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Presidential Election 2024: 11/5/24- Prosecutor vs Felon


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44 minutes ago, tshile said:

they cited diplomats and how if they have children those children are not granted citizenship. And that’s a thing - they are not given citizenship. 

my argument would be that diplomats are not subject to the jurisdiction and laws of the United States. We know that, it’s well established. But we certainly do arrest and imprison immigrants we suspect of crimes; we try them; and deport them upon conviction 


Isn't this because the embassies are 'owned' by the respective country? I could be wrong but I don't think they are actually US residents.

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DeSantis is going back in time by saying "when he takes over in 2023?"  And Biden doesn't think clearly?


That last question about who they would vote off the island backfired on the hosts.  Christie gave the good answer on Trump being voted off. Vivek of course has to kiss Trump's butt.  And you know Nikki probably wrote Vivek to be off the stage lol


Nobody stood out tonight, so Trump wins again

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3 Questions I wanted:

Is this still the GOP, should we call it the Trump party?


Should 2 Federal indictments, and 2 state indictments disqualify anyone from being a Presidential candidate?


Is this presidential debate or vice presidential debate?



Why should voters move on from Trump to you?


Did the media get close to any of these?  Is it because ratings under Trump are awesome?

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5 minutes ago, Fergasun said:

3 Questions I wanted:

Is this still the GOP, should we call it the Trump party?


Should 2 Federal indictments, and 2 state indictments disqualify anyone from being a Presidential candidate?


Is this presidential debate or vice presidential debate?



Why should voters move on from Trump to you?


Did the media get close to any of these?  Is it because ratings under Trump are awesome?

I’d consider voting for the person who answered the second question with: “Well, we elected a serial raping fraudster because, collectively, Americans are pretty dumb. So here we are.” …almost.


God bless anyone who spent time watching this.

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1 hour ago, EmirOfShmo said:

Isn't this because the embassies are 'owned' by the respective country? I could be wrong but I don't think they are actually US residents.

Well I have no idea what I’m talking about, but my understanding is it’s all about their diplomatic status. 

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Maybe Vivek was born a poor black child. By poor, I mean his parents were a doctor and a lawyer. As opposed to owning slaves and an emerald mine in Africa. By black child, I mean, maybe his mom threw a slipper or two at him and he drank flavored water. 

Also, I was always at my grandmas and I loved that flavor water! And don’t even get me started on the ice pops with wrappers that cut the sides of you mouth! I pounded those like a crack addict.

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AOC Dunks on Pence For Announcing Plan to ‘Repeal the Green New Deal’


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) dunked on Mike Pence moments after he bizarrely claimed he plans to “repeal the Green New Deal” in Wednesday’s GOP debate—despite the once-proposed legislation never being passed as a federal law. “Mike Pence was Vice President of the United States and still doesn’t know how a bill becomes a law, apparently,” Ocasio-Cortez posted to X, formerly known as Twitter. Pence’s statement came in an answer to a question—his first of the debate—about striking auto manufacturing workers. Pence fingered the Green New Deal as the problem, despite it not being a law. “Joe Biden’s Green New Deal agenda is good for Beijing and bad for Detroit,” Pence said. “We ought to repeal the Green New Deal, get rid of the mandates and subsidies that are driving American-gasoline-automotive manufacturing into the graveyard.”

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Otherwise, the candidates largely focused on the current occupant of the White House, and each other. Several took aim at the 38-year-old Ramaswamy, a relative newcomer whose modest rise in the polls before the first debate in Milwaukee made him a target there as well. In the sharpest line of the night, Haley said: "Honestly every time I hear you, I feel a little bit dumber for what you say."

4 hours ago, FootballZombie said:

Once again I didn't waste my time w/ that nonsense and I am confident I missed nothing of import.

there's no point watching if trump doesn't show up

just get the "highlights"...

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The overall, one-note vibe was anger and outrage.  They each took their turns putting on their mad face and shouting their pre-written lines about how everything has -all of a sudden under Joe Biden - gone to hell in a handbasket .


It's a one-note message they've been singing for too many years, with a big assist from Fox News, and it rings more and more hollow. 


That's today's GOP - The Generate Outrage Party.

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I don’t know how anyone can take Vivek seriously. He’s 38 and he first voted in 2020. He doesn’t care. He’s never cared. He’s there to make fat stacks of cash. He owns a pharmaceutical company. You think he’s going to help bring prices down hahahahahha. I don’t think he has a chance in that party anyway. 


As far as Pence and the green new deal, I have had these conversations with MAGAs. I always tell them that the green new deal has never even been voted on much less enacted. They always bring up Biden and the green new deal. Biden said he didn’t agree with the deal.



3 minutes ago, Dan T. said:

The overall, one-note vibe was anger and outrage.  They each took their turns putting on their mad face and shouting their pre-written lines about how everything has -all of a sudden under Joe Biden - gone to hell in a handbasket .


It's a one-note message they've been singing for too many years, with a big assist from Fox News, and it rings more and more hollow. 


That's today's GOP - The Generate Outrage Party.


I keep seeing Fox News brought up. I’m not aware of News rankings, are they still #1? All the MAGAs I know have gone to Newsmax. They say Fox News is a liberal channel now. I let them know they are too far gone if they think Fox is liberal. 

Edited by Fan since a Fetus
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Attendees at Trump "Autoworkers" Rally Were Total Frauds


Some people in the crowd attending Trump's appearance at a non-union parts factory held signs - distributed by the Trump campaign - claiming to be "Union Members for Trump" and "Auto Workers for Trump."


They were not union members. And they were not auto workers.


Some Attendees At Donald Trump's Autoworkers Speech Were Total Frauds: Report (yahoo.com)




Edited by Dan T.
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5 minutes ago, Fan since a Fetus said:

I keep seeing Fox News brought up. I’m not aware of News rankings, are they still #1? All the MAGAs I know have gone to Newsmax. They say Fox News is a liberal channel now. I let them know they are too far gone if they think Fox is liberal. 


Fox News is still King of Bull**** Mountain but, yeah, Newsmax is sucking away some of the wacko-right demographic. However, Newsmax is still just a blip on the cable news radar as far as viewership goes.


Here Are the Top-Rated Daily Cable News Shows of September 2023 (adweek.com)



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