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The Sewer That Is The GOP: With All The White Supremacists, Conspiracy Nutters, And Other Malicious Whacko Subgroups, How Does It Get Fixed?


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5 hours ago, mistertim said:


Most of them don't even know what Critical Race Theory is. Like...not even a cursory Wikipedia glance worth of knowledge. As far as they're concerned a CRT textbook is 250 pages of "white people are evil, especially you" written over and over again.


The "CRT in schools" narrative is a prime example of why it is bad to stick to echo chambers before being willing to have an actual conversation about it.  Most of these people have been so amped up and angry about something they have very little actual knowledge of that it doesn't even matter what the truth is.  If you try to say there is no CRT being taught in schools, they will jump to their ready made list of the same 2-3 stories from random school of a teacher doing something dumb as their only actual support for their argument.  


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14 hours ago, Fan since a Fetus said:

Is there anyone who is not an enemy according to the GOP?


That has been their gameplan for at least as long as I have been alive.  The irony is that they have put "identity politics" out there in the mainstream as a bad thing but in reality the conservative movement also practices the same thing, but because white people still make up the majority of the country no one calls pandering to the wealthy and evangelicals "identity politics" 

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GOP Official Says Straight People Are ‘Superior’ to Gay People


North Carolina’s lieutenant governor said that straight people are “superior” to gay people in a church sermon last week, where he also claimed that there are only “two genders” and asked about the “purpose” of heterosexuality.


“If homosexuality is of God, what purpose does it serve? What does it make?” asked Mark Robinson, a Republican expected to run for governor in 2024. “What does it create? It creates nothing.”


The sermon, which was livestreamed, took place on Nov. 14 at the Berean Baptist Church in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Having children, Robinson suggested, makes straight people better than gay people.


“These people are superior, because they can do something these people can’t do,” he said. “Because that’s the way God created it to be. I’m tired of this society trying to tell me it’s not so.”


At another point, Robinson said, “Ain’t but two genders: male and female. Two. There are two genders. Male and female.”


“I don’t care how much you cut yourself up, drug yourself up, and dress yourself up,” he continued. “You’re still either one of two things. You’re either a man or a woman. You might be a cut-up, dressed-up, drugged-up, ugly man or a woman, but you’re still a man or a woman.”


Robinson’s comments were repeatedly met with enthusiastic applause in the church. 


Click on the link for the full article


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Found this article about a judge that fined lawyers who brought a lawsuit based on Trump's Big Lie. I'm quoting the judge and will follow with the link to said article.  Hopefully there will be more such judgments to come.


"As officers of the court, these attorneys have a higher duty and calling that requires meaningful investigation before prematurely repeating in court pleadings unverified and uninvestigated defamatory rumors that strike at the heart of our democratic system and were used by others to foment a violent insurrection that threatened our system of government," the judge wrote.


The order may have a chilling effect on future cases, Neureiter said — but said this was "the kind of 'advocacy' that needs to be chilled."


Fielder told Insider he found the decision "unfathomable," repeating the claims, that have been rejected in court, that the defendants had "clearly interfered" with the election.


"We are not going to stop fighting for the rights of the people to vote in free and fair Presidential elections," he added.

"This is the cross to die on."






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Republicans are traitors to democracy



The big question now is: Can this be reversed? Can Republicans go back to being a broadly pro-democracy party that operates within democratic constraints and accepts election defeats without inventing false claims?


There are a few ways political parties that drift toward authoritarianism can be brought back from the brink. Sadly, none of them can save the modern GOP.

Authoritarian parties can be reformed when they suffer a crushing electoral defeat. If Republicans were wiped out at the polls in 2022, there would be a decent chance the GOP would move back to a more normal center-right party. That outcome is unlikely, however, precisely because the party’s anti-democratic tactics are insulating Republican politicians from voter backlash. Already, Republican lawmakers have drawn gerrymandered maps that rig future elections in their favor. In Wisconsin, for example — a state Joe Biden narrowly won — the new maps will likely give Republicans 75 percent of the state’s seats in the House of Representatives. Even if Democrats get more votes, Republicans would win more seats.

Republicans could conceivably abandon such practices if their leaders were being pressed by their own supporters to be more democratic. Instead, we’re seeing the opposite: GOP voters want more authoritarianism. The Republican political base doesn’t just believe Trump’s lies about the 2020 election. These voters are now using those lies as a litmus test — to separate the true believers from alleged “RINOs” who believe in democracy more than they believe in Donald Trump. Candidates are responding by stating that they believe Trump’s lies as a point of pride in their campaign messaging. This trend is creating a ratcheting effect, motivating Republican candidates to establish increasingly extreme authoritarian credentials to stand out.


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7 minutes ago, LadySkinsFan said:

^^^^ This brand of Christianity reminds me of Scientology. Both scams.

I still remember my nursing home residents TVs showing preachers telling people that if they max out their credit cards, and donate $10,000 to the preacher, then Jesus will pay off their mortgage. 

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