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Presidential Election: 11/3/20 ---Now the President Elect Joe Biden Thread

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Former Trump aide says president offered pardons to officials to break laws



Trump has repeatedly denied reports that he offered senior aides pardons to stop undocumented immigrants from coming into the United States or to expedite construction of a border wall.


But a former top official at the Department of Homeland Security — who has become a Trump critic trying to derail his reelection — says Trump did offer pardons to immigration officials in a new advertisement designed to offer counter-messaging to the Republican National Convention.


“It was April of 2019. We were down at the border, and the president said to the senior leadership of the Homeland Security Department behind the scenes we should not let anyone else into the United States,” Miles Taylor, the former chief of staff at DHS, said. “Even though he'd been told on repeated occasions that the way he wanted to do it was illegal, his response was to say, do it. If you get in trouble, I'll pardon you."


Taylor said the president told the staff, “the bins are full."



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^^This guy - Miles Taylor former COS for Kirstjen Nielsen -  has been on several shows over the past couple of weeks. I saw this interview with Anderson Cooper earlier this week.

Some incredibly damning 1st hand accounts of the incompetence & illegalities in the White House. Lou Dobbs as shadow-COS.



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Low ratings for Day 1 of his convention?  That's not surprising.  Other than the cult or diehard Republicans; why would anyone watch the cult lovefest?

The only night that the RNC might get viewers outside the cult/Republican party is when Trump gives his acceptance speech Thursday night.  Why are going to spend your time watching ****?


I find if funny that Never Trumpers or even current Republicans think they can get rid of Trump/Trumpism in 2024.  No way.  The party has permanently become the party of Trump. If it isn't Donald Trump himself, a Trumplike candidate in 24 automatically has Trump's base of 35 to 40%.  All they have to do is prove themselves as the true heir to Trumpism.  To get the remaining 10 to 15% of republicans they need, they just need to sound normal.  The Trumpy candidate will be the heavy favorite in 24.  Not only that, but whatever remaining Republicans there are after 2020; will be more Trumpier.


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Trump supporter Tomi Lahren inadvertently calls president

a ‘jackass’ in Hindi while thanking Indians for support


Conservative activist Tomi Lahren inadvertently called Donald Trump a “jackass” in a message thanking members of the Indian community for supporting the president.

In a video shared on Twitter, Ms Lahren, a political commentator and Fox News "Nation" contributor, can be heard praising the Indian diaspora for apparently getting behind the “Make America Great Again” campaign.


“Because President Trump is wise like an owl, or as you guys would say in Hindi – I hope I’m pronouncing this right – President Trump is wise like an ullu. I hope I said that right,” Ms Lahren told her followers.


In Hindi, ullu does indeed mean owl. But unfortunately for Ms Lahren, to compare someone to an owl in India is to label them “a fool” or a “jackass”.







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11 minutes ago, Dan T. said:

Trump supporter Tomi Lahren inadvertently calls president

a ‘jackass’ in Hindi while thanking Indians for support


Conservative activist Tomi Lahren inadvertently called Donald Trump a “jackass” in a message thanking members of the Indian community for supporting the president.

In a video shared on Twitter, Ms Lahren, a political commentator and Fox News "Nation" contributor, can be heard praising the Indian diaspora for apparently getting behind the “Make America Great Again” campaign.


“Because President Trump is wise like an owl, or as you guys would say in Hindi – I hope I’m pronouncing this right – President Trump is wise like an ullu. I hope I said that right,” Ms Lahren told her followers.


In Hindi, ullu does indeed mean owl. But unfortunately for Ms Lahren, to compare someone to an owl in India is to label them “a fool” or a “jackass”.








Well at least she said something right this time lol

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I'm Billy Graham's granddaughter. Evangelical support of Donald Trump spits on his legacy.





As the proud granddaughter of the man largely credited for beginning the evangelical movement, the late Billy Graham, the last few years have led me to reflect on how much has changed within that movement in America.


I have spent my entire life in the church, with every big decision guided by my faith. But now, I feel homeless. Like so many others, I feel disoriented as I watch the church I have always served turn their eyes away from everything it teaches. I hear from Christian women on a daily basis who all describe the same thing: a tug at their spirit.


Most of these women walked into a voting booth in 2016 believing they were choosing between two difficult options. They held their breath, closed their eyes, and cast a vote for Donald Trump, whom many of us then believed to be “the lesser of two evils,” all the while feeling that tug.

I feel it every time our president talks about government housing having no place in America’s suburbs. Jesus said repeatedly to defend the poor and show kindness and compassion to those in need. Our president continues to perpetuate an us-versus-them narrative, yet almost all of our church leaders say nothing.


I feel this tug every time our president or his followers speak about the wall, designed to keep out the very people scripture tells us to welcome. In Trump’s America, refugees are not treated as “native-born,” as scripture encourages. Instead, families are separated, held in inconceivable conditions and cast aside as less then.


