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The Vaccine Thread

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10 hours ago, tshile said:

So I guess I screwed up posting this in the pandemic thread. 

re: ivermectin 





A good friend of mine (who's pretty nutty, I freely admit) believes it works.  But from what he's told me, it's got to be mixed in with other things such as zinc, different vitamins, etc.  The hillbillies who are buying tubes of it at their local feed and grain store aren't doing it right, obviously.  According to what he's read and shown me (I haven't read it, I don't care that much) it needs to be administered early and it works best on cases with mild symptoms.  IIRC, if you're showing up to the hospital and really sick and have terrible symptoms, you're pretty ****ed and it won't help you.


That said, he's fully vaxxed and wears two masks.  It's not like he's an anti-vaxxer and doesn't follow the rules.


I know all this because we got into a big debate about it yesterday because that redneck anti masker idiot Caleb Wallace (who must be the Mia Khalifa to @PleaseBlitz's burgeoning Covid mortality porn addiction) took Ivermectin with some other stuff and still croaked.  


This is one he sent me from late March, so it's already probably pretty dated, but it's a World Health Organization paper about it only to be used in clinical trials:  https://www.who.int/news-room/feature-stories/detail/who-advises-that-ivermectin-only-be-used-to-treat-covid-19-within-clinical-trials


Here's one he sent me from The Lancet, I couldn't make it past the first few paragraphs:  https://www.thelancet.com/journals/eclinm/article/PIIS2589-5370(21)00239-X/fulltext#


Last but not least, these guys https://covid19criticalcare.com/ivermectin-in-covid-19/


I still think it's a load of BS, but I'm also not a medical professional.  But the logic seems to be that if it really was a great treatment, it would be advertised as such and everyone would know about it.  If you look around there's enough people out there that support this stuff that are the OmG BiG PhArMa DoEsN't WaNt U ToO SeE tHiS types and they're usually some of the worst people on the planet.



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Here's the part I don't understand.  There are human dosed ivermectin pills right?  And if they took that for covid, while many might think it a waste of time, it wouldn't seem like abject stupidity.  More like hydro whatever thingy that Trump peddled once (save for the creating shortage for people who really need it I guess) 


But with horse and cattle dosage, you now move onto the bleach territory.  That's not just likely ineffective, it can do serious damage.  

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52 minutes ago, bearrock said:

Here's the part I don't understand.  There are human dosed ivermectin pills right?  And if they took that for covid, while many might think it a waste of time, it wouldn't seem like abject stupidity.  More like hydro whatever thingy that Trump peddled once (save for the creating shortage for people who really need it I guess) 


But with horse and cattle dosage, you now move onto the bleach territory.  That's not just likely ineffective, it can do serious damage.  

No, taking Hydroxychloroquine was also abjectly stupid.  In fact, thinking you know better than the entire medical community about medicine is abjectly stupid.

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When Cheeto Mussolini first touted hydroxychloroquine, there were a number of his dumbass disciples who died from ingesting a version of it made for use in aquariums. Personally, I fully support idiots taking themselves out of the gene pool in such a manner.  I would also point out that drug trials in India are complete b.s. - they always end up with 90% effectiveness, even if it's snake oil. So any reports that ivermectin is successful in treating covid in hospitals in India mean absolutely nothing.  That said, it warms my heart that reportedly so many country music loving redhats are crowding the feed stores buying up horse dewormer. Please continue.

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For all of these medicines (hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, etc.), there is some probability that they work.  Studies on them haven't been overly promising, but there are a number of factors (dose, timing, how sick you are with Covid, and the individual person (e.g. complicating factors) that make studies like this expensive and hard to do.  And the ones that have been done for the most part haven't been done well (double blind large scale placebo controlled studies).


Taking these instead of taking the things that we have better indications of working (e.g. some of the steriods) is stupid.


Taking a version of the drug designed for hoses for worms and not for people for a respiratory virus is even dumber.

