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A New Start! (the Reboot) The Front Office, Ownership, & Coaching Staff Thread

Message added by TK,

Pay Attention Knuckleheads



Has your team support wained due to ownership or can you see past it?  

229 members have voted

  1. 1. Will you attend a game and support the team while Dan Snyder is the owner of the team, regardless of success?

    • Yes
    • No
    • I would start attending games if Dan was no longer the owner of the team.

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Seriously though.  Let's walk through this:


  • Most everyone hates Dan Snyder.  He has very few known friends in his corner. 
  • He has driven the value of the Commies into the ground
  • He has driven the brand of the Commies into the ground
  • He's been unable to get a new stadium deal done
  • He's a lecherous piece of **** (cheerleader tape, trying to pimp out cheerleaders, sexual assault accusations, etc)

There's no upside in letting him be a part of the NFL ownership group.  He doesn't bring any positives to the table.  Instead, he's a giant skidmark on the NFL.


It's in the NFL's best interests to:


  • Have the MJW report come back with some brutal, hard hitting evidence that will make Dan look even worse than he currently does
  • Approach Dan, tell him that he needs to sell his team for a record setting offer, instantly increasing the value of all other franchise
  • Dan is gone and richer than ever.  The Commies are under new ownership, owned by someone who can't be as bad as Dan (low bar to hurdle, I'm aware)
  • Fans and media are happy

Everyone wins.  EVERYONE WINS.  Dan can **** off on his yacht with a few more billion dollars, never to be heard from again, the NFL is rid of him and for once there's some hope that this franchise can get it together and have a bright future.

1 minute ago, Conn said:

He is, in the end. He has final say. So you aren’t wrong even though Mayhew is technically the GM. We don’t know what the division of labor is and Rivera would say they make decisions as a team (and probably do)—but at the end of the day Mayhew can’t force anything on Rivera as Rivera has final say. So your initial read was correct imo. 


I'm aware that Mayhew has a GM title but as far as I'm concerned it's pretty meaningless.  

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3 minutes ago, Conn said:

He is, in the end. He has final say. So you aren’t wrong even though Mayhew is technically the GM. We don’t know what the division of labor is and Rivera would say they make decisions as a team (and probably do)—but at the end of the day Mayhew can’t force anything on Rivera as Rivera has final say. So your initial read was correct imo. 


OK, got it. Thanks...so I got the title incorrect. Call him "head of football operations/head coach" then. 


When asked about Wentz and the trade compensation, my point stays the same...I think it's perfectly within reason for Rivera to answer wearing both hats, if you will. He doesn't need to do the idiotic football coach thing and pretend he's blindly just trying to grind out every yard in a lost season. That's dumb. I think it would reassure some fans to know that the guy at the top of the food chain has his sights set past the next 10 games. 

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11 minutes ago, Spaceman Spiff said:

Seriously though.  Let's walk through this:


  • Most everyone hates Dan Snyder.  He has very few known friends in his corner. 
  • He has driven the value of the Commies into the ground
  • He has driven the brand of the Commies into the ground
  • He's been unable to get a new stadium deal done
  • He's a lecherous piece of **** (cheerleader tape, trying to pimp out cheerleaders, sexual assault accusations, etc)

There's no upside in letting him be a part of the NFL ownership group.  He doesn't bring any positives to the table.  Instead, he's a giant skidmark on the NFL.


It's in the NFL's best interests to:


  • Have the MJW report come back with some brutal, hard hitting evidence that will make Dan look even worse than he currently does
  • Approach Dan, tell him that he needs to sell his team for a record setting offer, instantly increasing the value of all other franchise
  • Dan is gone and richer than ever.  The Commies are under new ownership, owned by someone who can't be as bad as Dan (low bar to hurdle, I'm aware)
  • Fans and media are happy

Everyone wins.  EVERYONE WINS.  Dan can **** off on his yacht with a few more billion dollars, never to be heard from again, the NFL is rid of him and for once there's some hope that this franchise can get it together and have a bright future.


I'm aware that Mayhew has a GM title but as far as I'm concerned it's pretty meaningless.  

I agree with most of that but he has not driven the value into the ground. The fact that he is so hated increases the value of the franchise because of all the positive good will the new owner will instantly get. This is like the Clippers with Ballmer buying out Sterling. It actually carries a premium. When Snyder is forced to sell it will be the biggest transaction ever for a sports team in history. It won’t be under 7 billion. 

