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Bezos was my #1… mainly because he has the pull to get back into dc and the money to create something amazing.


my worry has always been dans little man syndrome. Love WaPo or not, we have that paper to thank for this glorious Dan-selling situation. Those bi-weekly hit articles are all to credit.


My hope was that dan didn’t entirely blame WaPo for this… but now hearing that he does, I believe dan will take markedly less to avoid looking like he got completely played.


kinda bummed.

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39 minutes ago, CTskin said:

Bezos was my #1… mainly because he has the pull to get back into dc and the money to create something amazing.


my worry has always been dans little man syndrome. Love WaPo or not, we have that paper to thank for this glorious Dan-selling situation. Those bi-weekly hit articles are all to credit.


My hope was that dan didn’t entirely blame WaPo for this… but now hearing that he does, I believe dan will take markedly less to avoid looking like he got completely played.


kinda bummed.


If this is how it ends up playing out, I hope for several things following the sale:

1) He gets far less than his $6B asking price

2) No indemnification for any future legal action

3) He gets indicted on wire and bank fraud concerning the misappropriation of $55M loans 

4) His wife divorces him 

5) He is bankrupt within 5 years 

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Thought on timing. If I’m bidding I am probably waiting now until after the owners meetings and see what comes out of that. 

If the owners have a legit threat to vote Snyder out I’m waiting to have that in back pocket to negotiate a better price/terms and if Snyder won’t budge on price/terms I might just wait him out and look to pick up the franchise as a distress purchase after a vote forcing the sale.

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17 minutes ago, lavar1156 said:

But we know how the rich guys operate. Dan refusing to sell to Bezos probably makes Bezos want to the team even more. That just might entice him to throw F U money at Snyder.

I also feel like we should be the more attractive buy for him.  Unlike Seattle, nothing here is really established as far as infrastructure. He doesn’t have to inherit anybody’s new stadium or facilities.  Everything can be rebuilt from the ground up the way he wants it to be.  The stadium in look and location can be 100% his unlike Dan coming in and buying a team with a stadium that was only 2 years old at that point.  The only thing we can’t blame Snyder for is the stadium’s location and design.    

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13 hours ago, Skinsinparadise said:

But I get it I'd be annoyed if I were blocked, too.


I really don't care if I get blocked--it's mostly people I really don't care about (John Feinstein leading the list on that one--but that's more of a Nats fan thing). More so, I just have a very low tolerance for demonstrable bull**** to push a narrative or agenda. It's a pet peeve and I sometimes can't resist responding, sometimes somewhat aggressively. It is a curse to be always right most of the time :ols:

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14 hours ago, spjunkies said:


Well, Daniel is a pretty dumb fella so this tracks with him taking less money. Ego is a heck of a thing, I tell ya.

Unfortunately, Snyder's ego is probably going to get the best of him by taking less and screwing the fans yet again possibly for the final time

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21 minutes ago, Riggo#44 said:


I really don't care if I get blocked--it's mostly people I really don't care about (John Feinstein leading the list on that one--but that's more of a Nats fan thing). More so, I just have a very low tolerance for demonstrable bull**** to push a narrative or agenda. It's a pet peeve and I sometimes can't resist responding, sometimes somewhat aggressively. It is a curse to be always right most of the time :ols:




Edited by Die Hard
I hate technology
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8 minutes ago, HigSkin said:




I thought it was the loud "**** Dan Snyder" chants that gave it away.


Also, the Defenders are 3-0. Just sayin'. 


And they throw lemons on the field.


And have a beer snake. 


Again, just sayin'. 

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15 hours ago, @DCGoldPants said:

To tie a bow on some earlier posts. The aging roster plus the introduction of free agency killed things in the early 90s. Then you had JKC dying and not leading the franchise to John Cooke who some say was running things with one hand tied behind his back during the death of his father, and the resulting years.


Would John Cooke have been a good owner of the franchise? I don't think any of us really could know. Besides that he wouldn't have been Snyder, which is a fact, I do wonder about that. Right now John is probably around 80 years old himself. 

Yep...that's a pretty good summary of how we went from NFL juggernauts to also-rans. I had to pile on the owner who oversaw our golden age, but he's mostly to blame for our downfall. You can understand the reasons...he was getting old and wanted to squeeze as much winning into his lifetime. But, he failed to see or didn't care about the winds of change blowing. He could have prepared the team far better for the new NFL and just didn't. 


