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A New Start! (the Reboot) The Front Office, Ownership, & Coaching Staff Thread

Message added by TK,

Pay Attention Knuckleheads



Has your team support wained due to ownership or can you see past it?  

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  1. 1. Will you attend a game and support the team while Dan Snyder is the owner of the team, regardless of success?

    • Yes
    • No
    • I would start attending games if Dan was no longer the owner of the team.

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The question, as it has always been, is if there are 24 owners who think like Irsay.  


We now have 1 who's officially on the record, and I think 2-3 anonymous ones who probably would vote that way who have made comments for a variety of stories.


My hope is Rodger has a "small council" and have gone to MJW and said "find us a way to get him gone.  Do whatever you have to do."


If that happens, MJW will find a way.  I have no doubt about it.  And the reason that investigation might be taking as long as it is is because they need to make it impenetrable by Dan's legal team.  


I think the ball has been moved down the field a little bit by the Irsay comments.  I do wonder if they were a trial balloon, maybe he drew the short straw, made them, and now the other owners are sitting back and watching the reaction. 


My greatest fear is for the other 31 ownership groups, inaction is easier than action. And they are all filthy rich and don't need their lives disturbed.  They can put up with one moron owner for the sake of not having to deal with removing him.


My hope is enough of them come to the conclusion they need to act for the financial benefit of the league. THAT is what will prompt action.  

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The temperature, very clearly, has been turned up. And now it’s come to the point where a standoff seems to be looming—with Snyder more or less daring the owners to vote him out, and on multiple occasions.

The first came last week when a Commanders spokesperson, in a written statement, called ESPN’s exposé on Snyder “part of a well-funded, two-year campaign to coerce the sale of the team, which will continue to be unsuccessful.” The second came Tuesday, after Irsay spoke out, when the same spokesperson in another statement, said, “We are confident that, when he has an opportunity to see the actual evidence in this case, Mr. Irsay will conclude that there is no reason for the Snyders to consider selling the franchise. And they won’t.”

If Snyder comes off like a cornered animal, well, there’s a reason for that. He has to know the score here. That another owner was willing to go on the offensive—and suggest setting the precedent of voting a peer out of the club and forcing the sale of a multibillion-dollar commodity—is mighty significant.


The tenor of the meeting changed when Irsay let 13 words cross his lips in reference to Snyder.

“I believe there is merit to removing him as owner of the [Commanders].”

The assembled reporters peppered him with follow-ups. Irsay doubled down, and doubled down, and doubled down. Next to him on the nearby set of stairs was Colts president Pete Ward, who had a slight smile and didn’t seem in the least surprised by his boss’s comments. A couple of NFL public relations staffers were in earshot, too.

And Irsay’s voice trembled with emotion at times as he continued to bury Snyder. Watching him, it was clear as day to me, having been around Irsay, that this was deeply meaningful to him. He’d put plenty of thought into it—something further backed up by the lack of surprise on the face of Ward and the others around him.

So I tracked down Irsay later in the afternoon and asked, in a quiet moment, why it was so important for him to do what he did. He mentioned having his 13-year-old granddaughter, Charlotte, at training camp this summer, and that she’d be the fourth generation of ownership in his family, and what the impact of the sexual harassment allegations against Snyder and the toxic work culture on his watch would have on her.

“Knowing Wellington [Mara] and Dan Rooney and Lamar [Hunt] and the owners through the years, I know what we’re about as owners,” he told me. “Even in the last day, I had a chance to talk to [former 49ers owner] Eddie DeBartolo [Jr.] and [former commissioner] Paul Tagliabue and just kinda reminisce about the context of decades that have passed and things that have happened. All those things give you certain direction and vision.

“I don’t like the fact that sometimes the way owners are viewed, people think we can do whatever we want, with all the sorts of issues that are out there. Because that’s not true,” Irsay continued. “This is not what we stand for, this sort of thing. I mean, it’s absolutely not.


So the league’s very important to me. I’ve been taught by founders of the league and, like I said, Lamar [of the Chiefs] and Wellington [Giants] and Dan Rooney [Steelers] that you do what’s best for the Colts but what’s best for the league, too.

“You have to protect the shield to protect the league, and I don’t like to see the shield damaged. And right now, the shield is taking some damage from all this.”

There’s important context, too, that Irsay was the owner to say something—his own past is checkered, and he was once suspended after pleading guilty to driving under the influence of oxycodone and hydrocodone (he later said that the incident helped him confront his drug addiction). So in being the one to stand up against Snyder, he also put himself squarely in the line of fire, opening himself up to retaliation from Snyder.

