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A New Start! (the Reboot) The Front Office, Ownership, & Coaching Staff Thread

Message added by TK,

Pay Attention Knuckleheads



Has your team support wained due to ownership or can you see past it?  

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  1. 1. Will you attend a game and support the team while Dan Snyder is the owner of the team, regardless of success?

    • Yes
    • No
    • I would start attending games if Dan was no longer the owner of the team.

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7 hours ago, Dissident2 said:

Good time to remember what Riggo said about Snyder in 2009 during an interview with Inside the NFL:


"But this is a bad guy that owns this team. I'll just tell you that upfront. Bad guy. And if the Commissioner is worried about potential new owners and saying some of these guys shouldn't apply, he might want to police his own inside guys."

"I just don't think you can be successful in those situations and when you are dealing with someone with the mindset of a child and yet owns a franchise in the NFL."


"[Dan Snyder] knows nothing about football, absolutely nothing. I don't think they have a clue how a football team comes together, how it works. And yet they are the ones that are basically calling all the shots through a puppet, which is Vinny Cerrato."


"Let me put it to you this way, Cris, this person's heart is dark."





One would like to assume that if Dan was such a HUGE Redskins Belt Buckle-wearing fanboy growing up that this kind of statement from one of his childhood heroes would have had an effect on him and caused him to have a "step towards the light, Daniel" moment. 


Of course, that would require us to assume that Dan is even AWARE of Riggo saying this in the first place...and that's a big if, since he has handlers who likely shield him from this type of content. I wouldn't be surprised if one of his cronies casually mentioned to him that we pulled our troops out of Afghanistan, and Dan responded "when did we put troops into Afghanistan?"


But that "come to Jesus/Buddha/Yahweh" moment didn't happen. And there's not a single player from his childhood team that wants to hang around with him, other than possibly Theismann.

Edited by BringMetheHeadofBruceAllen
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Jon Gruden to HBO: “The truth will come out”

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We haven’t heard much from Jon Gruden since he abruptly resigned as Raiders head coach 10 days ago. HBO’s Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel has heard a little more.

Andrea Kremer, who recently profiled Raiders owner Mark Davis for the show, explains on the latest episode of the Real Sports Podcast that a producer recently cold-called Gruden.


“Maggie Burbank, who produced the story that we just did on Mark Davis, she actually called Gruden and he picked up the phone, much to I think her surprise,” Kremer said. “And he’s still in Las Vegas. . . . He says he’s letting the dust settle. He said, ‘People who know me know what I stand for for 58 years. I have a resume of 58 years.’ He said, ‘The truth will come out.’ It’s certainly cryptic.”

It remains to be seen where and how the truth will come out. As Myles Simmons and I discussed on Wednesday’s #PFTPM, litigation would be one vehicle for the truth coming out. And not litigation between Gruden and the Raiders, but litigation between Gruden and the NFL, for a legal theory such as tortious interference with business relationships.

In theory, the Raiders could join Gruden in that fight.

“Mark Davis has been severely impacted,” Kremer said. “And I’m not defending Mark Davis. I’m just pointing out a fact here. Dan Snyder continues on. The Washington Football Team continues on.”

Someone decided to pull the pin on the Gruden grenade during football season, leaking documents and forcing action in early October. It could have happened before the season. It could have happened after the season. In either of those cases, the Raiders would have been in a much better position.



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8 hours ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

Whomever it was that referred to Washington as a reverse car wash absolutely nailed it.


I think it was Czaben.


In real time though many fans blast the coaches among others as for how they handle things here.  Not saying the coaches have been perfect but they all have challenges on their plate that make their job more difficult than the typical team. 


In real time in the heat of the moment these guys do take the heat no matter how many times it comes out later about how Dan impinged on their success.


I was guilty of it during the Shanny-RG3 dispute.  I was hot about how Shanny handled it at the time.  But later as more stories surfaced I get how Dan brought out his worst in that situation by enabling and empowering RG3.   But in real time my anger was directed at Shanny.   I think hopefully that's the last time i've been fooled by Dan.  I've been a critic of him forever but I lost sight of that some during the RG3-Shanny fiasco.  I figured Dan had none to little to do with the problem.  Later I found out he was central to the dysfunction of that situation.  

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Just listened to a Keim podcast where he said that he wrote a column a few years ago about how the team is losing fans and they have to work to get them back and Bruce Allen was upset about it and called Keim into his office to chew him out.  Keim told him he should trust him, he talks to fans, Bruce blew him off.  Tony Wylie a year later called Keim to tell him he was right.


Sounds similar to the Chris Russell story about Bruce one time calling some reporters into his office to give him their take on the team's status with fans.  Russell said (he shared this story on air) he told Bruce the litany of complaints he heard from fans and what he thought they need to do about it -- then Bruce got upset at Russell for sharing that litany. 



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House Democrats press NFL for emails and answers about Washington Football Team probe


Two House Democrats on Thursday pressed NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell to provide Congress with the findings of the league’s investigation into the Washington Football Team’s workplace and details of the NFL’s handling of the probe, adding to pressure on league officials in the wake of leaked emails containing homophobic, misogynistic and racist language.


