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    Trent Williams
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  1. So unfair to say that. I though her speech was outstanding. Libs think that every woman who claims sexual assault should be believed whereas Conservatives think that women who claim sexual assault should be believed if there is evidence to support them but always with presumption of innocence for the accused.
  2. TP

    You are mistaking me for my father.

    1. TK


      The crazy is strong in his family. He has it. His father has it. His....sister has it.....

  3. Just like you, I could list dozens of groups who support Judge Kavanaugh but that is not relevant to my claim that 1/2 of America is celebrating. I’m talking about the citizens of America. Also, what if I said this about Dr. Ford, realizing that she is not a nominee: She is temperamentally unstable. She has brought serious charges against a man but not one single witness among the ones SHE named will confirm her story. Some outright refuted her story. Not one other corroborating witness has been found even after a second FBI investigation. She continually lied, misrepresented and perjured herself during her testimony. She was brainwashed and used by her left wing lawyers and the Democrat Party. Now, I don’t want to get into a debate about either Dr. Ford or Judge Kavanaugh. Reasonable people can disagree and still be civil. Dr. Ford is a sympathetic figure to me, pitiable really, and I wish her well but there are always two sides to every story. We judge by the evidence and there was none in this case....none!
  4. I seem to have my head up my ass. Funny! I’ve been reading some of these threads and seen how conservatives are discriminated against. Never dreamed it would happen to me after a couple posts. Just goes to show how deep the divide really is.
  5. Exactly what I was referring to. The conservatives think exactly the same thing about the liberals. BTW, you don’t know me but I can assure you, I do care about unity. I hope the country can survive all the hatred. What???
  6. You may be allowing your very strong views to cloud your judgment. Maybe I am too, but I still believe half of America is celebrating the impending elevation of Judge Kavanaugh, a man who clearly believes the Constitution means what it says. Also, I completely disagree with your characterization of the Judge, although I am sure quite a few of my fellow conservatives are saying many of the same things about Dr. Ford.
  7. Half the country is celebrating Judge Kavanaugh’s impending confirmation while the other half is on suicide watch. Crazy times! Are we so divided that America can never be united again? Are we witnessing the beginning of the end for this great nation? Will their be a second civil war? I’ve never seen citizen’s hatred for one another even close to this point in my lifetime.
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