The church honors Trump before God

Trump went so far as to brag about his plans, accomplishments and unholy actions towards the marginalized communities I saw my grandfather love and serve. I now see, through the silence of church leaders, that these communities are no longer valued by individuals claiming to uphold the values my grandfather taught.

The gentle tug became an aggressive yank, for me, earlier this year, when our country experienced division in the form of riots, incited in great part by this president’s divisive rhetoric. I watched our president walk through Lafayette Square in Washington, D.C., after the tear gassing of peaceful protesters for a photo op.


He held a Bible, something so sacred to all of us, yet he treated that Bible with a callousness that would offend anyone intimately familiar with the words inside it. He believed that action would honor him and only him. However, the church, designed to honor God, said nothing.

It seems that the only evangelical leaders to speak up praised the president, with no mention of his behavior that is antithetical to the Jesus we serve. The entire world has watched the term “evangelical” become synonymous with hypocrisy and disingenuousness.


American evangelist Billy Graham gestures as he preaches to over half a million South Koreans at a plaza on Yoido islet in Seoul, June 3, 1973, in the final day of a five-day crusade there.

My faith and my church have become a laughing stock, and any attempt by its members to defend the actions of Trump at this time sound hallow and insincere.


One of my grandfather’s favorite verses was Micah 6:8, in which we are told that the Lord requires of his people to do justly, to love kindness and mercy, and to walk humbly. These are the attributes of our faith we should present to the world. We can no longer allow our church leaders to represent our faith so erroneously.


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1 hour ago, Rdskns2000 said:



I find if funny that Never Trumpers or even current Republicans think they can get rid of Trump/Trumpism in 2024.  No way.  The party has permanently become the party of Trump. If it isn't Donald Trump himself, a Trumplike candidate in 24 automatically has Trump's base of 35 to 40%.  All they have to do is prove themselves as the true heir to Trumpism.  To get the remaining 10 to 15% of republicans they need, they just need to sound normal.  The Trumpy candidate will be the heavy favorite in 24.  Not only that, but whatever remaining Republicans there are after 2020; will be more Trumpier.



It's possible, although people who loathe the Republicans have an interest in hoping that the party dies and never comes back from the dead.  Nixon left office in the 70s in disgrace, people were distancing themselves from him and the Republican party as quickly as they could.  But by 1980 Reagan had been elected.  It has turned around quickly before.


People that voted for Trump in 2016 and plan on voting for him in 2020 are always going to vote Republican no matter what, there's not much that can be done or said about it.  Just because someone isn't like Trump doesn't mean that his base is all of a sudden going to switch to voting Democrat because they didn't get someone like Trump.  



Oh man...this is awesome.



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1 hour ago, Rdskns2000 said:

I find if funny that Never Trumpers or even current Republicans think they can get rid of Trump/Trumpism in 2024.  No way.  The party has permanently become the party of Trump. If it isn't Donald Trump himself, a Trumplike candidate in 24 automatically has Trump's base of 35 to 40%.  All they have to do is prove themselves as the true heir to Trumpism.  To get the remaining 10 to 15% of republicans they need, they just need to sound normal.  The Trumpy candidate will be the heavy favorite in 24.  Not only that, but whatever remaining Republicans there are after 2020; will be more Trumpier.

I don't think it's that simple.  Trump has captured lightning in a bottle with his cult of personality that has convinced otherwise reasonable people to support him.  Yes, many of his base will support the next-in-line, but many others will not transfer so easily.

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Thats upsetting! I feel bad for the kid. His own mother thinks less of him because of the color of his skin. I wouldn't be able to make it like that personally. I hate the idea that shes using this kid as a prop. She probably ****ing him up just to prove a point. And if its not intentional, shes totally going to do it subconsciously. 


Damn thats ****ed. 

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5 hours ago, TheDoyler23 said:


I'm surprised by this. I thought conservatives would want nothing to do with the DNC and more Dems would watch this garbage for the unintentional absurdity. 


None of the RNC absurdity is unintentional.  

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Former Vice President @algore discusses mail-in ballots and voting during U.S. general elections


Board seriously need an "irony" choice on the "like" menu.  


1 hour ago, PleaseBlitz said:

I'm Billy Graham's granddaughter. Evangelical support of Donald Trump spits on his legacy.




It spits on Christ's legacy.  

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2 hours ago, EmirOfShmo said:

^^This guy - Miles Taylor former COS for Kirstjen Nielsen -  has been on several shows over the past couple of weeks. I saw this interview with Anderson Cooper earlier this week.

Some incredibly damning 1st hand accounts of the incompetence & illegalities in the White House. Lou Dobbs as shadow-COS.


It would be nice if Nielsen came forward and talked about some of these things.  I know the Dobbs and illegal things Trump was demanding were in the book "A Very Stable Genius," but still she should come forward with Taylor.

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