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The most wonderful time of the year: Leak Season!!


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20 hours ago, Lombardi's_kid_brother said:

Terrell Pryor.

They are going to hang everything this offense did poorly on him except for the stuff they hang on Kirk even if those two things contradict each other.


That's not how I predict they use Pryor. 


First, they don't need to sell anything more than what everyone already saw. The narrative for Pryor has already been written by his play.

The fans don't need any selling on how poorly he dropped passes. He made Carlos Rogers look sure-handed. They also don't need to be sold that the one year prove-it deal was sunken money, or that he was a redundancy position to Josh Doctson.


Actually, they probably don't want to bring up that last point because that's an indictment on their ability to fill the roster properly. Clearly Pryor was a hedged bet against Doctson. Together they are a redundancy. 


Now, if it had been any bit bigger of a contract, you'd have fan angst piercing more sharply, so the soil would be more fertile for the Redskins to 'hang everything' on him (but the Cousins stuff) in order to sell that manure. 


Pryor also doesn't benefit from any fan sympathy either because of the injury. Since it was a lingering and cumulative injury, to the casual fan, nobody knew his real exit date. Just that he was limited, you didn't see him, and when you did, he dropped the ball. Had it been a devastating and sudden injury, then that would have generated some sympathy for the man despite the apparent inability to do squat on the field. 




But here's how I think the Redskins will use Pryor, it will work two-fold. Because of the recent Dan Patrick comments, the "WRs are not very fond of Cousins, not at all" stuff, because "he puts them into positions where they can get hurt," I bet the FO uses Pryor as a patsy. Not only to blame all the negative leaks about Cousins unto Pryor, but likewise to deflect their own (FO) involvement in the leak campaign against Cousins, while simultaneously still waging the leak, character assassination, campaign against Cousins.


That's the kind of duplicitous **** the Redskins have within themselves. 




You see with this ploy, the Redskins can deny that they ever tried to leak anything negative about Cousins. They can blame all the future leaks totally on Pryor and other shadowy figures, including McCloughan. I'll point out the trail that leads back to McCloughan a little later. 


Meanwhile the FO is still able to slipstream around, at their will, to continue with the sort of leaks that they want to gain traction. And like a document dump, the FO can float ridiculous ones, ones intended to be shotdown, ones that even hard-pressed detractors of the FO will acknowledge sound ridiculous. Just to muddy the waters.


And hard-pressed supporters will be able to point at all these ridiculous ones and claim that it is proof that all the leaks are fraudulent, that they all must be made up by some drunkard who hacked the Redskins twitter account. Indict the lot. 


Yet, the FO can still embed the ones they truly want out there. 

The FO can come out and pretend to support Cousins, shoot down the hair-brain ridiculous ones, yet still manage to spin the most simple character assassination, the one that has already reared up here on ES, the whole: "Cousins is so confounding." 


Drive home the notion that they "just don't know about him." Cite the good things he does, then cite the moments when things go bad (which happens to all QBs, even the HOF ones) and buttress it all up with the hollow wins and losses.


That's the gameplan, as I see, per the leaks:


1. Cousins is greedy.

2. We just don't know about him.

3. Irrelevancies (W/L) and illusionaries (we can't afford anyone IF we give Cuz the money) used to support it. 


And you know what? There are already people who buy it. So they know it works. They just need to turn up the volume. 




The fallout from the Patrick comments, in case you didn't follow the timeline closely, was that initially people were not having any of it, and calling out the FO on the spot. So, give the fans some credit, they are already well prepared for the underhanded FO tactics. It all fit the FO's historical M.O.


The second stage entailed people entertaining the thought in theory practice, crunching the numbers, and coming to the conclusion that if it had been floated not from the Redskins Org, as Patrick later claimed, that more than likely it came from Pryor (if at all). The reasoning: because his one year 'bet-on-myself' thing up and vanished into thin air, there's resentment, he knows he won't be here next season, the injury, etc. 


So, the ground has already been laid. Pryor is the patsy for some of the Dan Patrick fallout. The Redskins don't need to do anything else. They are being presented a golden goose to use for their gain.


What better of a shield to use, to hide their own leak campaign, than a malcontent WR that the fans already dislike? 



I'm making no commentary upon whether Pryor did start the landslide or not, that point is somewhat irrelevant, TBH (imo). What we all know is that the Cousins smear campaign is already underway.


Furthermore, if you're being totally honest and upfront with yourself, you know that the smear campaign really started in earnest with Bruce Allen last summer. His whole diatribe with the press conference and the whole "most money at signing" in the history of history BS, was the real start of this thread. This isn't something that is going to happen in the future. It's already been happening.


People on this very message board have spent the entire season hammering home that Cousins and McCartney are blood-thirsty money grabbers extorting the Redskins. The seeds of cancer have already been sown.


And (imo) we could probably trace the first salvo back to the ostracizing and firing of "Scotttttttttt."




Another ancillary angle to this is that by trashing Pryor, not just as a poor player, and to your contention, blaming all the offensive woes upon him, except those really special ones saved exclusively for Cousins, like the highly important QB stat of Wins/and/Losses (sarcasm), but to trash Pryor for being the cloaked boogeyman spreading all these lies about Cousins, is that they can lead the acquisition of Pryor all the way back to McC. 


