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The Politics Sexual Assault Thread

No Excuses

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Pelosi is throwing Franken to the wolves to score political points vis a vis the Alabama race and because his seat is reliably Dem.  In that way, she is conflating bawdy jokes and alleged gregarious "handsiness" with pedophilia and statutory rape...which cheapens the #metoo movement immeasurably.  IOW, the rainbow party is fully willing to adopt a Calvinist position if it involves a heterosexual male and is politically expedient.


Its ridiculous and probably the most obnoxious example of "liberal hypocrisy" in recent memory.  My apologies to @Kilmer17.

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4 minutes ago, twa said:


I think all of us can.....especially males in these times.


How many times did your tongue escape into another's mouth on accident though?




Well yea thats why I said he has to go after the first one. That and the picture. Government should be zero tolerance on this ****. They should be the best of us. 

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As far as I can see the Republicans are the worst of us. Susan Collins should be castigating Moore every day, but she doesn't, neither does any Republican woman Senator. Yet the believe the lies they were told about the tax bill to get their vote when they know it will hurt most Americans particularly women, children, veterans. 


How I despise them.


Edited to add: Pelosi should be castigating Franken, whether for politics or not. Zero tolerance means zero tolerance regardless.


At the very least it will make people think before they act in sexual assault and harassment ways. Maybe. And it's high time that this behavior is stopped and not tolerated.

Edited by LadySkinsFan
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Will just remind everyone that "due process" as a right does not apply here.  As far as I know, Franken is not going to jail nor having any property taken from him by the government.  I think he's getting railroaded by a former Hannity contributor, and it's not fair, but he did something that looks BAD and, it cost him his political career.   

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8 minutes ago, tshile said:

i think it's quite obvious neither Moore nor Trump are going to resign for any reason, much less to appease moral standards.



Probably not, of course Moore would need to get elected before he could resign.


General question.

Does it change the dynamic if they are elected after the accusations are public?....or run again

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14 minutes ago, tshile said:

i think it's quite obvious neither Moore nor Trump are going to resign for any reason, much less to appease moral standards.


That's why this feels like a loss for Democrats, imo.  They're shooting for the moral high ground against that isn't playing by the same standard at all and lost a rising star in the process.

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3 minutes ago, twa said:


Probably not, of course Moore would need to get elected before he could resign.


General question.

Does it change the dynamic if they are elected after the accusations are public?....or run again


To me? No.


The "let the voters decide" argument is stupid to me. Because, is as on display everywhere, voters hold their preferred candidates to a different standard as candidates they don't otherwise like.


People are hypocrites and have selective moral outrage, and in general are dumb. 


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The initial Al Franken accusation always felt a bit weird just because of the way it came out.  The woman was sort of taking a "so...I'm just putting this info out there, do with it what you wish"  approach.  I think he could have survived that, but haven't seven more women come out with accusations too?  Hard to say wait for due process on every single one of them, even if it is the right thing to do ultimately.


The Roy Moore situation is a bit different in the fact that I am not sure if the GOP has the power to even do anything unless he actually wins.  Right now it's up to the voters of Alabama who for some reason still think he is a good choice to represent them.  I guess the GOP could come out harder and more direct about their wishes to not have him as a colleague?  I have really been minimizing my news watching lately, maybe they have been way to soft on their disapproval?

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9 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:

That's why this feels like a loss for Democrats, imo.  They're shooting for the moral high ground against that isn't playing by the same standard at all and lost a rising star in the process.


Is it really a loss for Democrats if the seat is a safe Dem one?

Certainly a loss for the ones resigning and their camps, but I don't see either of them advancing beyond the Senate even w/o this.



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1 minute ago, twa said:


Is it really a loss for Democrats if the seat is a safe Dem one?

Certainly a loss for the ones resigning and their camps, but I don't see either of them advancing beyond the Senate even w/o this.




Yes, he was a recognizable and well-respected individual, really discouraging to younger folks that know of him and liked his story.  It was interesting seeing how a comedian would handle that type of position, but he didn't skip a beat, hit the ground running.  Who knows where he could've gone, but we'll never know now, its not an option anymore in a party that's 2020 field could end up being another group of old folks that we've all seen before.

