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The Politics Sexual Assault Thread

No Excuses

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2 minutes ago, No Excuses said:


It's not just one accusation. He seems to have a thing for groping.


I don't care.  Intermittent sexual awkwardness from decades ago doesn't matter to me and, furthermore, is not a characteristic that applies only to men.  If he has engaged in repeated criminal sexual predation, the law will handle it.  But he hasn't.


As I stated earlier in this thread, Go Team Bedroom Politics are useless.  Nobody is perfect and it always cuts both ways.  I have no use for it.  Now, this type of pragmatism isn't the easiest path but it's worth the effort for me.

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10 minutes ago, No Excuses said:

So Franken is out tomorrow.


The GOP is going to be left on a sad lonely island with Roy Moore soon.


I am 100% convinced that in 4 years, we will look back at Steve Bannon as the dumbest mother ****er to grace politics in a long time.


There might be quite a few from both sides still. :)

Of course that just might be my bias talking.

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At this point, I really don't think it matters what the dems do, or how it will come off. Trying to appease people who reject reality and any hint of morality is simply fighting a losing battle..... So is sinking down to their level and trying to beat them that way (then fence sitters will have all the reason in the world to not take them seriously)


I honestly have no idea where they go from here.

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Al Franken  needs to resign.  The Roy Moore  camp is using the "..but Al Franken" argument.  One is a pedophile, while the other is not, but they are trying to equate the two.

Maybe it means more women vote for democrats. Here in VA, college-educated White women voted democrats by a bigger margin in our November election.




What you see is that 58% of college-educated White women voted for Northam.  They made up 20% of voters according to the exit poll.  


Compare to Clinton vs Trump when Clinton won 50% of the college educated White women vote. 


One party may have a pedophile in the senate. Think about it for a second.  Be on the right side of history.  Just resign.


And I actually hope, though it's just sad, that Roy Moore wins.  It will energize democrats big time.  



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1 minute ago, redskins59 said:

Al Franken  needs to resign.  The Roy Moore  camp is using the "..but Al Franken" argument.  One is a pedophile, while the other is not, but they are trying to equate the two.

Maybe it means more women vote for democrats. Here in VA, college-educated White women voted democrats by a bigger margin in our November election.




What you see is that 58% of college-educated White women voted for Northam.  They made up 20% of voters according to the exit poll.  


Compare to Clinton vs Trump when Clinton won 50% of the college educated White women vote. 


One party may have a pedophile in the senate. Think about it for a second.  Be on the right side of history.  Just resign.


And I actually hope, though it's just sad, that Roy Moore wins.  It will energize democrats big time.  




Playing the long game may actually be their best option. 

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So I caught 30 seconds of Anderson Cooper today on the tv at the front of my office, and LO AND BEHOLD, guess what happened!?


The Nancy Pelosi tweet about her liking the Time Person of the Year "The Silencebreakers" went up there, followed by a maybe 5 second clip of her saying she didn't know the Franken accusers (or maybe the Conyers accusers, not sure).  Cooper then asked "how does one square those" or something to that effect.


This is why Pelosi saying anything drove me up a wall.  Conyers is out.  Franken is probably out.


And Nancy Pelosi probably played a large role behind the scenes in it.


But guess how she gets portrayed to the public?


She gets portrayed as a hypocrite who defended molesters.  She gets her words chopped up into tiny bits and thrown back at her, while her bigger actions go totally unnoticed.  She will never live down the "icon" statement, no matter how many of her own party she forces out for misconduct.  No matter how much she scrubs her party clean, she will always be "that Rep who defended a molester as an 'icon'" to the media.


CNN is a right wing scam btw.

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It's pretty simple here. Democrats care about the accusations regarding Franken and Conyers, and they don't exactly know what to do them. Are they falling on "resign" because both are safe seats for the time being. Maybe. I don't think that's a problem necessarily. The choice with Conyers is easier, because the accusations are stronger and there's proof that he did some of this. I feel rather sorry for Franken, because it seems like he's basically been overly handsy over his career, and apparently for an entertainer of his generation, being a little handsy is at the low-end of the abuse spectrum.


Republicans do not care at all about Moore. They don't care if he did it or didn't do it. As long as he votes against partial birth abortion, he can have molested an entire Sunday School, and they will still back him.

4 hours ago, Cooked Crack said:

A pedophile though? Come right in. We're trying to pass tax reform!


It's really staggering.

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7 hours ago, TryTheBeal! said:

Show some damn backbone libs.  The country needs you.  It doesn't need your news-cycle pearl clutching.


I think the Dems are doing their best to get it together and get rid of anyone with a hint of a scandal, no matter how serious the accusations.  


Calling for Franken to resign while the Republicans are backing Roy Moore is good optics, IMO.  

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3 hours ago, DogofWar1 said:

So I caught 30 seconds of Anderson Cooper today on the tv at the front of my office, and LO AND BEHOLD, guess what happened!?


The Nancy Pelosi tweet about her liking the Time Person of the Year "The Silencebreakers" went up there, followed by a maybe 5 second clip of her saying she didn't know the Franken accusers (or maybe the Conyers accusers, not sure).  Cooper then asked "how does one square those" or something to that effect.


This is why Pelosi saying anything drove me up a wall.  Conyers is out.  Franken is probably out.


And Nancy Pelosi probably played a large role behind the scenes in it.


But guess how she gets portrayed to the public?


She gets portrayed as a hypocrite who defended molesters.  She gets her words chopped up into tiny bits and thrown back at her, while her bigger actions go totally unnoticed.  She will never live down the "icon" statement, no matter how many of her own party she forces out for misconduct.  No matter how much she scrubs her party clean, she will always be "that Rep who defended a molester as an 'icon'" to the media.


CNN is a right wing scam btw.


CNN is terrible.


It doesn’t have a Fake News problem like Trump says. It has a god awful programming problem. 


It is political TMZ at this point.

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23 hours ago, StillUnknown said:




For somebody that claims to support the Christian religion and has the support of a large number of people that call themselves Christians, connecting integrity to legally and without lying to avoid a situation like the Vietnam is worrisome.


There is NOTHING in the Christian faith that should cause somebody to believe that what Romney is a mark against his integrity and that Bannon (and more important his followers) don't seem to understand that is a huge issue for American Christianity.

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1 hour ago, No Excuses said:

CNN is terrible.


It doesn’t have a Fake News problem like Trump says. It has a god awful programming problem. 

It's so paranoid about the leftwing bias label, it has replaced reporting with panels of talking heads from each side yelling at each other. I like Zakaria's GPS, but much of the rest is dreck. Vice News might be one of the last news programs that actually does real journalism.

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