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About samy316

  • Birthday 11/13/1982

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  • Favorite Washington Football Team Player
    Darrell Green
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    Potomac Falls, VA
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  1. Sad that we lose Inside The NBA, however…….. The NBA On NBC is Back, Babyyyyyyy!!!! This theme >>>>>>All other sports themes in history. I can’t wait for Fall 2025.
  2. I'm gonna throw some cold water on season expectations too. I'm excited for the Jayden Daniels era to begin, and I'm really excited to see how our offense looks this year, but I'm equally as nervous and anxious about our chances to keep Daniels upright. Our O-Line was the worst in football last year, and we made some additions to the line, but I don't think the line is good enough to classify itself as a top half offensive line in the NFL. I think Daniels will be running for his life, trying to escape pressure. I think our defense will improve, but I'm pausing on calling it a good defense until we play some games first. I'm going with a 7-10 record. It's still a 3 game improvement, but I don't think we have the pieces necessary to be a playoff team.
  3. To put the "will he or won't he drop out of the race" talk to bed: https://www.thedailybeast.com/democrats-give-up-hope-that-biden-will-drop-out-after-trump-assassination-attempt?ref=home Now that this is cleared up, the Dems have to start hitting the ground running with JD Vance ads and ads about Project 2025, and they need to hammer home that JD Vance is Trump's tool to carry out Project 2025. If I were working for the Biden campaign, I would also start taking shots at Trump's gaffes and his stamina. Trump was practically asleep during parts of the RNC last night. Use that to hammer away at the narrative that Trump is actually the unfit, sleepy candidate, not Biden.
  4. Sorry to burst your little bubble, but if AIPAC has its hooks on Biden, chances are that they definitely have their hooks in on Harris. In fact there’s this: Sorry to throw cold water on your fantasy of Kamala being a great candidate, it it’s not looking good for her. Being another politician with marching orders from AIPAC, and being a former “tough on crime” prosecutor. You’re batting .000 so far on the younger voter enthusiasm factor, LOL.
  5. Uh, you do realize that’s she’s his VP, right? Any decisions about Gaza are on the admin as a whole, which she’s apart of. I watch the news, and I haven’t heard of Harris taking a stand with regards to this Israeli/Palestinian conflict. Young people will just say that she’s more of the same when it comes to that conflict.
  6. About the only relevant thing you mentioned is Kamala’s age. It’s hilarious that you think younger voters (who are FAR more progressive than centrist Dems) would just flock to Harris because of her age, not taking into account that she’s basically a younger Biden as far as policy goes, AND that she was a freaking prosecutor, before becoming a politician. She was a prosecutor that locked up her fair share of AA men in the Bay Area, and was a tough on crime Attorney General. Real progressive politician here. https://www.democracynow.org/2020/8/13/kamala_harris_prosecutorial_record_2020_election If you think that Kamala Harris will energize the younger voters, you’re living in a fantasy world.
  7. In your fantasy world, what do you think will happen? I hear all this replace Biden talk, but none of you bring up which candidate you want, and how that process will take place. You do realize that you’re not living in reality, right? You can’t just put in “insert candidate here”, and start anew. What happens to all of the delegates? What happens to the campaign money raised? It’s purely fantasy land for the anti-Biden brigade.
  8. You should be letting it go now, nothing will happen in the few weeks left between now and the DNC. The RNC will be taking place this week. The “Biden must step aside” talk will really be buried after Trump’s speech on Thursday and his VP announcement. The window to make a change is now closed. It’s too late.
  9. Your wish isn’t coming true. It’s an exercise in futility at this point. Next month, Biden will be officially named the nominee, and there’s nothing you can do about it. Let it go, the sooner you face reality, the better off you’ll be.
  10. Except that we do, and that it has been resolved. He said he’s not dropping out, and there’s no way that anyone can force him out. Unless he suddenly changes his mind, the talk is useless.
  11. I don’t even know why this is being brought up again. Biden has emphatically stated numerous times now that he’s not stepping aside, and any calls from Dem lawmakers and donors for him to step down stopped days ago. Trump’s assassination attempt and the RNC have effectively ended this topic. Since this is a thread about the Presidential race, I suggest that any talk (which is purely fantasy at this point) about new candidates be talked about in a new thread. This topic is a waste of time at this point, and unrealistic.
  12. Why is this still a topic? Your wish is simply unrealistic at this point. Only Kamala Harris would make logical sense as the nominee at this point, since there’s no way in hell that there will be a primary process. The debate is over. This talk now is useless, since it has no chance of happening now.
  13. What was wrong with what he said? You want him to say “You know, my opponent got shot, and I can’t really tell you why I’m supposed to be giving this speech, I hate that **** just like all of you!!”? You’re the President, you should be trying to lead and help to bring the temperature of this divided, polarized nation down (however difficult and impossible that may be). You can’t be partisan in a moment like this. If the shooter did turn out to be a Democrat, the online rhetoric and fall out would be approaching dangerous levels.
  14. I no longer believe this to be true. This country is fractured in a way that we haven’t been in decades or maybe a century or more. People are so polarized and tribal, that I doubt there’d be ANY unity for any reason. Just take a look at this thread. 40 years ago, we’d all be wishing Reagan well after his assassination attempt. When JFK got assassinated in 1963, there was unity throughout the country. Trump is unique, in that he’s been a divider and not a uniter (to say the very least), but it’s a different world now with the Internet and Social Media. Social Media has fractured this country in ways that I think have caused permanent damage to this nation. It truly is a dark time to be an American.
  15. I wish I had a laughing emoji to use, so I could accurately describe how laughable it would be for this country to come together for ANYTHING tragic. This country is so divided, and so polarized that if, God forbid, another tragedy like 9/11 ever happened, this forum, and all of social media would blame each other, while waiting with baited breath what group caused the tragedy. There is no unity, nor is there any semblance of togetherness or tolerance in this country anymore. We’re closer to this country becoming Balkanized, then we are at peace or unity.
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