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Huffpo: Explosive UFO Report In NYT Mentions 'Off-World Vehicles Not Made On This Earth'


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NASA announces the team members for its UFO study


A group of 16 researchers will spend the next nine months studying unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP), also known as UFOs, as part of a team for NASA.


The research, which will use unclassified data, will lead to a report that will be made available to the public next year.


NASA's research follows the Pentagon's announcement in July that it would create an office to track reports of UAPs. And earlier this year, Congress held a public hearing on UFOs for the first time in 50 years.


The selected research group includes professors, scientists, an oceanographer and others who study space. Former NASA astronaut Scott Kelly and Nadia Drake, a science journalist and contributing writer at National Geographic, are also among the group's members.


The study, which begins on Monday, is designed to "lay the groundwork for future study on the nature of UAPs for NASA and other organizations," according to a press release on Friday. Some of this data will come from what it describes as "civilian government entities, commercial data, and data from other sources."


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  • 2 weeks later...

Most UFOs are 'Chinese surveillance' drones and 'airborne clutter,' Pentagon officials reveal


Intelligence agencies in the U.S. have spent the last few years analyzing footage of hundreds of recent UFO encounters, and they want the American people to know: It's still not aliens(opens in new tab).


According to several U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) officials who spoke anonymously to The New York Times(opens in new tab) last week, many recent sightings of UFOs — or unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs), as the government prefers to call them — are likely just observations of foreign surveillance operations or airborne clutter, such as weather balloons.


Several UAP incidents have been officially identified as "relatively ordinary" Chinese surveillance drones, the anonymous officials said. China has previously stolen plans for advanced U.S. fighter planes, and is interested in how the U.S. trains its pilots, the DoD officials added.


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  • 2 months later...

UFO sightings quickly rising, new government report says


The number of unexplained flying object sightings reported to the Pentagon has risen sharply in the last year, according to a new, unclassified government report.


Why it matters: Unidentified aerial phenomena "continue to represent a hazard to flight safety and pose a possible adversary collection threat," according to the report from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.


But the increase in UAP reporting is also "enabling a greater awareness of the airspace and increased opportunity to resolve UAP events," says the report, released Thursday.

By the numbers: In a June 2021 preliminary report, the ODNI said it had collected 144 UAP sightings, covering the previous 17 years.


Since that time alone, a new office created within the Defense Department to investigate UAP sightings has received 247 new reports.

The report said the government also identified an additional 119 reports from the time period the preliminary report covered, bringing the number of new UAP reports to 366 and the overall total to 510.

Details: The Pentagon's All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office "judged more than half" of the new reports "as exhibiting unremarkable characteristics," per the report.


A large chunk — 163 — were "characterized as balloon or balloon-like entities;" 26 were different types of drones; and six were labeled "clutter" (a category that includes birds, weather events, or plastic bags).

But 171 of the 366 new reports remain unexplained, and some of them "appear to have demonstrated unusual flight characteristics or performance capabilities, and require further analysis," the report said.


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14 hours ago, mistertim said:

I seriously doubt that any species technologically advanced enough for interstellar travel would have a hard time evading pretty much any detection system we currently have, if they didn't want to be seen.


That's assumes that "they" would grasp how we "see", etc.  They may not even grasp how we process information. 

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1 hour ago, TheGreatBuzz said:


That's assumes that "they" would grasp how we "see", etc.  They may not even grasp how we process information. 


Maybe, but I'd also be pretty damn surprised if a species that technologically advanced would be completely dense about information processing in general. We might not grasp how another civilization sees things, but a civilization advanced enough for interstellar travel probably would be able to. All they'd have to do is take a quick look at our satellites.


They'd have to assume that we'd use some sort of EM frequency or range in order to make images of things, whether it's in the x-ray, visible, infra-red range, whatever. 

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Tennessee Congressman Says Bible Has ‘Pretty Clear’ Evidence of UFO Sighting, Calls on Feds to Stop the ‘Shenanigans’ and Declassify Reports


Rep. Tim Burchett (R-TN) shared his unfiltered thoughts about UFOs on NewsNation Saturday, including accusing the federal government of a “huge cover up” and telling viewers that there is proof of UFOs in the Bible.


Anchor Natasha Zouves introduced the segment by saying that there was a new term for UFOs, “unidentified aerial phenomena” or UAPs, because “experts believe it has less stigma to it.”


A new report to Congress showed a sharp increase in these sightings by military personnel, said Zouves. Some of these were able to be identified as drones or balloons, but there were still 171 that had no explanation, and some of these had been captured on video displaying “unusual flight characteristics or performance capabilities.”


She then introduced Burchett, who has represented Tennessee in Congress since he was first elected in 2018, as a vocal advocate for declassifying information about UFOs.


Zouves asked Burchett what he thought the 171 unidentified flying objects could be, and he replied that he had been a “believer in phenomena for a long time,” explaining that he was a Christian but “not a very good one” but he did read his Bible.