So, it all comes full circle. 


Then we're right back to the FO's original narrative: the whole McC is drinking, he was delinquent in his duties, "MY GOD! He didn't answer his phone messages for a week ... gasp," the firing, and then however the FO intends to spin that narrative with this looming grievance hearing. 


There are already people on this board who blame, (attribute), the signing of Pryor (which we've already established is a failed one) to McCloughan. Even despite the fact that he was fired before FA and the Draft.


So now, not only is Pryor a lone gunman who is leaking **** about Cousins, not the FO, but Pryor was a plant from a former scorned employee, who was terminated for whatever the FO claims, not for disagreements on the future of the franchise as it pertains to the starting QB ... oh no, and therefore this was just another revenge attempt. 



You've probably heard that song before from the Redskins. The one about how they are the true victims here. 

It sounds so sweet when Tony Wyllie sings it. 





And I've still not gotten to the rest of your post I was intending to reply to. Ha. 

We're just scratching the surface. 






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13 hours ago, zoony said:

Bruce Allen is going to come out like a caged dog.  Nobody will be safe from the blind haymakers he will be throwing trying to save his job


Kirk! It's his fault! He doesn't want to be here and hates his WR's and wants too much money!




Gruden is a terrible coach! I gave him all the talents, yet he continues to lose!




Doug Williams wasn't who I thought he was! He's incapable of managing this glorious roster!




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1 hour ago, Monk4thaHALL said:


And I've still not gotten to the rest of your post I was intending to reply to. Ha. 

We're just scratching the surface. 




I am intrigued by your ideas and wish to subscribe to your newsletter.


I think the one hang-up here is that they are genuinely concerned about this grievance hearing. I'll be honest: I have no memory of this ever happening with an NFL coach or executive though it must have happened with Al Davis a few times. The reason I think they are concerned is that Scot has not been crushed for this season yet. At least not as a recall. He's such an easy patsy for the roster problems, but it's been quiet on the Scot front lest a Post reporter make a witness list.


My thoughts with Pryor are not as complex as yours. I just expect them to libel him in some way - he hid an injury, he hid a personal problem, he stole someone's girlfriend, etc. For no other reason than that's what they do.


Admit it. This is far more interesting than breaking down a freaking Cardinals game.

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I believe @Monk4thaHALL just killed the thread nicely as I can see this chain of events unfold like this.


Now in an interesting manner, today we also have Galette complaining about Playing Time. And a Hoax regarding our nickname.

Even RG3 is back in the light of events commenting on the Redskins. Who guess dats?!


Adds in reports of Jay on the hot seat, everything's back to normal around here!

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12 hours ago, thesubmittedone said:

I’m officially burnt out. Like Jay. Like anyone who gets hired by Dan and his top exec. 


I am removing myself from another Snyder Cycletm  


I will not trash any coach or player. I will not blame them for being unable to overcome what is arguably the worst workplace environment in the league. I will just empathize with them and hope some miracle occurs to where Dan actually makes sensical move after sensical move beginning with removing Allen and finally structuring the FO properly. 


Again, I fully acknowledge that will require a miracle. 

This. After the last quarter century I'm just tired of it. Oh well I'm sure I'll be back on board for September 2018 anyway

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4 hours ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

Above that, the only public message he's sent since the summer is that Kirk is greedy and he worked hard to land a long term deal.  




There is a litany of transgressions by Bruce that have been talked about by others including me.   But if that wacky press release Bruce put out isn't the final word on the dude's dysfunction to some -- then, I just think they are locked in to Bruce through thick and thin.   That press release to me makes everything else we've heard about him sound incredibly believable.  That release has everything in it:  ego, incredible depths of incompetence, dysfunction, lack of class, living in NFL oblivion, the whole 9 yards.


Bruce's press release to me is the definitive word on the dude's competence and football character.  IMO it was over and done after that debacle.  It was dumb enough for Bruce to battle with Scot in the WP.  But trying to battle with Kirk as to who is the good guy and who the fans should get behind -- that's a lose, lose.   And IMO dumber than dumb. 


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The leaks already started before the thanksgiving day game when Bruce leaked that Kirk needs to do and show more in order to get a LTD. 


Bruce is gonna start fire bombing real soon, especially if the team quits for these next three games. 


IMO he's already laid the groundwork for a divorce from Kirk Cousins. 


Bruce the snake, made of Teflon. 


**** this organization. No hope, no future, no confidence. 


Get em Scot



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58 minutes ago, Voice_of_Reason said:

But his job isn’t in jeopardy.  The owner likes him.  So he really has no reason to do anything but be an incoherent fool.  

 Bu...Bu... but Brucie simply cannot resist it!

 If you combined an earthquake, tornado, hurricane, dust storm, and a bad case of the crabs, smack dab in the middle would be Bruce's recliner.


Bruce Allen gave a whole new category for **** storms.

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2 hours ago, XtremeFan55 said:

That was ugly.  What a jerk.  Seems like the entire FO is infected. No hope till Dan sells or meets the 3 Christmas Ghosts on the 25th and they pour a couple gallons of that milk of human kindness down his throat.  SMH

Even if he does meet the three Christmas ghosts, he's already done the right thing, hired a G.M, had a franchise QB, and yet here we are. That's what makes it so much more depressing this time around. 

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