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Mod Notice: Temp Ban if Post on Changing the Name. Per New York Times: Dan Syder Agrees to Sell Washingon Commaders for $6B

Reaper Skins

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To be free from Dan Snyder and going to Harris/Rales/Magic is priceless. Just the upgrade in ownership competence alone is invaluable.  Everything is now achievable…..championships, RFK, everything.  Just the thought of Mitchell Rales having input on designing a new stadium 🤌🏾.  Good days are ahead.




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Dan Snyder is gone. Time to rejoice. The worst owner in sports finally sells the team

He's gone. He's finally gone. There is a God. I don't even believe in God but I do now.

This day should be a national holiday. It should be called: Dan Snyder Sold The Team Day. There'd be a gathering at the stadium, everyone holding candles, singing the Ding Dong song, interlocking arms, smiling and rejoicing.






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34 minutes ago, Darrell Green Fan said:


I'm glad you posted this because I came her to point out that we have the victims to thank for this.  They refused to go quietly and it was only because of their bravery that this sale took place.  

Snyder once claimed he had "dirt" on the others, I believe it's just a matter of time before many others are going to release the dirt they have on him. The snake is going to bite its tail.




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Good morning to my fellow Redskins/football team/Commanders fans!!!!!!!!  One analogy I heard last night from one of the many media pundits was this team is a sleeping giant that's about to awaken.  If that doesn't make you feel all tingly inside then I don't know what will. 

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I have been waiting for this news for decades. I fondly remember posting on ES back in like 2004 (under an older nym) as a teenager about how much I hated Dan Snyder. Consensus back then was that he was tolerable to not a problem. I still stand by what I've said over the last 20+ years, the man is an unfathomably evil sack of crap and I wish nothing but horrible things for him for the rest of his days, and not just because of football, but for all the actual human misery he has been responsible for as a terrible business man.


I can't help but think of all the passionate fans who have died between 97 and today who never got to see this.


I hope Dan and Tanya have enough good sense to leave the DC area forever and never come back.

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 Listened to Keim both as to on the radio and a podcast. I am in the middle of something I need to finish so I’ll start with the cliff notes and add some more soon to this.


A. He thinks Harris ends up with this albiet Steven A tells people he’s confident he gets the money 


B. Interacted some in the process with people close to Harris, really professional people who he was impressed with 


C. He’s heard good things about how Harris runs things from people in the know 


D. The people in Commanders Park are jazzed about Harris, also heard good things 


E. He knows they are going to shoot for RFK. It won’t be easy but he knows they are going for it 

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Just now, Darrell Green Fan said:

We already knew Harris' history but that write up has to make every fan excited.  There are no guarantees in sports but at least we have a chance when for a generation we had no chance.  


I live overseas now, so I don't have tons of proximity to DC anymore. But when I visit in the future, I hope I'm able to possibly come by a new ballpark on the site of RFK, get a $4 hotdog and a $5 beer, and watch the skins play again in a stadium that isn't a huge monument to the almighty Dollar. I just want to have a good time in DC. Here's hoping in 3-5 years things will be great.

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I’ve been a fan since 1970, joined and retired from military in 2003, since met and married a beautiful wife, had 3 kids who all became rabid Commanders fans of course this with our previous name.  Both my sons have used many version of the name Sean Taylor as their passwords, his number on all unis, and proudly have worn the gear and continue to wear.  I was lucky enough to join up with some friends when they started a Pensacola, FL Redskins fanclub back in 1990-91 (I can’t) remember.  To say the fanclub has gone through many iterations would be an understatement.  This last year it felt we were holding together by a very thin thread, but some of us held out and now here we are!  HTTC

not generally an emotional guy, but thinking it’s now possible my kids have a chance of seeing this once proud team, hopefully back to glory or at least relevance - well you know, yeah I’m shedding a tear.

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Ding Dong the witch is dead.  These are actual real quotes about what a collosal failure Snyder was at owning our beloved football team. Everything that has happened to this franchise — all the embarrassment, all the losing, all of the turmoil — is the responsibility of Snyder.


“The history shows you that they [the front office] failed in every instance. The only thing that’s changed is that they’ve gotten rid of people, but the management stayed the same. So it’s continued to fail on the field, and I think you have to be concerned – anybody with good sense would be. You can be optimistic about it, but you have to be realistic as well, and say that everything they’ve touched has failed on the football field. They’re a big success at the box office, and a big success with the money and all, but they’re a miserable success when it comes to winning.” – Rick “Doc” Walker


“Perhaps no one on earth has ever deserved to be ignored more than Dan Snyder” – John Feinstein


"He's turned the R_______ into a cash machine.  And the result is a completely soulless, corporate product." - Dan Kaplan, finance editor at The Sports Business Journal.


"We need to have an intervention with that dude” – Wale Ovechkin on Dan Snyder. 


