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The most wonderful time of the year: Leak Season!!


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Hello, dum dums.


It's been too long, but I don't really like any of you any longer. So, I don't write as much. It's nobody's fault. Except yours.


The Skins have once again done what they do best: give you 13 weeks of meaningful football in a 16 week season. Frankly, the team should go into the building trades. They would finish every project weeks early - if with some major problems in the foundation. (That's a metaphor. Or possibly a pun. I don't know).


Regardless, the season is all over but the shouting (just a waste of time), but that's the boring part anyway. Now, it's time for when the Skins really excel. It's Leak Season.


When do the great leaks start, um, leaking. It could be tonight at midnight. It could be next week. It's sort of like Hannukah. No one knows the date, but everyone knows it happens shortly before Christmas.


What will the leaks be this year?


I assume that Kirk Cousins is going to get absolutely buried before the New Year in the Skins' ham-fisted attempt to drive down his market value. Of course, that will also drive down his trade value, but who cares? We have an exit interview to win.


I think Gruden is going to survive, but he's been at Redskins Park long enough to have enemies. So, someone is going to drop a haymaker on him in order to lay the groundwork for his firing next week.


Those are the obvious targets. Who else?


Here is my #1 pick in the non-obvious category. Terrell Pryor. They are going to hang everything this offense did poorly on him except for the stuff they hang on Kirk even if those two things contradict each other. I can't imagine he will be here next year, and the Skins live to destroy your reputation on your way to another team.


There is also always the star whose relationship with the team suddenly dissolves violently for no clear reason. Come on down, Josh Norman. He's bound to take some shrapnel, because he's owed a lot of money and kind of sucked the last few weeks. There's a bottle of Crown Royal that's just dying to trash this cat.


Who else? Place your bets.

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Grain of salt- I was having dinner tonight at a local pizza place and they had on the ESPN shows. I think it was the Around the Horn. Talked about Gruden on the hot seat. 


Then had a quote from one player (don’t remember who it was) and then a quote from Josh Norman who basically said he can’t commit to a team that doesn’t want to win a championship. 


Not it sure where it came from.

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Nobody is safe. The media cycle rotates targets once each hot take has started to simmer. Hard thing is to figure out what is an actual leak and what is just media BS. Either way, we will have fans drinking it up because we love misery way too much and will believe pretty much ANYTHING if it is kicking the team while they are down. It's toxic, but the fanbase has themselves to blame for it just as much as the team because we generate clicks for the drama and give it sustenance.


Heck, Dan Patrick just got busted trying to pass off John Doe as a legit source on the Redskins lockerroom (and IMO he should be fired over it and our fans should be screaming for it too) stating that WRs hated Kirk, and without missing a beat a huge chunk of fans fall for it and not just that, but use it to feed conspiracy theories that it is the FO leaking that **** to drive down Kirk's value, because they have ZERO understanding of how the market works and how rare a quality QB is and how rarely they hit FA. Dude can stink rest of season, he's still getting paid.


All I want for Christmas is for the fanbase to chill the **** out on the hot takes, not buy every rumor the local media floats out there, remember that when healthy we were a damn good team, and for Bruce Allen;'s snake ass to be fired the **** outta here. Biggest step team can make toward winning fans over and getting them to stop believing the fake rumors, and especially stop being accused of leaking the stuff, is to have a FO people don't believe would do **** like that. It starts with axing "The Politician."

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14 minutes ago, elkabong82 said:

All I want for Christmas is for the fanbase to chill the **** out on the hot takes, not buy every rumor the local media floats out there, remember that when healthy we were a damn good team, and for Bruce Allen;'s snake ass to be fired the **** outta here. Biggest step team can make toward winning fans over and getting them to stop believing the fake rumors, and especially stop being accused of leaking the stuff, is to have a FO people don't believe would do **** like that. It starts with axing "The Politician."

Yep, because unfortunately, after all the outcry over how the GMSM stories were all BS and then turned out to be true, you're gonna have every rumor bought into. 

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Yeah, all you need to say "A source has told me..." and bam, guaranteed clicks and that's all that matters; not content or truthfulness, just simple clicks on their site or airtime to broadcast their plugin, all to stay relevant in some form. "Bad publicity is better than no publicity". It's sad really. Real journalism is hard to find, especially in the sports world.


But, since we're on the topic, my source did tell me that Bruce Allen is friends with the CEO of starbucks and he sent a company wide e-mail stating that if Kirk Cousins comes in for coffee, ALWAYS write Kurt. 


Just saying...for more, please check out my website! Haha.


Hopefully if they do plan on walking away from Cousins they don't try a smear campaign, you can't get much lower than that. 

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4 minutes ago, PigskinRedskin said:

Yeah, all you need to say "A source has told me..." and bam, guaranteed clicks and that's all that matters; not content or truthfulness, just simple clicks on their site or airtime to broadcast their plugin, all to stay relevant in some form. 

Because a source probably did tell them.  Most of the leaks about this franchise end up being true.  More than end up false.  There's a reason for that.

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10 minutes ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

Because a source probably did tell them.  Most of the leaks about this franchise end up being true.  More than end up false.  There's a reason for that.