The Redskins didn't have to have the aging roster and expensive backups as the FA era dawned. Even with going all-in for the 1991 title, they could have began their rebuild in 1992 (I understand not doing this) or 1993. That's just the roster/coaching staff. He also destroyed the continuity in the front office and owner's box, as we know. As you mention, his son could have been a replacement-level, non-descript owner. But he wouldn't have been Snyder. And, we would have very possibly been a team more like the Giants, Steelers, Chiefs, or even Cardinals...generationally-owned in a classy and earnest manner, then passed down to family - rather than sucked dry and left for dead. 

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1 hour ago, Commander PK said:

I also feel like we should be the more attractive buy for him.  Unlike Seattle, nothing here is really established as far as infrastructure. He doesn’t have to inherit anybody’s new stadium or facilities.  Everything can be rebuilt from the ground up the way he wants it to be.  The stadium in look and location can be 100% his unlike Dan coming in and buying a team with a stadium that was only 2 years old at that point.  The only thing we can’t blame Snyder for is the stadium’s location and design.    


Actually, I think it's the opposite.  We're basically an expansion team, with a dying fanbase.  I used to think just replacing Snyder would get back most, if not all of the fans who left, and then we would take off from there.  But, I think this process will be extremely difficult, if not impossible to build out.  The fans that have left the past 15 years might not come back at all.  It might have to be a complete rebuilding of the franchise for the future.  Sure, a new stadium and new training facilities will go a long way towards getting back to respectability, but 30 years of embarrassing losses, public relations nightmares and scandals aren't going to be easy to move past.  You also have to figure that all debts, and criminal scandals will be passed onto a future owner.  That's another gigantic hurdle to deal with.  Seattle is already an established team, with a passionate fanbase, excellent facilities and extremely smart and capable front office already in place.  It's also Bezos home base, so there's a tie in there already.

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Listened to Bram just now.  He hears from everyone he talks to the sale is going down. not one naysayer on it.  He believes the buyer will be known before the owners meeting.  He doesn't think its going slow.


Some of his other stuff in the mix was brutal by him :ols:  he thinks SoFi Stadium was built for a little over a billion. So he doubts the story about them needing 3 billion for the stadium here.  He doesn't understand how the Jet tracker guy can track planes, so thinks he's making it up.  Bram generally is a smart guy but as arrogant as it comes off I think most of us here are more informed than the average talk radio host who covers this team.


It's part of the reason why Keim to me is so killer good.  His information is almost always spot on but he also is so studious, he knows what he is talking about.  I don't know how many here remember this but when he worked for the Examiner he actually did some X's and O's reviews before Cooley and others did it. 


He wasn't great at it but he was more than passable and I think it was cool he went through the effort.  Standig I'd say is the next most informed.  Sheehan IMO is pretty good but sometimes lets his biases envelop the facts and isn't that good at draft evaluation, not that I need him to be, even though he thinks he is -- the latest in the mix was playing up Joey Porter as a "ballhawk" which makes it clear he just pulls some of those thoughts out of his butt but overall Sheehan is really good.

Edited by Skinsinparadise
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1 hour ago, Skinsinparadise said:

Listened to Bram just now.  He hears from everyone he talks to the sale is going down. not one naysayer on it.  He believes the buyer will be known before the owners meeting.  He doesn't think its going slow.


Some of his other stuff in the mix was brutal by him :ols:  he thinks SoFi Stadium was built for a little over a billion. So he doubts the story about them needing 3 billion for the stadium here.  He doesn't understand how the Jet tracker guy can track planes, so thinks he's making it up.  Bram generally is a smart guy but as arrogant as it comes off I think most of us here are more informed than the average talk radio host who covers this team.


It's part of the reason why Keim to me is so killer good.  His information is almost always spot on but he also is so studious, he knows what he is talking about.  I don't know how many here remember this but when he worked for the Examiner he actually did some X's and O's reviews before Cooley and others did it. 


He wasn't great at it but he was more than passable and I think it was cool he went through the effort.  Standig I'd say is the next most informed.  Sheehan IMO is pretty good but sometimes lets his biases envelop the facts and isn't that good at draft evaluation, not that I need him to be, even though he thinks he is -- the latest in the mix was playing up Joey Porter as a "ballhawk" which makes it clear he just pulls some of those thoughts out of his butt but overall Sheehan is really good.

Spot on about Sheehan. I remember how he fell in love with Josh Doctson because his son went to college there. Reminds me of the Haskins situation with Snyder and his son. He does seem to watch plenty of college football, and has a lot of connections, so you’d think he would be better at it.


With Bram, not sure he can really be trusted, he needs to say whatever it takes to make sure he doesn’t lose his gig as announcer. Somewhat of a dream job, so I don’t blame him.

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