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Axios-Ipsos poll: Vaccine hesitancy may be crumbling


Vaccine hesitancy in the U.S. is showing signs of crumbling, according to the latest installment of the Axios/Ipsos Coronavirus Index.


Fewer adults than ever now say they won't take the shot, and in the past two weeks there has been a sharp increase in the share of parents who plan to get their younger kids vaccinated as soon as it's allowed.

The big picture: Many factors are playing a role — including the Delta variant's strength, kids' return to school and FDA approval of the first COVID-19 vaccine — but the biggest drivers appear to be the rise of mandates.


One in three unvaccinated Americans in the survey said FDA approval would make them likely to take the vaccine. But 43% said their boss requiring vaccinations would make them likely to do so, up from 33% a month ago.

What they're saying: "Schools, organizations, companies, governments implementing mandates are forcing people to deal with them," said Cliff Young, president of Ipsos U.S. Public Affairs. "That's what going on."


Why it matters: Ipsos pollster and senior vice president Chris Jackson notes that children younger than 12 — about 48 million people — now make up the largest group of unvaccinated people in the country.


By the numbers: 68% of parents said they either have already vaccinated their children or are likely to as soon as it's permitted for their age group. That's the highest share ever in our survey, and a 12-point spike from 56% just two weeks ago.


72% of adults now say they've already taken the vaccine. Another 8% say they're likely to take it.

The 20% who say they're either not very likely (6%) or not at all likely (14%) comprise a new low in the survey, and down from a combined 34% in March and 23% two weeks ago.


Click on the link for the full article

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58 minutes ago, China said:



Fewer adults than ever now say they won't take the shot, and in the past two weeks there has been a sharp increase in the share of parents who plan to get their younger kids vaccinated as soon as it's allowed.



Wife and I had this discussion last night. We have a 3 y/o. About an month ago we had both decided that even if they approve vaccines for kids under 5. We were not going to do it unless something changed. Well we both talked again last night and she is seeing the same thing I am. The delta is affecting kids harder. We both agreed once they announce her age is able to get it, she will. 

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3 minutes ago, Springfield said:

Anyone just gone ahead and gotten their 3rd dose yet?


I got my 2nd on 1/20 so I’m about due. My brother in law went and got a 3rd dose, just walked in and asked for a vaccine of Pfizer.


I am in the same boat. The issue I have is I am not sure if this is supposed to be a booster meaning less than a full dose or another full dose?

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Neither the CDC nor FDA have given formal approval of vaccine boosters so not going to get a booster yet and neither should anyone else who isn't immune compromised. It's shocking they aren't even going to do a small RCT for boosters in this country.


No signs the vaccine's immunity is waning against severe illness or hospitalization, which is what matters, so I will wait until the proper health bodies (read: NOT the White House) give the go ahead.

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4 hours ago, bearrock said:

But with horse and cattle dosage, you now move onto the bleach territory.  That's not just likely ineffective, it can do serious damage.  

I imagine it breaks down into two groups of people:

people that understand this and (think they) are capable of cutting it into the correct dosages 


people who have no idea and just take the horse dose. 



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1 hour ago, No Excuses said:

I wonder how much vaccine hesitancy going down is anti-vaxxers seeing someone they know or care about die due to COVID. 


Or their favorite right wing radio host. Those guys seem to be dropping like flies.


wait a minute..........






And this whole time I thought it was the 5G!

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54 minutes ago, Sticksboi05 said:

Neither the CDC nor FDA have given formal approval of vaccine boosters so not going to get a booster yet and neither should anyone else who isn't immune compromised. It's shocking they aren't even going to do a small RCT for boosters in this country.


No signs the vaccine's immunity is waning against severe illness or hospitalization, which is what matters, so I will wait until the proper health bodies (read: NOT the White House) give the go ahead.

I don’t think a booster has to go through an fda approval process like the initial dose did. 

I’m considering getting a booster ahead of a possible travel requirement in October, just to reduce the chance I transmit it to my kids. 