“The first chapter of Ezekiel is pretty clear of a UFO sighting,” Burchett continued, citing the King James version.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Kinda nuts how a damn balloon sends folks into full blown hysterics.  But people still don't really care about UAPs buzzing nuclear facilities and naval ships, which they've been doing for decades.   


And it also kinda pours cold water on the idea that what were seeing was some kind of super advanced Chinese tech.  Not presuming that surveillance balloons are the best they have, but they're not flying around tic-tac UFOs either.

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  • 4 weeks later...

We Have a Real UFO Problem. And It’s Not Balloons.


On a clear, sunny day in April 2014, two F/A-18s took off for an air combat training mission off the coast of Virginia. The jets, part of my Navy fighter squadron, climbed to an altitude of 12,000 and steered towards Warning Area W-72, an exclusive block of airspace ten miles east of Virginia Beach. All traffic into the training area goes through a single GPS point at a set altitude — almost like a doorway into a massive room where military jets can operate without running into other aircraft. Just at the moment the two jets crossed the threshold, one of the pilots saw a dark gray cube inside of a clear sphere — motionless against the wind, fixed directly at the entry point. The jets, only 100 feet apart, zipped past the object on either side. The pilots had come so dangerously close to something they couldn’t identify that they terminated the training mission immediately and returned to base.


“I almost hit one of those damn things!” the flight leader, still shaken by the incident, told us shortly after in the pilots’ ready room. We all knew exactly what he meant. “Those damn things” had been plaguing us for the previous eight months.


I joined the U.S. Navy in 2009 and underwent years of rigorous training as a pilot. Specifically, we are trained to be expert observers in identifying aircraft with our sensors and our own eyes. It’s our job to know what’s in our operating area. That’s why, in 2014, after upgrades were made to our radar system, our squadron made a startling discovery: There were unknown objects in our airspace.


Initially, the objects were showing up on our newly upgraded radars and we assumed they were “ghosts in the machine,” or software glitches. But then we began to correlate the radar tracks with multiple surveillance systems, including infrared sensors that detected heat signatures. Then came the hair-raising near misses that required us to take evasive action.


These were no mere balloons. The unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) accelerated at speeds up to Mach 1, the speed of sound. They could hold their position, appearing motionless, despite Category 4 hurricane-force winds of 120 knots. They did not have any visible means of lift, control surfaces or propulsion — in other words nothing that resembled normal aircraft with wings, flaps or engines. And they outlasted our fighter jets, operating continuously throughout the day. I am a formally trained engineer, but the technology they demonstrated defied my understanding.


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I have always had trouble with the "not of this world" theory. It still seems too far to travel. I'm aware that there's the possibility of wormhole travel or "interdimensional" travel but we're just too far away from being able to verify anything like that.


My personal opinion is that they are indeed terrestrial "vehicles" while still not being man-made. There is plenty of room beneath the surface of the Earth for another species to reside. I'm referring to the James Cameron "The Abyss" theory. They live right here inside the Earth.... IF they exist.



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6 hours ago, Chachie said:

I have always had trouble with the "not of this world" theory. It still seems too far to travel. I'm aware that there's the possibility of wormhole travel or "interdimensional" travel but we're just too far away from being able to verify anything like that.


My personal opinion is that they are indeed terrestrial "vehicles" while still not being man-made. There is plenty of room beneath the surface of the Earth for another species to reside. I'm referring to the James Cameron "The Abyss" theory. They live right here inside the Earth.... IF they exist.




Note that this is all assuming that relativity as we understand it can't be bypassed in some way...via wormhole as you mentioned, an Alcubierre type warp drive, or some other method. I don't that's a great assumption to make, especially if we're talking about races potentially millions of years ahead of us. But for this discussion we'll take it as accepted.


Not only would it be a really long way to travel, but we also have to take into account that any race that lives in a star system farther away than about 100 light years wouldn't even know we exist. We only invented radio about a century or so ago so our radio waves would only have been able to propagate out in a sphere 100 light years in radius.


That drastically limits the number of potential star systems that would be privy to it. And then the chance of not just life, but intelligent technological life, evolving on a star system so close would be really small. That intelligent technological life would also have had to evolve roughly at the exact same time as we did, otherwise we'd probably completely miss each other. Odds are very low.


One thing that could also be a possibility is an ancient civilization sending out some form of von Neumann replicators or replicator factories to "seed" star systems in a search for other life (who knows what their reasons might be). That civilization could still be around in some way or could be extinct by now, but their replicators would still be all over the place, doing their jobs.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Aliens 'stealing human sperm and eggs' to create 'human hybrid' race on earth


Aliens are stealing humans sperm and eggs in midnight raids to create a human hybrid race - which could already be living amongst us and working in your local chip shop, experts claim.


UFO specialist Colin Saunders says the egg-pinching extra terrestrials are planning on taking over the planet because humans are destroying it.


And he said people are so clueless about the programme that the alien hybrids could be our wives or husbands or even mother-in-laws.


Colin, who has published a book on his own experience of "triangle crafts", said they "look just like us", so there is no way to tell them apart.


