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CBS: Kathy Zhu stripped of Miss Michigan 2019 title after racist tweets surface

Cooked Crack

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Well, I hope this doesn't tarnish the reputation of beauty pageants as a conclave of intellect.


I mean, who would ever think that a woman who's chief talent is wearing makeup and being objectified is shallow and stupid?



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10 minutes ago, Bang said:

Well, I hope this doesn't tarnish the reputation of beauty pageants as a conclave of intellect.


I mean, who would ever think that a woman who's chief talent is wearing makeup and being objectified is shallow and stupid?




I'm no fan of beauty pageants nor do I have much knowledge, but I tend to think this diminishes the amount of work and preparation that goes into doing well in these events.  This seems to be too close to the dumb jock stereotype.  

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14 minutes ago, Bang said:

Well, I hope this doesn't tarnish the reputation of beauty pageants as a conclave of intellect.


I mean, who would ever think that a woman who's chief talent is wearing makeup and being objectified is shallow and stupid?




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1 hour ago, Dr. Do Itch Big said:

Y’all asians hella racist. But seriously, some of my asian friends mention how dating a white partner is preferred and pressured culturally.


I mean you can look at manga and anime and see white protagonist. I dunno where it came from but it’s a thing. 

Asian girls it's almost expected to date a white guy. The flip side is whether or not the white guy she is dating likes her as a person or has an Asian fetish. May or may not be mutually exclusive.


Asian guys, it's a tough go to marry/date a white girl. Although all my Asian friends from high school are married to white girls. So that may not even be true anymore. Was there societal pressure to marry a white girl?

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1 hour ago, Destino said:

is that really a white nationalism thing they are falling for in the US?  Asians cultures and countries seem to harbor a great deal of racism all on their own.   


Your right, it's just how it plays out in the context of US politics. Social hierarchies by skin color are unfortunately very common and socially acceptable in Asian cultures. In countries like India, a lot of Western cosmetic companies shamelessly promote "skin whitening" products. 


Fortunately my experience with fellow Asian kids growing up was that a vast majority of us didn't buy into this bull****, that was either promoted by our parents (not in my case) or by our relatives (I have one very racist aunt, who low and behold, is a huge Trump supporter today).

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16 minutes ago, Mr. Sinister said:


Why? Ive never really understood this


It's this mindset that your worth in society is determined by your proximity to social and cultural power.


I don't think it's all Asian communities though. A lot of Indian parents actually don't want their kids marrying white people (or anyone else really) for the same reason: they think you are climbing down the social ladder and will be looked down upon by members of your community.

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46 minutes ago, No Excuses said:


Your right, it's just how it plays out in the context of US politics. Social hierarchies by skin color are unfortunately very common and socially acceptable in Asian cultures. In countries like India, a lot of Western cosmetic companies shamelessly promote "skin whitening" products. 


Fortunately my experience with fellow Asian kids growing up was that a vast majority of us didn't buy into this bull****, that was either promoted by our parents (not in my case) or by our relatives (I have one very racist aunt, who low and behold, is a huge Trump supporter today).

A korean dude I knew hated Indian people. I have no idea why. I asked his brother and he said it’s a cultural thing, but his brother grew up more in the states so he didn’t harbor the hate. 



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53 minutes ago, Mr. Sinister said:


Why? Ive never really understood this


That's a pretty complicated question. Something like Guns,Germs and Steel might give you a wider answer.


It's the same reason why people around the world lighten their skin or have eye surgery to look more western. Indians might make a distinction between an actual Anglo but they have an entire racial history of problems between darker vs lighter skin people.


Or stuff like this: https://www.scmp.com/news/china/society/article/2096341/white-people-wanted-peek-chinas-booming-rent-foreigner-industry


They just hire white people to stand around and look official.

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38 minutes ago, No Excuses said:

It's this mindset that your worth in society is determined by your proximity to social and cultural power.


I don't think it's all Asian communities though. A lot of Indian parents actually don't want their kids marrying white people (or anyone else really) for the same reason: they think you are climbing down the social ladder and will be looked down upon by members of your community.

Parenting exposes truth like nothing else. What people approve of for their own children is what they really believe, even if they've become well practiced at hiding it. It exposes prejudices of all kinds in people. 

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6 minutes ago, Destino said:

Parenting exposes truth like nothing else. What people approve of for their own children is what they really believe, even if they've become well practiced at hiding it. It exposes prejudices of all kinds in people. 


I'm not sure I'd have put it that way.  Although I'm not sure it's wrong, either.  


My dad once explained it, to me, when the context was discrimination against homosexuals.  His explanation was that well, parents might not be prejudiced against gays, but that all parents want their children to be as happy as they possibly can.  And that the chances for a homosexual being happy are very unlikely, because of the way other people treat homosexuals.  


Now, was that a cop out?  "I'm not prejudiced, but everybody else is."?  Certainly could be.  


I'm aware that there are contexts in life in which people will give in to urges that they would be ashamed of, in other contexts.  


One of the classic lines, for liberals who claimed to not be prejudiced, was "Would you want your daughter to marry one?"


I'll also say that is at least used to be common for people who "aren't prejudiced" to be terrified of a black person moving into their neighborhood "because it will ruin the property values".  (Another variation of "I'm not prejudiced, but everybody else is, and I've got to look out for my family.")  

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1 hour ago, PleaseBlitz said:

Michigan must be struggling, this person is not even that attractive. 


Seriously. I feel secondhand embarrassment for all of conservative media. It's Sahara Desert level thirsty. Not trying to be the "0/10, pointy elbows, would not bang" internet guy but come on - if you are like a 6 out of 10 and willing to don the red cap and say something racist, you now have a job/grift and 50k twitter followers.

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45 minutes ago, Destino said:

Parenting exposes truth like nothing else. What people approve of for their own children is what they really believe, even if they've become well practiced at hiding it. It exposes prejudices of all kinds in people. 


So glad I wasn't raised like this. My brother married (initially) a black woman, and my older sister married a white guy. 


Probably helped that we were already biracial, so we were encouraged to jump out there.

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4 hours ago, No Excuses said:


Your right, it's just how it plays out in the context of US politics. Social hierarchies by skin color are unfortunately very common and socially acceptable in Asian cultures. In countries like India, a lot of Western cosmetic companies shamelessly promote "skin whitening" products. 


Fortunately my experience with fellow Asian kids growing up was that a vast majority of us didn't buy into this bull****, that was either promoted by our parents (not in my case) or by our relatives (I have one very racist aunt, who low and behold, is a huge Trump supporter today).


You know, I do happen to notice this on the Bollywood scene. This Indian restaurant I go to has that stuff on all the time, and I was struck by how, like, all of the women and men were very light in their complexion. Many of the Indian people I've known could easily pass for black people, were it not for their hair. Just seemed odd. 

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