Rep. Carolyn B. Maloney (D-N.Y.), chairwoman of the Committee on Oversight and Reform, and Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi (D-Ill.) sent a five-page letter asking Goodell to produce by Nov. 4 “all documents and communications obtained in connection with the investigation into the WFT, its management, its owners, and any other matter relating to or resulting from the WFT investigation.”

The letter points to reports that in the NFL’s investigation attorney Beth Wilkinson conducted more than 150 interviews and collected 650,000 emails and other documents. The league has refused to make that information public.


“We have serious concerns about what appears to be widespread abusive workplace conduct at the WFT and about the NFL’s handling of this matter,” the letter states.

NFL spokesman Brian McCarthy acknowledged receipt of the chairwoman’s letter and said the league shared her concern that “all workplaces should be free from any form of harassment and discrimination.” Asked if the NFL planned to provide the requested documents to Congress, McCarthy replied via email: “We look forward to speaking to her office soon.”

In addition, the two representatives asked Goodell to explain why the NFL assumed oversight of Wilkinson’s investigation from the team, which initially retained her, and describe in detail the NFL’s role in overseeing the investigation.


The letter comes one week after 10 former team employees sent a public letter to the chief executives of the league’s major sponsors, including Nike, Amazon and PepsiCo, requesting they demand the NFL release detailed findings from the Wilkinson investigation.

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I know a lot of folks aren't fans of Mike Wise, but he related a story on Twitter recently of when Bruce came to the Post one day and started ranting. Wise was sitting across him and said "it was nice of you to come, why didn't you bring Dan," to which Bruce said "Why would I bring him here when you've called him a cretin?" To which Wise replied "I never called Dan a cretin....I called YOU  a cretin."

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35 minutes ago, dyst said:

Jon Gruden’s ”The truth will come out” is just BS that guilty people say. 

Could be, but then again he could also be in “burn it all down” mode.  Imagine how furious he is over this.  I could easily see him going on a rampage to get to the bottom of it and take everyone down with him.

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What a dumb IMO tweet from Snider.  The invesitgation from the NFL is over.  There is nothing to screw up.  This might be a shot to revive the dead investigation. 





4 minutes ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

Could be, but then again he could also be in “burn it all down” mode.  Imagine how furious he is over this.  I could easily see him going on a rampage to get to the bottom of it and take everyone down with him.


Yeah the whole Dan leaked the story to take him down because of his ties to Bruce as has been discussed by some in the media may or may not be true.  But I think there is a chance an angry Gruden takes some fire at Dan.  Maybe that's wishful thinking on my end.  


I don't take PFT that seriously but I also don't see Mike Florio as a liar.  So i believe him when he says others in the NFL want him to stay on this trail. 



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20 minutes ago, 86 Snyder said:

Just imagine if the thing that takes Dan down is Dan's own pettiness.  How delicious that would be.



 it would be very Shakesperian end to a living Shakesperian tragedy for us fans.    I never fathomed it could go down this road.   Can you imagine Dan and Bruce testifying about the culture in a Congressional hearing?  Wow. 


Dan seems now scared of his own shadow publicly.    Imagine him having to talk on a national platform like that under Oath?  I am jumping way afield, its probably too good to be true but fun to dream. :ols:

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They want the NFL to produce "all documents and communications obtained in connection with the investigation into the WFT, its management, its owners, and any other matter relating to or resulting from the WFT investigation."

They also want the NFL to detail its role in Wilkinson's investigation and why there was no written report after 150 people had been interviewed. It also raised concerns about non-disclosure agreements that former employees had signed. And it wanted to know the role of the NFL's general counsel, Jeff Pash, in the investigation. Pash's close relationship with Allen was revealed in some of the leaked emails on topics that ranged from jokes on the league's diversity initiatives and rescinding an NFL fine. Allen, though, had been fired at the end of the 2019 season.

The two democrats wrote, "We have serious concerns about what appears to be widespread abusive workplace conduct at the WFT and about the NFL's handling of this matter. Communications between league management and WFT leadership also raises questions about the leagues asserted impartiality in these investigations."


Washington was fined $10 million after the investigation concluded. At that time, owner Dan Snyder's wife, Tanya, became a co-CEO of the franchise. While Dan Snyder focused on securing a new stadium, Tanya Snyder took over daily operations. Last week, 10 former Washington employees sent a letter to multiple sponsors, including Nike and Amazon, wanting them to press the NFL for detailed findings of the investigation.

The emails from Gruden, when he was employed by ESPN as the lead analyst for Monday Night Football, were sent to Allen's team account, which is why they were uncovered as part of this investigation -- and some were included in court filings in which Snyder wanted to show that Allen was a source of leaking negative information about the team.


The letter states, "The NFL's lack of transparency about the problems it recently uncovered raise questions about the seriousness with which it has addressed bigotry, racism, sexism, and homophobia -- setting troubling precedent for other workplaces."

NFL spokesman Brian McCarthy said via email, "We have received the Chairwoman's letter and share her concern that all workplaces should be free from any form of harassment and discrimination. We look forward to speaking to her office soon."



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