His response to the idea of all that, and the chance that Snyder could come back at him, was implicitly, Bring it on. Clearly, this was too big to Irsay for him to keep his mouth shut. And for him, it relates back to the women in his life.

“No question,” he said. “Just having three daughters and seven granddaughters, I can relate to that sort of thing—my seven granddaughters, as they venture off in different forms of working for organizations. I know the culture that we have in Indianapolis. I know the special culture that we have and the family atmosphere that we have developed there. That’s important to me, and I believe it’s important to many owners in this league, because that’s what we’re about.”



Other owners have shown patience in waiting for the findings of the White report. Not Irsay.

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11 minutes ago, lovemaskins said:

Almost feels like Irsay said to himself “I’m a freaking billionaire too, who does this f…in twerp think he is threatening our league.  I ain’t scared, and got nothing to hide. Let’s go! And you’re a sexual predator too!?”


Val Kilmer Film GIF



Yeah but Dan Snyder is less like johny Ringo and more like the cow from me myself and Irene. 

Edited by redskinss
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28 minutes ago, Voice_of_Reason said:

The question, as it has always been, is if there are 24 owners who think like Irsay. 


The Packers are owned by over half a million people, surely at least 24 of them would vote Snyder out 😀.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_Bay_Packers,_Inc.#:~:text=Rather than being the property,the 5%2C011%2C558 shares currently outstanding.


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3 hours ago, Spaceman Spiff said:


The best part of the best part was seeing media members on Twitter yesterday censoring the name because LETS PRETEND LIKE IT WAS NEVER NAMED THAT NAME.


It's very odd. It's almost like the fact that a few people deciding it should be changed suddenly deemed it offensive. I'm not arguing that some people haven't always believed it was offensive. I realize those people are out there. And, because of those people I realize that the sponsors and Snyder buckled to the pressure. But what I mean is, I think it's so bizarre that now it's treated like we can't say Redskins because suddenly the other 90% of us have to act as though we've always felt it was the n-word. Very strange times we're living in. 

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You know, as I think about it, I think Snyder is more like Putin than we even realize outside of the jokes.  They both are currently only existing in their positions of power, loathed by so many, because of their constant threats of MAD(Mutually assured destruction).  It is fear that one of their threats might be true.  And yet, I think the reality is its all they have left.  In the end I wouldnt be surprised if Snyder does nothing when hes removed outside of more threats.  Threats are easy, they cost you nothing, except for the respect you lose on the day you dont follow through.  But Snyder doesnt have any in the first place, so he has nothing to lose with making them.  


Because in the end, if Snyder is removed theres not really anything he can do.  I dont think hes going to employ MAD because it destroys himself and he loves himself too much.  Plus, those around him will remove that possibility because THEY dont want to be destroyed.  It is illegal in this country to blackmail, and if after that ESPN article has come out Snyder tries to dump dirt on all of the owners, he will get sued to the cave from whence he came.  Tanya is not willing to live with nothing.  When faced with getting $5 Billion, or petty revenge and $0, or a few paltry million, what do you really think Snyder is going to chose?  Because in the end hes not the only one effected by it, and the few left around him are not interested in letting him throw away their riches.

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15 minutes ago, Cooleyfan1993 said:

Wait. Snyder is THAT strapped for cash that he can’t even afford to give $14,000 to a raffle winner?? Is that what that means, or am I misunderstanding this?


lol, got no idea.  Clearly, he personally can easily afford it.  If its so, I gather the coffers of the business were low at that time from whatever money pool that was from


But I'll double down on that Mike Jones' interview IMO is a must listen, him saying the thought around the league for example is that Dan can't pay for two coaching staffs at the same time at a minimum is interesting from the perspective that its what some people around the league think of his financial situation -- relevant to me in the context of the ESPN article where they think his lack of ability to pay for the stadium could be an impetus to put pressure on him.

Edited by Skinsinparadise
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14 minutes ago, Cooleyfan1993 said:

Wait. Snyder is THAT strapped for cash that he can’t even afford to give $14,000 to a raffle winner?? Is that what that means, or am I misunderstanding this?

I’m shocked that the team’s finances aren’t in order. SHOCKED!!

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 People ascribing noble honorable sentiments to Irsay made coffee blow out of my nose


Having said that, the enemy of my enemy and all that happy horse****, anything that pushes Danya closer to the edge is great news


I'd be done early, don't need anything for Xmas

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