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1 hour ago, No Excuses said:

I wonder how much vaccine hesitancy going down is anti-vaxxers seeing someone they know or care about die due to COVID. 

I’ve been saying this all along.  As with most anything, it’s easy for folks to dismiss things that don’t directly impact themselves.  Once granny, mom or their friend ends up in the hospital and dies, it gets real.

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7 minutes ago, Riggo-toni said:

I read an article this morning but forgot to post it here on people taking Ivermectin and noticing "worms" in their stool...except it's not worms; it's lining from their intestines.


I posted that yesterday:



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4 minutes ago, mistertim said:


Or their favorite right wing radio host. Those guys seem to be dropping like flies.


wait a minute..........






And this whole time I thought it was the 5G!


Radio waves and Chemtrails. They were ahead of their time with those conspiracy theories.


47 minutes ago, tshile said:

I imagine it breaks down into two groups of people:

people that understand this and (think they) are capable of cutting it into the correct dosages 


people who have no idea and just take the horse dose. 

I'm also not sure if the Animal version have other ingredients included, or how strictly they test for other chemicals besides ivermectin in those drugs. I'm sure the FDA has different levels of testing for humans vs animals. I'd think it might not be as cut and dry as "just take a human-sized dosage of the livestock version".

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10 minutes ago, skinsfan_1215 said:

I don’t think a booster has to go through an fda approval process like the initial dose did. 

I’m considering getting a booster ahead of a possible travel requirement in October, just to reduce the chance I transmit it to my kids. 


It needs both CDC and FDA go ahead. The White House's communications were absurd and have now made people think they should be able to just roll up to clinics getting third doses. Public health decisions in the U.S. should go through public health agencies. There's still lots of debate on the need for boosters anyway it's far from conclusive. I don't blame people for wanting them but many virologists and infectious disease experts do not believe they are necessary. Some certainly do. But either way the WH messaging was terrible, it's not their call.


Politico: CDC vaccine panel: Let regulators lead on Covid-19 booster shots

Members of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's independent vaccine advisory panel voiced frustration Monday with the Biden administration's plan to begin doling out Covid-19 boosters next month, arguing the announcement got ahead of federal regulators and could exacerbate vaccine hesitancy.

The White House strategy, which it announced earlier this month, is contingent upon FDA deeming boosters safe and effective and CDC recommending their use. Still, some CDC committee members made clear they were irked that the announcement came before federal regulators and scientists formally endorsed booster doses.

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39 minutes ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

I’ve been saying this all along.  As with most anything, it’s easy for folks to dismiss things that don’t directly impact themselves.  Once granny, mom or their friend ends up in the hospital and dies, it gets real.


Yeah, reminds me of the gay marriage thing. It's easy to be against equal rights for someone when you're not directly involved. But when a person has a family member who is gay it tends to change their stance. Dick Cheney is one of the most right wing dudes imaginable, but he happens to be for gay marriage because...dun dun dun...he has a gay daughter.

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1 hour ago, Sticksboi05 said:

needs both CDC and FDA go ahead. The White House's communications were absurd and have now made people think they should be able to just roll up to clinics getting third doses. Public health decisions in the U.S. should go through public health agencies.

I agree. I also had a problem with how this new info came out. And said as much at the time. 

The whitehouse should be advocating what the cdc and nih advise


Governors should be advocating that, along with what their state health departments advise, as well. 

not the other way around. 

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5 hours ago, PokerPacker said:

No, taking Hydroxychloroquine was also abjectly stupid.  In fact, thinking you know better than the entire medical community about medicine is abjectly stupid.


If you do think you know better than the entire medical community, and you get Covid, stay the **** home and take care of yourself, don't go clog up the hospitals.  

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4 hours ago, Springfield said:

Anyone just gone ahead and gotten their 3rd dose yet?


I got my 2nd on 1/20 so I’m about due. My brother in law went and got a 3rd dose, just walked in and asked for a vaccine of Pfizer.

I'm due for mine in January, I think.  I'm hoping they'll have formulated some variant-specific booster by then.

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