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I just have to say, I called it ten years ago, and was mocked for it.


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How are you feeling now?

From 2009:




Excerpt from my post:

Under the guidance of GM Rich McKay, the Bucs were one of the best teams of the 90s. They made excellent draft choices like Warren Sapp, John Lynch and Booger McFarland, establishing the best defense of the decade. Gruden walked into a Superbowl caliber team, much like Seifert in SF. McKay left for Atlanta, and Bruce Allen came in. Our beloved Doug Williams was given a job as Director of Pro Personnel. The result - the Bucs are the worst team in the NFL. It's hard to think of a GM not named Millen who did a worst job with the draft during Allen's tenure at TB. But, he's the son of the man who once turned our franchise around....

Now I know many of you are spitting at your monitors "Hey jackhole, Chucky made those picks!" Even if that's true, that's hardly comforting. It means that the GM title bestowed upon Allen here is a ruse, a mere sop given to quiet the angry mob, and his job will be nothing more than what Cerrato was doing - organizing charts, video, etc., and deferring the decisions to others. "La plus ca change..."

What we really have here is no revolution, no Beathard/Gibbs model, but rather a continuation of the same dysfunctional structure that has left us floundering in mediocrity since the Generalissimo took over the team, or more accurately, since the reins passed from our last genuine GM Beathard to the incompetent Casserly.

I'm relieved as anyone that the Cerrato era is over, but not convinced in the slightest that we've turned any corners.

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I still remember being hyped up about Shanahan when he got here, finally a respectable coach after Zorn. Getting rid of Campbell at all costs was good by me. I didn't care much for Allen, just that things were changing.


I don't like realizing it's been a decade since "change" started. I don't like realizing it's been a decade since Kareem ****ing Moore fumbled the gud damn interception against the ****y Super Bowl champions, **** YOU KAREEM MOORE, I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU

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1 hour ago, Riggo-toni said:

How are you feeling now?

From 2009:




Excerpt from my post:

Under the guidance of GM Rich McKay, the Bucs were one of the best teams of the 90s. They made excellent draft choices like Warren Sapp, John Lynch and Booger McFarland, establishing the best defense of the decade. Gruden walked into a Superbowl caliber team, much like Seifert in SF. McKay left for Atlanta, and Bruce Allen came in. Our beloved Doug Williams was given a job as Director of Pro Personnel. The result - the Bucs are the worst team in the NFL. It's hard to think of a GM not named Millen who did a worst job with the draft during Allen's tenure at TB. But, he's the son of the man who once turned our franchise around....

Now I know many of you are spitting at your monitors "Hey jackhole, Chucky made those picks!" Even if that's true, that's hardly comforting. It means that the GM title bestowed upon Allen here is a ruse, a mere sop given to quiet the angry mob, and his job will be nothing more than what Cerrato was doing - organizing charts, video, etc., and deferring the decisions to others. "La plus ca change..."

What we really have here is no revolution, no Beathard/Gibbs model, but rather a continuation of the same dysfunctional structure that has left us floundering in mediocrity since the Generalissimo took over the team, or more accurately, since the reins passed from our last genuine GM Beathard to the incompetent Casserly.

I'm relieved as anyone that the Cerrato era is over, but not convinced in the slightest that we've turned any corners.


Nice call back then.  Sadly dead on.  I've been a critic for years as to Bruce but not from way back then.  He wasn't though really sold as the defacto GM then -- that was supposed to be Shanny.  Mike Lombardi who worked with Bruce Allen in Oakland continues to beat the drum that why the heck do the Redskins have this dude run personnel when he had nothing to do with it in Oakland.


The sadder issue is that Dan continues to care less about the pedigree of his GMs.  The nicest spin I can give Dan on this is that its an after thought to him and he is grossly incompetent in his hires.  The worst I can say is that Dan wants cronies that he can control.  Some say Dan is really calling all those shots.  There is no way to know though.  My guess is that Dan calls some of the shots, Bruce calls plenty himself and they both add up to a Batman & Robin team in the worst way.  

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True story -- Yall have recycled the same "bad guys" and their roles on the team now for at least 20 years. Just with different names. Vinny = Bruce = Doug = Shanny. Shanny = Zorn = Norv = Bingo Dude even though he wasnt the HC but he might as well have been. Candle = RGknee = McNabb = anyone else not named Kirk. 


There really has been little change with this organization and its fans outside of the names involved. 


I remember arguing with you that Bruce would be a step up though hahahaah

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7 minutes ago, Llevron said:

True story -- Yall have recycled the same "bad guys" and their roles on the team now for at least 20 years. Just with different names. Vinny = Bruce = Doug = Shanny. Shanny = Zorn = Norv = Bingo Dude even though he wasnt the HC but he might as well have been. Candle = RGknee = McNabb = anyone else not named Kirk. 


There really has been little change with this organization and its fans outside of the names involved. 


I remember arguing with you that Bruce would be a step up though hahahaah



lololol OMG...somehow I had totally wiped that from my mind...man every time I look back it seems even uglier than I remember. 