He said he had interviewed hundreds of abductees who said they had been taken on board ships from out of space for the operations.


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  • 5 weeks later...

VIDEO: Pentagon now investigating video of UFOs flying over Florida


In a video that’s gone viral, a pair of what appear to be UFOs can be seen zipping around the sky over Florida.



The orange objects were “doing loop the loops in the sky right in front of me,” says the unidentified Lakeland resident who shot the video. “And I look up and see this fire thing going down, going left, going around in a circle and coming down, then shooting up. It was just too weird.”


The Florida sighting is among 650 UFO reports the Pentagon is actively investigating, says Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick, the head of the Pentagon’s UFO Investigative Office.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Las Vegas family claims to see aliens after several report something falling from sky


A Las Vegas family claims something crashed in their backyard, prompting them to call 911 about “non-human” beings – the thing is, this time, several people saw it.


On April 30 around 11:50 p.m., a Las Vegas Metro police officer’s body camera video recorded as something streaked low across the sky. Several people across eastern California, Nevada and Utah reported seeing the flash, according to the American Meteor Society.


Sources tell the 8 News Now Investigators that it is likely something crashed into the yard, but exactly what remained unclear more than a month later. Drone video showed a circular imprint in the dirt.


About 40 minutes later, a man called 911, saying he and his family saw something fall from the sky and that there were two moving things in his northwest valley backyard.



Caller: There’s like an 8-foot person beside it and another one is inside us and it has big eyes and it’s looking at us — and it’s still there,” the caller told a dispatcher.


Dispatcher: OK, where is this on your property?


Caller: In my backyard. I swear to God this is not a joke, this is actually — we’re terrified.


Dispatcher: So, there’s two people, there’s two subjects in your backyard?


Caller: Correct and they’re very large. They’re like 8 foot, 9 feet, 10 foot. They look like aliens to us. Big eyes. They have big eyes. Like, I can’t explain it, and big mouth. They’re shiny eyes and they’re human. They’re 100% not human.


Dispatcher: OK.


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On 3/1/2023 at 11:53 AM, Chachie said:

I have always had trouble with the "not of this world" theory. It still seems too far to travel. I'm aware that there's the possibility of wormhole travel or "interdimensional" travel but we're just too far away from being able to verify anything like that.


My personal opinion is that they are indeed terrestrial "vehicles" while still not being man-made. There is plenty of room beneath the surface of the Earth for another species to reside. I'm referring to the James Cameron "The Abyss" theory. They live right here inside the Earth.... IF they exist.



It depends on what gravity and time are and how they are related. We don’t have a clear enough understanding. Relative time distortion could make long distance space travel possible!

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Don't worry, Congress is on top of it...


House Oversight plans UFO hearing after unconfirmed claims of crashed alien spacecraft


The powerful House Oversight Committee is in the "early stages" of preparing a hearing on UFOs in the wake of unconfirmed claims from a former intelligence official that the U.S. has allegedly found crashed alien spacecraft -- an account the Pentagon says is unsubstantiated.


Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer, R-Ky., was first asked about these claims by a NewsNation reporter on Tuesday and said, "I've heard about it, I don't know anything about it. ... We plan on having a hearing."


In a subsequent statement to ABC News on Wednesday, Oversight Committee spokesman Austin Hacker said: "In addition to recent claims by a whistleblower, reports continue to surface regarding unidentified anomalous phenomena. The House Oversight Committee is following these UAP reports and is in the early stages of planning a hearing."


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On 6/8/2023 at 12:46 PM, China said:

Don't worry, Congress is on top of it...


House Oversight plans UFO hearing after unconfirmed claims of crashed alien spacecraft


The powerful House Oversight Committee is in the "early stages" of preparing a hearing on UFOs in the wake of unconfirmed claims from a former intelligence official that the U.S. has allegedly found crashed alien spacecraft -- an account the Pentagon says is unsubstantiated.


Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer, R-Ky., was first asked about these claims by a NewsNation reporter on Tuesday and said, "I've heard about it, I don't know anything about it. ... We plan on having a hearing."


In a subsequent statement to ABC News on Wednesday, Oversight Committee spokesman Austin Hacker said: "In addition to recent claims by a whistleblower, reports continue to surface regarding unidentified anomalous phenomena. The House Oversight Committee is following these UAP reports and is in the early stages of planning a hearing."


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More than likely they will find a way to insist that the arrival of aliens is somehow tied to Twitter censoring conservatives and Hunter Biden's laptop lol...

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On 1/16/2023 at 9:22 AM, TheGreatBuzz said:


That's assumes that "they" would grasp how we "see", etc.  They may not even grasp how we process information. 


Overthinkng it...based in g-forces described in the 60 Minutes piece on what some Navy pilots have seen there's no doubt in my mind if they are Alien they are drones to help figure out jus that.


We always send machines to places in the solar system first to make sure what we really dealing with before ever even thinking of sending ourselves. 


I'm not even convinced the drones priority is not being seen over not being captured and reverse engineered to figure out where it came from.  If they wanted us to know, we'd know by now.

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