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12 minutes ago, TD_washingtonredskins said:


18 minutes ago, Conn said:

He is, in the end. He has final say. So you aren’t wrong even though Mayhew is technically the GM. We don’t know what the division of labor is and Rivera would say they make decisions as a team (and probably do)—but at the end of the day Mayhew can’t force anything on Rivera as Rivera has final say. So your initial read was correct imo. 



OK, got it. Thanks...so I got the title incorrect. Call him "head of football operations/head coach" then. 


When asked about Wentz and the trade compensation, my point stays the same...I think it's perfectly within reason for Rivera to answer wearing both hats, if you will. He doesn't need to do the idiotic football coach thing and pretend he's blindly just trying to grind out every yard in a lost season. That's dumb. I think it would reassure some fans to know that the guy at the top of the food chain has his sights set past the next 10 games. 


Here lies just one of the issues with a coach-centric model, where the ‘GM’ reports to the coach.


I’m not arguing in favor of or even the legitimacy of the setup.


But at the end of the day, Ron is the head coach and has to publicly handle things as a head coach - for which personally I wouldn’t entertain questions about contractual stuff for a guy on IR until it’s necessary.


Somewhat related, but obviously not the same.  Matt Ryan is being benched for the rest of the season no matter what due to what playing more and/or getting injured mean to what’s left of his contract.  But nobody from the Colts org is coming out and saying that, it’s being filtered out by reporters.  

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20 minutes ago, Spaceman Spiff said:
  • Most everyone hates Dan Snyder.  He has very few known friends in his corner. 
  • He has driven the value of the Commies into the ground
  • He has driven the brand of the Commies into the ground
  • He's been unable to get a new stadium deal done
  • He's a lecherous piece of **** (cheerleader tape, trying to pimp out cheerleaders, sexual assault accusations, etc)


He named them the Commies to begin with...

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1 minute ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

Here lies just one of the issues with a coach-centric model, where the ‘GM’ reports to the coach.


I’m not arguing in favor of or even the legitimacy of the setup.


But at the end of the day, Ron is the head coach and has to publicly handle things as a head coach - for which personally I wouldn’t entertain questions about contractual stuff for a guy on IR until it’s necessary.


Somewhat related, but obviously not the same.  Matt Ryan is being benched for the rest of the season no matter what due to what playing more and/or getting injured mean to what’s left of his contract.  But nobody from the Colts org is coming out and saying that, it’s being filtered out by reporters.  


Yeah, I understand your point of view. I guess I just respectfully disagree. I see his role as <insert head of football ops title> vastly more important than his role as head coach, so I'm far more interested in his answers in that capacity. When it comes to the Wentz question, I don't care about how it impacts next week's game against the Colts. Boooorrrring. I care about how it would impact the long-term strategy of team building. 


To each his own. 

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11 hours ago, hail2skins said:

Aside from Vermeil's brief success, Philly was a clown show from the early 60s (after the championship and 1961) through the late 80s. Of course you guys have been one of the gold standard teams of the league since.


Hope you're enjoying the Phils WS run. My buddy went to the game on Sunday at CBP and said it was nuts. Saw that tickets for the WS are crazy on the secondary market.

Oh, I damn sure remember the sixties and seventies and how awful they were. From the year I started watching football (third grade) until the day I graduated high school, the Eagles never had a winning season. They finished .500 once. It was tiresome going to the games with my father knowing they were going to get destroyed...and then watching them get destroyed. In school, even though most kids were really Eagles fans at heart, no one would readily admit it. We were all "fans" of other teams. The good teams. There were a lot of Cowboys fans running around. Vikings. Steelers. Rams. Hell, I used to also root for the Raiders and later on the Dolphins. When the Eagles actually got good in the late seventies, it was like I had died and gone to heaven. It was like I was living in an alternate universe where suddenly the Eagles are actually contenders. Too bad it was short lived. And then Marion Campbell happened. The clown show returned and everything was back to "normal" again.


I was offered a ticket to WS game 5 for $250. I passed. But yeah, it's been fun and quite definitely unexpected.

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I’d just like to state that my original concern with the MJW investigation is that it started with a conclusion already.  The conclusion being that all is swell in Ashburn now, nothing more to see here, everyone go home.  