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23 minutes ago, Skinsinparadise said:

.The sadder issue is that Dan continues to care less about the pedigree of his GMs.  The nicest spin I can give Dan on this is that its an after thought to him and he is grossly incompetent in his hires.  The worst I can say is that Dan wants cronies that he can control.  Some say Dan is really calling all those shots.  There is no way to know though.  My guess is that Dan calls some of the shots, Bruce calls plenty himself and they both add up to a Batman & Robin team in the worst way.  

I’d say they’re a pathetic version of Laurel & Hardy.

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El Dano goes from 1.) hiring an unproven offensive coach who fails, often because he is saddled with a poor roster patched together by a dysfunctional front office.

2.) Faced with relentless criticism, he replaces everyone with a big name over the hill coach who is given full control over personnel. Since most coaches are mediocre talent evaluators, this also fails, but not before the coach has mortgaged the future to try and get one last face saving hurrah before re-retiring. He then gets replaced by an unproven offensive coach who has to survive a lamentable front office.
Robiskie to Schotferbrains to Spurrier to Gibbs to Zorn to Shanahan to Gruden to...$10m a year for...Harbaugh, Cowher, or Dungy?
Whoever it is will get full control over the roster, rendering the GM position impotent....which will probably push Kyle Smith on to greener pastures.

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I like this thread and have no problem when people remind us all of what they said that turned out to be right. I correctly predicted Doc would be cut this summer and got ripped by some for that. 

All we can say is that winning football games must not be Dan Snyder's top priority. if it was, he'd have moved on from Bruce/Jay last year. For what it's worth about your point about draft picks, I think Bruce and the management have done a decent job at acquiring young talent through the draft and also through the undrafted rookies. It seems that its once they all make the roster where the disconnect begins. Both AP and Jonathon Allen can't seem to believe we are this bad with all of the talent on the team. The slow start has been one of the constants in Jay's tenure...makes us question what they're doing in summer camp?

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It was a good call. It sickens me to remember how excited I was when they showed Allen on that MNF game back then. Zorn was a total joke, and I thought we were about to become a professional team again. I really hadn't followed Allen's career much. As an outsider, I assumed he was well-respected, knew what he was doing, etc., etc., 


Good Lord, how wrong can you be? 

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Bruce is a Vinny clone always has been, just a figurehead to deflect for Danny to call the shots! I will say this; the last 3 drafts I have been very happy with, I believe whomever is making decisions on personnel get's it, but coaching is a different story; our defense Monday night made Trubisky look like Johnny U., nobody has figured out Manusky is a disaster, the defense has no clue where to be, just like Manusky...they're lost!! We could pull someone out of the stands on game day who would provide a better game plan than Manusky!! SMH 

I believe Jay has a hand in keeping some players that are really not NFL material, I for 1 believe that whomever considers Morgan Moses a top RT tackle .. has never watched him constantly being beat, wonder why our O-line can't run block? MM is too slow to hit the man in front of him, and jay is married to this guy, he was the same with Ryan Grant.

Jay I believe is a decent coordinator under the guidance of a good offensive minded head coach, basically another Norv Turner, neither are a leader of men!!

I will cut Jay a break in this sense; perhaps .. just perhaps he is being held back by the incompetence around him, but now that we have over the last 3 seasons bought in a lot of talent, the ability to excuse Jay is becoming harder and harder... 

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Impressive prediction.  You nailed it and you did it in an eloquent way.  


Just another reason not to invest time or money into this organization.  They basically treat the fans like assholes.


Dan's only successful accomplishment has been destroying a once great fanbase.  


One semi-interesting thing -- Booger McFarland must have good relationship with Bruce -- I read a report on the TheFans site where he was saying what a good venue FedEx Field is and praising Bruce -- funny stuff:



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When old threads like this pop up again, sometimes I scroll through to see if I said anything stupid.  My opinions have changed, and like others here, I remember being beyond excited for Shanahan.


But then a bit later the first "oh no, we did what?" moment came out.  The McNabb trade.


That's when the first inkling of, maybe all's not right in fairytale land,

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What seemed funny to me several years ago was that despite being totally against hiring Shanahan I was one of the few defending him in 2013 against Bumbling Bruce and Doofus Dan. That's how screwed up the entire situation has been.


I always considered both Allen the Puppet and Shanahan another huge idiotic move to allow Dan Snyder to continue his committee approach, where nobody knows who to blame for what. While Dan pretends to be out of the decision making, it's hardly the truth.

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The one thing I was right about was letting Kyle Shanahan go would be a big mistake.  And I got the opportunity to tell Kyle that to his face.


The week the Shanny's were let go, I bumped into Kyle in the parking lot of Jersey Mike's in Ashburn.  I called out his name and he had this look on his face that said to me, "Oh no.  This fan is about to blast me for the Redskins failures."


I told him succinctly, "Thanks for doing such a great job here and I wish you nothing but the best of luck going forward.  I have no doubts you'll be successful wherever you land."


Kyle seemed surprised but thanked me for the kind words.  Then he held the door for me and allowed me to go in line in front of him at Jersey Mike's.

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