grady Sizemore to the Cleveland Indians in exchange for Bartolo Colón and Tim Drew.[2]

Following the trade, Lee pitched three games with the Akron Aeros before he was promoted to the Buffalo Bisons, the Triple A affiliate within the Cleveland farm system. He compiled a 3–2 record with the Bisons before being called-up to the Indians during September of that season. Lee made his major league debut in a start against the Minnesota Twins on September 15, 2002, giving up a lone run in 5.1 innings, resulting in a loss due to lack of run support.[3] He pitched once more that season, giving up one run in five innings against the Kansas City Royals, resulting in a no decision for Lee but a loss for the team.[4]

Lee won at least 14 games in each of his first 3 full seasons and tossed more than 200 innings in both 2005 and 2006. In 2005, he finished the season with an 18–5 record and a 3.79 ERA, earning him 4th place in the AL Cy Young Award voting that year.[5] In 2006, the Indians rewarded him with a midseason, 3-year, $14 million contract extension through the 2009 season.[6]"

So he was bouncing around even before he made it to the big leagues. After he signs the contract with the Indian, the Indians trade Cliff Lee to Philly in which in turn trades him to the Mariners. Doesnt end there because Mariners trade him to the Rangers. Cliff Lee was involved in 3 trades within a 2 year span that netted the team he was leaving bunch of prospects. Cliff Lee finally becomes a free agent and there was no question that money was going to play a factor and none of the teams or their fan base felt that Lee was "loyal" to their team. Cliff Lee decides to sign with the Phillys. So from the start of 2009 season to now. He has changed teams 4 times.

OK NOW! Parsec2010. How is this same as "The Decision" by Lebron James?

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Brett Favre has done the poor man version of " the decision" the last 5 years or so. At least Lebron's thing was only for an hour, Favre likes to stretch it out for weeks.

And isn't he getting all kinds of flack for it? I respect Farve as a player (just like I do Lebron); but I cannot wait for that drama queen to go away. Farve and Lebron both are attention whores and ESPN's lapdogs. It's gonna be a sad day in Bristol when they're both out of the spotlight.

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:ols: Seriously, you're barking up the wrong tree, and I'm a Heat fan.

Lebron is an egomaniac, he constantly needs the spotlight on him, acts like a petulant child at times, and on top of that, quit on his team last year in the playoffs, and then had the nerve to do " The Decision" and give one big middle finger to the city of Cleveland before he rolled out.

Cliff Lee on the other hand, is pretty much the exact opposite. He had no allegiance with any team, was quiet, respectful, and got **** done at the same time. The only similarity that you can even use is the fact that he ( like Lebron ) took less money to play on a team and try to contend for a championship

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And isn't he getting all kinds of flack for it? I respect Farve as a player (just like I do Lebron); but I cannot wait for that drama queen to go away. Farve and Lebron both are attention whores and ESPN's lapdogs. It's gonna be a sad day in Bristol when they're both out of the spotlight.

Oh, he does get flack. But when polled, only one shows up on the most hated athlete list.

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Race card fail.

This is why race relations are deteriorating in America. When I was at the barbershop today (Black Barbershop) this was the subject of debate. The double standard placed on White and Black athletes during the freeagnecy period. And how no-one eviscerates the notable White free agents. So I guess it's ok for MLB players to defect but not NBA?

Also, I doubt it was the ESPN one hour special, no one forced anyone to watch that. Plus it raised millions of dollars for needy children, I know that matters not, but still, I believe the benificiaries are more important then the emotional response of those people who were offended.

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Oh, he does get flack. But when polled, only one shows up on the most hated athlete list.

Well, there's only room for one. I think at this point, we've expected this kind of childish behavior from Farve. To have a 1 hour special announcing your departure from your home state, and from a city you promised, YOU PROMISED, to bring a championship to is low. It's oh, so low.

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Parsec, there is no comparison.

In addition to the reasons others have stated, most people don't even know who the hell Cliff Lee is. Only baseball fans.

Now go ask any woman in the country who Lebron is. Ask any kid. Ask people in different countries.

Everyone knows Lebron. Very few know Cliff Lee.

And it's hard for the masses to hate someone that most people haven't even heard of.

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