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All I Want For Christmas Is...


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Merry Christmas, ES!!  For as much as this place can be a desolate wasteland of suckitude, I'm thankful to hang out and talk all things Redskins with you all year after year. 


That being said, what's your Redskins Christmas List? 


All I personally want for Christmas is....


1.  Bruce out of a job by Monday.

2.  Urban Meyer hired as President of Football Ops 

3.  Kyle Smith as GM. 

4.  Whoever Urban hires as HC, but my personal favorite would be Bienemy. 

5. KOC stays as OC. 

6.  Mansucky no longer allowed within 500 yards of Redskins Park. 

7.  Chase Young in the B&G next spring. 


Is that too much to ask? 


Hail.  And Merry Christmas, ya filthy animals. 

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Merry Christmas to the OP, and all the rest of you on here, dear friends. 


Now, with my Redskins hat on .....


Dear Santa, 


All I Want For Christmas Is...


The Redskins to get just reward for their marvellous efforts and improvement the last 10 games by going down to Dallas and ending the season with a big fat W by volleying the Cowbys all over Jerry World. And in so doing ending the Cowboys season and keeping them home on the couch with ourselves watching the paloffs. 


If that could then lead to-


Allen being removed from anything to do with the football side. (Or better yet, retiring.).


Callahan (along with KOC on the O side) getting the chance on a permy basis to continue there fine work to press in both completely changing the culture here, on the playing side at least,  to that of a professional football team once more, with all the development of this super young, talented group under them who have all completely bought in.


Manusky, among others the D side of the ball, being binned. 


And adding to the 'Bama contingent here by bagging Jedrick Wilis in the draft to give Haskins the top calibre blind side protection the selfish btard Trent Williams won't .....


Then I promise to be especially good and super nice all next year Santa. 


Yours in hopeful anticipation






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#1 is adios to Bruce Allen. 


#2.  This is probably the only time I'll ever say this.  Santa please bring me a loss to Dallas to help bring Chase Young.  The dude is a Sean Taylor type of player as far as freakish talent who has the ability to help turn around the defense just like Bosa did for SF.  Their defense moved from #23 to #2.


It feels like a Christmas wish considering it almost seems to good to be true.  When was the last time we drafted a guy where you got pretty much an unanimous consensus that they are the best player in the draft?  I can't think of once in my lifetime.  Make it happen Santa. 










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3 hours ago, stoshuaj said:

Kick the **** out of the Cowboys and figure the rest out later.


you know, like good franchises that don’t put their hopes and dreams into one player who has never played a down in the NFL

And nobody’s confused the Skins for a good franchise in, say, the last 20 years.

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My Christmas Wish;

1. Hands down by a mile, Bruce Allen removed from this organization entirely.

2. Competence restored to the FO by whatever means necessary.

3. Patience.


For those who are home, alone { like myself } who may not feel 'up' to the holiday spirit, keep in mind, you have friends who are with you all the time, right here on ES.

With that being said, I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas, and a safe one as well.

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5 minutes ago, SkinsFTW said:

Yeah when the question is What do you want for Christmas?


I'll take a new owner over 50 GM replacements that won't change a damned thing.


As much as I can't stand Bruce, I'd take a new owner coupled with a 10 year extension for Bruce by a mile if it meant adios to Dan.  So I feel your point.   I've just been resigned to being stuck with Dan -- maybe the stadium does him in.  🎅

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13 hours ago, ggarriso said:

I absolutely detest the idea of Urban Meyer, Kyle Smith and Eric B but I can get on board w/ all i want for xmas is Bruce gone and a REAL GM w/ NFL bondafides calling the shots to include the selection of a new HC and scouting personnel.



I'm with you on Meyer, this Urban Meyer love is getting out of control.  What has he ever done that would qualify him to be the guy to turn this mess around which is a huge job?  I like the Kyle Smith, he should be the GM, and Eric B is well regarded so I'd be OK with them. 


And while I can never blame a Redskins fan for wanting to beat the Cowboys it makes little sense to me for the long term and that's the only view we can take now.   As posted we can already see what a player like Bosa can do for a defense and Chase Young is a better prospect.  

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29 minutes ago, Darrell Green Fan said:


I'm with you on Meyer, this Urban Meyer love is getting out of control.  What has he ever done that would qualify him to be the guy to turn this mess around which is a huge job? 


Along those lines, is it just me or does Meyer even look a bit like a young bruce allen lol


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1.  Bruce fired

2. Chase young drafted

3. hire the best gm candidate, whether it be kyle Smith or external, who then hires Greg roman as HC

4. stay away from Urban meyer - great college coach, but NFL executive?

5. Shed Smith contract this offseason

6.  Manusky fired

7.  Trade TW and kerrigan

8.  Cut Reed, Davis, and Norman

9.  Improved public relations, better fan experience, more integrity and likeability from our leaders

10.  Announced that new stadium will be part of a fun surrounding environment, with easy access and bars and restaurants close by, not in the middle of nowhere.

11.  Re sign flowers and scherff in an effort to put the best line out there we can to protect our young QB to help.his development.  We will have ample cap room to make it happen, that's the one area I'd want to splurge

12.  Stay away from big money free agents, acquire comp picks, them be ready to add in 2021 offseason.

13.  After drafting young, draft strictly BPA (as long as there is a roster spot, ie don't draft a cb in the 7th if it forces out Moreland, Johnson or another cb we want to develop)


That's all, only those things, that's not too much to ask, right?!?


The funny thing is: while these things would drastically improve our long term outlook IMO, only hiring Greg roman is out of our control, bc he might choose a better option.  (This is assuming we lose to Dallas and Cincy takes burrow to allow us the opportunity to draft young.). The stadium deal also has a lot of variables, but I figured I'd throw it on there bc it's my xmas list so why not.  Bottom line, most of these things can happen fairly easily, and I would be much happier with the state of the Redskins if they did.


If we are shooting for the moon, I'll add Snyder sells the team to a young, ethical, competitive owner who knows to delegate everything personnel and coaching related.

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47 minutes ago, KillBill26 said:

11.  Re sign flowers and scherff in an effort to put the best line out there we can to protect our young QB to help.his development.  We will have ample cap room to make it happen, that's the one area I'd want to splurge

12.  Stay away from big money free agents, acquire comp picks, them be ready to add in 2021 offseason.

I see what you mean, but Scherff will be a big money FA by any means, so 11 and 12 are somehow opposite. :D

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