Agreed, I kind of was kind of aiming at the whole WR's thing about Kirk and how in general, it seems like that all that needs to be said at the beginning of the article and sometimes gives a writer the sense they can then put in what they want. Should have been a bit more specific, my bad.


But yeah, it tends to be a lot of truth when it comes to the Redskins unfortunately, just crazy how things are handled in the front office.

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35 minutes ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

Because a source probably did tell them.  Most of the leaks about this franchise end up being true.  More than end up false.  There's a reason for that.


No they don't actually. They throw **** at a wall and see what sticks. Up until the McCloughan stuff they were constantly wrong, and they didn't even have a clue about that stuff until team actions took place. Now they're getting stuff wrong trying to stir the pot because the team is losing games. It's disgusting and it does have an effect on the team. Yet instead of us fans calling the jackals out and not buying their nonsense, we allow and contribute to situations becoming worse. We have actual players calling out our fanbase on twitter because of the way we act. That's Philadelphia-low. 


But it starts with getting rid of the snake Allen in the FO. We get good leadership in there, the kind that fans won't believe conspiracy theories over, then the shock jock stuff should decrease as fans no longer buy it. 


But for a long time now I've just seen so much low-quality crap coming from sports media about the Skins team, so much of it being untrue and passed under the guise of "sources" that I don't trust them anymore than I trust Allen. **** them all!

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2 hours ago, elkabong82 said:


Heck, Steinberg just got busted trying to pass off John Doe as a legit source on the Redskins lockerroom (and IMO he should be fired over it and our fans should be screaming for it too) stating that WRs hated Kirk ...



I missed this sweet information.  How did he get busted?








:229:The Rook

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55 minutes ago, elkabong82 said:


No they don't actually. They throw **** at a wall and see what sticks. Up until the McCloughan stuff they were constantly wrong, and they didn't even have a clue about that stuff until team actions took place. Now they're getting stuff wrong trying to stir the pot because the team is losing games. It's disgusting and it does have an effect on the team. Yet instead of us fans calling the jackals out and not buying their nonsense, we allow and contribute to situations becoming worse. We have actual players calling out our fanbase on twitter because of the way we act. That's Philadelphia-low. 


But it starts with getting rid of the snake Allen in the FO. We get good leadership in there, the kind that fans won't believe conspiracy theories over, then the shock jock stuff should decrease as fans no longer buy it. 


But for a long time now I've just seen so much low-quality crap coming from sports media about the Skins team, so much of it being untrue and passed under the guise of "sources" that I don't trust them anymore than I trust Allen. **** them all!

I can't think of many rumors that received traction since Allen showed up that weren't true.  Sure, sometimes folks appear to enjoy flinging crap against the wall. (Jason Reid) But for the most part this franchise is the gift that keeps on giving for the media.  Where we do agree is that Bruce needs to go, in fact I'm all for draining the swamp that is the entire Redskins FO.  Start from scratch with some real professionals and stay out of their way. Id be willing to bet the leaks get patched rather quickly.

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2 hours ago, The Rook said:


I missed this sweet information.  How did he get busted?


:229:The Rook


My bad, it was actually Dan Patrick. He dropped the info on his podcast and other local media picked it up and started using it to speculate and it grew. But apparently nobody could get any corroboration on it and then Patrick admitted he got the info from some guy attending the game. Dude still has a job somehow which is even crazier.

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16 minutes ago, zoony said:

Bruce Allen is going to come out like a caged dog.  Nobody will be safe from the blind haymakers he will be throwing trying to save his job


Exactly right! I don't think this guy gets enough hate from the fan base because the weasel found a way to shift blame over the years. People hated Vinny because he was an obvious boob, but Bruce is much worse for the organization.

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I’m officially burnt out. Like Jay. Like anyone who gets hired by Dan and his top exec. 


I am removing myself from another Snyder Cycletm  


I will not trash any coach or player. I will not blame them for being unable to overcome what is arguably the worst workplace environment in the league. I will just empathize with them and hope some miracle occurs to where Dan actually makes sensical move after sensical move beginning with removing Allen and finally structuring the FO properly. 


Again, I fully acknowledge that will require a miracle. 

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Assuming Snyder desires to keep Gruden and re-sign KC...any assurances made to them would have to come directly from Snyder himself. I'm sure that both Cousins and Grudes can sense that something is about to happen. I doubt KC would sign here without Gruden as his HC, which means that we'd either need to blow the entire thing up (lose HC, starting QB, GM, and the corresponding FO structure) or keep EVERYTHING as status quo. You can't hire a new GM without him being allowed to bring in his own Head Coach, otherwise you're handcuffing your new GM, and no legit candidate would want to risk signing into this bloody colon with such restrictions in place.

...So, due to the rumors about to be unleashed, we'll be a greater risk of losing out on signing FA's, strong GM candidates, good coaches, and most importantly, our loyal fanbase. Even as the Giants become drenched in turmoil, we would remain the least stable NFCE organization.  The source of these rumors will remain unknown, even as they grow in frequency and intensity. Eventually it will be discovered that Dan Patricks wife buys her shoes in New York..............

......FU John Mara (and your damn shoe outlet.)

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