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SCOTUS: No longer content with stacking, they're now dealing from the bottom of the deck


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8 minutes ago, TP said:



BTW, you don’t know me but I can assure you, I do care about unity.  I hope the country can survive all the hatred.



Everyone will come together for the hangings


Afterwards there will be cake!

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I seem to have my head up my ass. Funny!   I’ve been reading some of these threads and seen how conservatives are discriminated against.  Never dreamed it would happen to me after a couple posts.  Just goes to show how deep the divide really is.   

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1 hour ago, TP said:

You may be allowing your very strong views to cloud your judgment.  Maybe I am too, but I still believe half of America is celebrating the impending elevation of Judge Kavanaugh, a man who clearly believes the Constitution means what it says.


Also, I completely disagree with your characterization of the Judge, although I am sure quite a few of my fellow conservatives are saying many of the same things about Dr. Ford.


He is one of the most unpopular SC nominees in modern history...that was before the allegations.

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20 minutes ago, stevemcqueen1 said:

Get out of here with this ****.  Like you or any conservative give a damn about unity or consensus.  Your party is tearing this country apart.

This is bull****.  Conservative isn’t a party. There are plenty of conservatives that give more than a damn about unity and this country. This hyper-partisan environment didn’t start with Trump, he is the result of it. This started way back in the days of Nixon and kept slowly decaying the political landscape. The Republican Party is literally a disaster, but let’s not pretend like the Democrat’s hands are clean. 

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i have tons of super hatery hate and find few humans unworthy of it cuz i know humans, so i can't lecture,


but let's avoid hating the entire right or entire left etc. for all the obvious good reasons


unless ya wanna join me in unbiased loathing for all hairless monkeys


10 minutes ago, TP said:

I seem to have my head up my ass. Funny!   I’ve been reading some of these threads and seen how conservatives are discriminated against.  Never dreamed it would happen to me after a couple posts.  Just goes to show how deep the divide really is.   



it wasn't me, but i think the guy who did that to you did it just because you're short and a redhead. 


he is a big randy newman fan and he hated the lead guy from csi miami

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1 hour ago, TP said:

You may be allowing your very strong views to cloud your judgment.  Maybe I am too, but I still believe half of America is celebrating the impending elevation of Judge Kavanaugh, a man who clearly believes the Constitution means what it says.



Is there any jurist who would say Constitution doesn't mean what it says?  The question is what does it exactly say?  You think it's a simple straight forward question?  Explain what due process clause means and exactly what is required before taking of life, liberty, or property is permitted?  Does due process clause appply to natural persons only or does it also apply to legally created entities?  How do you define speedy trial?  Should criminal defendants have Miranda rights, why or why not?  Should fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine exist, why or why not?  How do you define cruel and unusual punishment?  What is the implication of the ninth amendment when it comes to unenumerated rights?  Should an ideal supreme court justice be a textualist, an originalist, or a strict constructionist?  Has the average GOP supporter even pondered these questions and their potential implications?  For that matter have Dems?  Or is this win one for the good guys mentality going around?

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51 minutes ago, Jumbo said:

i want to skip a second civil was and go straight to the third one. i got some great ideas.


26 minutes ago, Jumbo said:



i was just getting ready to post "ruh roh, he asked tk who stone cold was" :806:




No ****!  I thought you had done the honors last page, (to my dismay, the word salad woulda been epic ?)...

But when TK showed up, I knew the stunner of "short & sweet chin music" would...

What? He's still here? 

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12 minutes ago, Springfield said:



Vote.  That’s it.  Vote, and stay educated.



well, and dance


vote and then go dancing


people need to dance more


i'm like a gazelle


gazelle, however, are not very good dancers, really


but i digress

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5 minutes ago, Jumbo said:



well, and dance


vote and then go dancing


people need to dance more


i'm like a gazelle


gazelle, however, are not very good dancers, really


but i digress


You do know that gazelle is not a fish right?

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