"I've said for a long time, in my opinion the problem down there--obviously it starts at the top with Dan” – Marty Schottenheimer


“It's a decade into Snyder's tenure as owner, and not too early to reach a verdict on the joyriding amateur interference that passes for his management.” – Sally Jenkins


"A team should stand for something...the Washington fans are great, but Snyder doesn't deserve them." – United States Congressman Jim Moran


"They have one of the great fan bases in all of sports, one of the great stadiums in all of sports, and Dan Snyder is single-handedly ruining a franchise. Sell the team, pal." – Jay Mariotti


“[Dan Snyder's] performance has been a tour de force of executive douchery, so solidifying his status as the very worst owner not just in football but in sports” – Matt Taibbi, Rolling Stone magazine


“This person knows nothing about football, absolutely nothing. I don't think they have a clue how a football team comes together, how it works.” – John Riggins


“The issue is not the team's performance on the field, dismal as that is. It is the culture created by the owner--one of greed, expediency, and mean-spiritedness. The general atmosphere around the team suggests Zimbabwe--a failed state, an intractable dictator, and an impotent and suffering populace.” – Steve Coll, two time Pulitzer prize winner


“If Dan Snyder owned a baseball team he'd have nine cleanup hitters.” – Mike Wilbon. 


 “[Snyder] commercialized the Redskins like my father would have never commercialized the Redskins.” – John Kent Cooke


 “For 100 years, Washington has been blighted with some of the worst owners of pro sports teams that the United States has produced. Daniel Snyder of the R_______ is just the latest, though he is rapidly working his way up a list of ignominy that includes racists and rip-off artists, the vindictive and the vain, cheap town-jumpers as well as the merely meddlesome and incompetent.” – Tom Boswell


“The Redskins owner has a warped perspective of his club and his contributions to it, and it affects the team’s ability to be successful – on the field, at least.” – Dan Steinberg


“I now can honestly say that why would things ever change for our team when he has no respect for employees or fans and we have none for him?” – Lavar Arrington


 “Our fan base hates our owner because he can’t ever keep a coach, he’ll never keep players, he’ll never keep guys around, he changes it and it’s like a fantasy football team to him.” – Chris Cooley


Edited by Rocky21
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I can deal with wins and loses...I won't be able to handle acting like a borderline criminal organization that treats women like **** under new ownership.


Fix that or I'm done and steering my daughters away as well.  This should be easy, but I'm jaded and have my eyes open.


I love this group over Bezos and whatever vindication anyone feels in how they did their own protest against this abomination of franchise.


If for any reason It is time for closure and something new, so FFS please do that.

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19 minutes ago, HailSkins90 said:

I have been waiting for this news for decades. I fondly remember posting on ES back in like 2004 (under an older nym) as a teenager about how much I hated Dan Snyder. Consensus back then was that he was tolerable to not a problem. I still stand by what I've said over the last 20+ years, the man is an unfathomably evil sack of crap and I wish nothing but horrible things for him for the rest of his days, and not just because of football, but for all the actual human misery he has been responsible for as a terrible business man.


I can't help but think of all the passionate fans who have died between 97 and today who never got to see this.


I hope Dan and Tanya have enough good sense to leave the DC area forever and never come back.

There were a few of us out in the wilderness back then but at that point IIRC it was just about his lack of competence. Little did we know it would get much worse.

5 minutes ago, HailSkins90 said:


I live overseas now, so I don't have tons of proximity to DC anymore. But when I visit in the future, I hope I'm able to possibly come by a new ballpark on the site of RFK, get a $4 hotdog and a $5 beer, and watch the skins play again in a stadium that isn't a huge monument to the almighty Dollar. I just want to have a good time in DC. Here's hoping in 3-5 years things will be great.

They just paid $6 Billion for a turd of a turnaround. I seriously doubt the price of concessions or anything else will be going down. However, I think we can safely say our fans won’t be offered stale, airline peanuts for those inflated prices. I expect the fan experience to improve quite a lot, very quickly. However, lower prices are probably a pipe dream.

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1 minute ago, Renegade7 said:

I can deal with wins and loses...I won't be able to handle acting like a borderline criminal organization that treats women like **** under new ownership.


Fix that or I'm done and steering my daughters away as well. 


From all reports that part in bold has indeed been fixed. So the new owners would have to re-install that toxic culture for it to be a problem.

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14 minutes ago, spjunkies said:

Hopefully the Canadian bloke goes away, my brain has already accepted the Harris group. 


I know almost nothing about him but lol just him lingering feels annoying.  His net worth is supposedly half the worth of this team.  He's now bidding on three different teams in a short amount of time.   Feels like he's hanging on with Dan saying, wait, wait, wait, I'll get you the money.


I'd add that the Athletic said yesterday that they know one of the bidders doesn't want RFK.  Keim basically smoked out that Harris indeed wants RFK.  So that would leave me to think that's Steven A.  And the Athletic talked about that same bidder wanting to build development around the stadium.  Steven A is a real estate guy so my powers of deduction makes me think his interest in this is at least partly about the real estate investment.

Edited by Skinsinparadise
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