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Al Franken, champion of the left, democrats, the opposition, etc. Feel kinda sorry for that guy. The guy was a comedian and people are shocked at that kind of behavior... eh. 




Al Franken the US SENATOR? **** that guy, he's a disappointment. Haven't heard a twinge of an apology yet for disrespecting our military. 

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2 hours ago, TryTheBeal! said:

Pelosi is throwing Franken to the wolves to score political points vis a vis the Alabama race and because his seat is reliably Dem.  In that way, she is conflating bawdy jokes and alleged gregarious "handsiness" with pedophilia and statutory rape...which cheapens the #metoo movement immeasurably.  IOW, the rainbow party is fully willing to adopt a Calvinist position if it involves a heterosexual male and is politically expedient.


Its ridiculous and probably the most obnoxious example of "liberal hypocrisy" in recent memory.  My apologies to @Kilmer17.

I'm doing my best to sit on the sidelines.  But since I was mentioned, I thought chiming in was appropriate.


**** Roy Moore and any and every person who is not outright and absolutely trying to destroy him.


His election will give a simple litmus test for every national candidate.  Did you call for him to step down (I would prefer castrated and hung, but I cant expect most politicos to accomplish that)?  Or did you attempt ANY moral relativism (acknowledging my own brilliance at such endeavors)?  OR were you silent?


It's that simple.  If you didnt answer yes to the first one, then go eff yourself.



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13 minutes ago, Kilmer17 said:

I'm doing my best to sit on the sidelines.  But since I was mentioned, I thought chiming in was appropriate.


**** Roy Moore and any and every person who is not outright and absolutely trying to destroy him.


His election will give a simple litmus test for every national candidate.  Did you call for him to step down (I would prefer castrated and hung, but I cant expect most politicos to accomplish that)?  Or did you attempt ANY moral relativism (acknowledging my own brilliance at such endeavors)?  OR were you silent?


It's that simple.  If you didnt answer yes to the first one, then go eff yourself.




As a liberal democrat atheist, I am secretly hoping that Roy Moore wins.  Now, I agree with Kilmer; **** Roy Moore, **** people like Roy Moore and **** people who like Roy Moore.  




Roy Moore winning does not tip the balance of power in the Senate.  R's still have the numbers whether he wins or loses.  So, #1, it pretty much ends any evangelical EVER claiming the moral high ground again (if electing Trump didn't already).  Around Xmas time no less.  "I don't believe in God, well YOU knowingly elected a pedophile.  HA!"


#2, As Kilmer correctly notes, during the 2018 elections Roy Moore molesting children, and candidate X not condemning the **** out of that, is going to get hung around the neck of every R candidate nationwide, hopefully to devastating effect. 


#3, does anyone think Moore is going to get to the Senate and play nice?  His entire primary campaign was AGAINST the Senate majority leader.  He'll be more trouble than he is worth for the Rs.  

Edited by PleaseBlitz
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Frankin did the right thing. His comments on Trump/Moore aren't how I would have suggested delivering it. But, whatever.


Dems can't be done looking in the mirror. We know there are more elected Dems who have been ****ty to women. Doesn't matter if Moore likes children and Trump took victory laps around his victims.


You want the high road. Earn it. They need to run more people like Amy McGrath in Kentucky. Female, Marine, Young. 

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7 minutes ago, @SkinsGoldPants said:


You want the high road. Earn it. They need to run more people like Amy McGrath in Kentucky. Female, Marine, Young. 


This is exactly what happened in VA and NJ. 


No one is talking about this but the conservative bench in the millennial community is god ****ing awful compared to Democrats. It’s a mix of uppity snobs from Ivy League schools or just straight up insane alt-right goons. 


Republicans already awful problem connecting with millenials is going to get much worse when the best millennial candidates they can find are a bunch of Mike Cernovic and Alex Jones clones.


They almost don’t have any decent bench with female millenials.

Edited by No Excuses
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