It seems some owners have the same concern.  That it’s not being done for what’s right, but more  in an effort to make it all go away.



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Neil from Rockville is not the only attorney I've heard say the league won't vote him out due to his legal threats. I heard, or read, another lawyer who specializes in this, I believe he did work for the league, say the same thing.  Seems people with legal knowledge have one opinion, sports writers and message board posters have a different view.


I think that article about the MJW Report is accurate. And I firmly blame Goodell, who obviously did everything he could do to let Dan off the hook with regard to the Wilkerson Report, will have that report read exactly as he wishes.  Now has his opinion changed?.  Being forced to testify before Congress as Snyder hides out on his yacht in the Europe could do that I would think. But I've leaned long ago not to trust Roger Goodell to do the right thing. 

Edited by Darrell Green Fan
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1 hour ago, Franklin60 said:

Oh, I damn sure remember the sixties and seventies and how awful they were. From the year I started watching football (third grade) until the day I graduated high school, the Eagles never had a winning season. They finished .500 once. It was tiresome going to the games with my father knowing they were going to get destroyed...and then watching them get destroyed. In school, even though most kids were really Eagles fans at heart, no one would readily admit it. We were all "fans" of other teams. The good teams. There were a lot of Cowboys fans running around. Vikings. Steelers. Rams. Hell, I used to also root for the Raiders and later on the Dolphins. When the Eagles actually got good in the late seventies, it was like I had died and gone to heaven. It was like I was living in an alternate universe where suddenly the Eagles are actually contenders. Too bad it was short lived. And then Marion Campbell happened. The clown show returned and everything was back to "normal" again.


I was offered a ticket to WS game 5 for $250. I passed. But yeah, it's been fun and quite definitely unexpected.

You should go.  You may end up regretting not going.

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19 minutes ago, Ball Security said:

You should go.  You may end up regretting not going.

I’ve been to a lot of big sporting events in my life. The aura isn’t quite as lustrous for me as it might be for others. Let someone else have the fun. It’s too expensive anyway.

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2 hours ago, Darrell Green Fan said:

Neil from Rockville is not the only attorney I've heard say the league won't vote him out due to his legal threats. I heard, or read, another lawyer who specializes in this, I believe he did work for the league, say the same thing.  Seems people with legal knowledge have one opinion, sports writers and message board posters have a different view.


I think that article about the MJW Report is accurate. And I firmly blame Goodell, who obviously did everything he could do to let Dan off the hook with regard to the Wilkerson Report, will have that report read exactly as he wishes.  Now has his opinion changed?.  Being forced to testify before Congress as Snyder hides out on his yacht in the Europe could do that I would think. But I've leaned long ago not to trust Roger Goodell to do the right thing. 


It’s not about Roger Goodell. He does what the owners want—so the real question is if their opinion has changed since the time when they didn’t want the Wilkinson report released. Goodell didn’t make that choice on his own. 

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I find it hard to believe that owners would allow Snyder to openly threaten them with blackmail and get away with it. What are they gonna do, just ignore him at meetings? Refuse to pass the caviar at league dinners? Unfriend him on social media?


Would a bunch of mafia bosses take kindly to one of their own threatening to become a stoolie for the feds? No, that guy would soon find himself being fitted for cement shoes.


If they do go that route for now then I would hope they would be furiously digging for more dirt on Snyder, something with tangible proof like a video of Snyder punching Tanya into an elevator wall in Vegas.


Of course, I'm sure Goodell would exonerate Snyder by saying Tanya knocked herself out...

Edited by BringMetheHeadofBruceAllen
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Like I’ve said before, it all comes down to a new stadium. MJW report could exonerate him, but if he doesn’t get a new stadium, he’s a goner anyway. Either move the team or sell. He’s been searching for 8 years or so now and there hasn’t been any major progress. The only way he has a chance is if the team begins to win and the fanbase comes back…..it hasn’t happened yet. Things just get worse and worse


Ill take either at this point. I can handle a couple of years without Washington football if it means we’ll eventually get an expansion team.

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7 hours ago, The Rook said:


Why in the hell would anyone use the laugh emoji to this post?







:229:The Rook


That's what happens when you don't pay attention, I would never laugh at anyone going through a traumatic event like that. Like someone mentioned in a later post it was a total accident. 

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