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MF: New Guidelines Redefine Birth Years for Millennials, Gen-X, and 'Post-Millennials'


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New Guidelines Redefine Birth Years for Millennials, Gen-X, and 'Post-Millennials'



  • The Silent Generation: Born 1928-1945 (73-90 years old)
  • Baby Boomers: Born 1946-1964 (54-72 years old)
  • Generation X: Born 1965-1980 (38-53 years old)
  • Millennials: Born 1981-1996 (22-37 years old)
  • Post-Millennials: Born 1997-Present (0-21 years old)<<


Are you older and part of the WW2 Generation, often called the Greatest Generation.  They grew up during the depression and fought in WW2.

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I was generation X for most of my life, since the original cutoff was 1960.  Still Gen-x when they moved it up to 62.  Then they moved it again to 64, and now it's 65.   So suddenly I'm a baby-boomer, even though I wasn't even in first grade when Woodstock happened...even though I am younger than Billy Idol, who was the original Generation Xer.

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2 hours ago, Riggo-toni said:

I was generation X for most of my life, since the original cutoff was 1960.  Still Gen-x when they moved it up to 62.  Then they moved it again to 64, and now it's 65.   So suddenly I'm a baby-boomer, even though I wasn't even in first grade when Woodstock happened...even though I am younger than Billy Idol, who was the original Generation Xer.


Welcome to the family Gramps.


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7 hours ago, Riggo-toni said:

I was generation X for most of my life, since the original cutoff was 1960.  Still Gen-x when they moved it up to 62.  Then they moved it again to 64, and now it's 65.   So suddenly I'm a baby-boomer, even though I wasn't even in first grade when Woodstock happened...even though I am younger than Billy Idol, who was the original Generation Xer.

You got to witness the Redskins when they were the powerhouse of the NFL how awesome 

First Super Bowl victory I saw was 1987

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7 hours ago, Riggo-toni said:

I was generation X for most of my life, since the original cutoff was 1960.  Still Gen-x when they moved it up to 62.  Then they moved it again to 64, and now it's 65.   So suddenly I'm a baby-boomer, even though I wasn't even in first grade when Woodstock happened...even though I am younger than Billy Idol, who was the original Generation Xer.


I feel the same. I don't belong with no ****ing hippies.

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I have no problem being a millennial.  We're going to run the world soon anyway.


Yes, I'll be happy to simply communicate with you via low-res moving pictures.  Fight me.




(Never mind that it's a picture of a very Gen-X movie.)

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The anger people get over generations is hilarious. They mean close to nothing and are subjective, everyone's individual journey is different. People whine about being called a Millennial (Gen Y) because they put a bunch of stock into lazy articles written by people who need to fill space in this never-ending news cycle.


If the worst about the Millennial generation is they look at social media a lot then I guess our grandparents suck too because grandmas spend all day on Facebook and studies show Gen X is on social media more often than Gen Y. And the narcissism argument ... shocker people in American society are self-absorbed in their 20s...this is definitely brand new and not something that has been the case for...oh EVERY GENERATION.


People take these labels too seriously, yes some people in your "generation" used CDs and other started with 8-track. So what? What is the significance really?  People born in the early 60s aren't actually part of the post-WWII boom, as birth rates began declining in 1958.


This all said, since we went through the tradition of being bashed, Gen Y should absolutely be out here railing the Gen Zers (1995-) as the Tide Pod Generation ;)










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1 hour ago, Sticksboi05 said:

People whine about being called a Millennial (Gen Y) because they put a bunch of stock into lazy articles written by people who need to fill space in this never-ending news cycle.


Those lazy articles seem to line up with a lot of what i've seen. Same with the wife.


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It also seems that you've taken some weird "generational characteristics" that are dumb and decided that since they're dumb, there's no generational characteristics. Which is silly.


Millennials definitely are pushing for higher compensation aside from pay, they're putting more emphasis on culture and work life balance, and they're job hopping a lot more because those are your biggest raises these days. They also have some weird desire to care more about what's behind their work than just doing their word, I've had some weird conversations on that front (and half the time their whole "but why" is nothing more than a stalling tactic because they don't know how to do the task.) Anyone who's working in a role where you hire/recruite/supervise has seen this sort of stuff.


There were ideas that they'd be less likely to own a home, but we're seeing that shift in some ways and it might end up not being true.


Boomers were the generation of applebees mcdonalds and steel cans that just  said beer - make it the same everywhere so no matter where I am I know exactly what this will taste like so I won't be disappointed. Millennials are a  something-different-every-time crowd. You can see the boomers places going out of business and downsizing as they fail to attract the new generation to their business.


We have people entering adulthood that weren't alive when 9/11 happened. That will remain my "where were you" moment, like my parents were with JFK. And I'll look at my children the way they looked at me - you have no idea.


My only real issue with millennials is they think they're special but they're not. They get real upset when you tell them that. You're not special, everyone else has a degree now too, grow up your parents have spent enough time looking after you.

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