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Game of Thrones Season 7


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2 hours ago, Voice_of_Reason said:

I'm not sure why Tyrian was looking so longingly at the door.  It's not like he didn't predict that this was going to happen.  And the fact Sam had to prompt Bran about the annulment.  A little odd.  But I'm ok with both.  


Tyrion is in love with Daenerys. They've been hinting at this for awhile.


last season when he convinces her to leave Dharrio behind he tells Dany "he wasn't the first man to love you and he won't be the last" which I always took as him referring to himself and coming to terms with his feelings. 


Then last episode he is basically begging Dany to stay in case she is hurt. Sounded a lot like someone pleading with someone they loved and thought they could lose


even this episode we get Cersei talking about "she's your type of woman, a foreign whore" which is a reference to the only two women Tyrion has ever been in love with. Basically spelling it out. Then the shot of him looking heartbroken and devastated over her being with Jon. 


I don't know how they will play this up next season tho. 


Regarding Bran, he had no way of knowing about the annulment. He didn't just inherit every memory ever, he has to know to go and look for something. If he takes the Tower of Joy at face value he knows it's not a kidnap/rape scenario because she named her child the most famous and honorable Targaryen name ever. But everybody knew that Rhaegar was married to Elia Martell so he had no reason to ever think they annulled it, especially since it was done in secret. Which is odd considering it could have prevented a war had it been public knowledge 



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I'm not sure that Tyrion is so much in love with Dany as he is worried about losing his influence. He's been a bad consigliere, and now that Dany is falling in love with a military man, his own counsel is likely to be ignored.

Then again, the whole discussion about heroes being in love with Dany last week followed by Tyrion offering himself up to Cersei this week could be foreshadowing, not to mention the fact that anyone who meets the smoking hot queen wants to have her.

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My lingering question is how did Tyrion "convince" Cersei to play along. It never shows where their conversation goes. 


She leads him right along to thinking he "figured out"  that she is pregnant and one can assume he then appeals to her motherly instincts and love for her baby as a reason she should fight the dead. I guess that is because it was the only logical reason Cersei would be able to provide as to why she suddenly changed her mind. 


Still...something seemed a bit off. 

18 minutes ago, JamesMadisonSkins said:

Get to watch a 2nd time through tonight with my wife who missed it last night.


I'm pretty pumpe.d.


haha same, my brother came home late and we watched it together immediately after it ended. 


will probably watch again tonight. I mean it'll be a year and a half before it's back.

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1 hour ago, JamesMadisonSkins said:

Only real plot hole/issue with the Vale sitch .. Sansa lied to Lord Royce initially by not outing Littlefinger. Actually, remember that she put on a total act to get him to buy-in on Littlefinger. I know she's been through a lot and you could say that she had some Stockholm syndrome going on in those times that can be excused, but Lord Royce basically sacrificed the neutrality of the Vale and the lives of likely hundreds or thousands of his own soldiers to march north with Littlefinger to save Sansa and the Starks. I would imagine that he'd be a little more annoyed about the whole thing, unless he simply places the blame on Littlefinger for all of it, and none with Sansa.

LF strong armed him in the Vale, putting the decision whether or not he should be put to death in Robyn Arryn's hands. 

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2 hours ago, Voice_of_Reason said:

totally had the same thought.  And I'm not entirely sure if he meant himself.  I was very confused by that line.  Which, I think, was intentional.  The Hound is not religious.  But the way he said it, if he was talking about himself, I would have thought he would have said something other than, "You know who's coming for you.  You have always known."  That's odd if you're referring to yourself.  And the Hound is not exactly a poet.  


The hound absolutely meant himself. Those two have hated each other their entire lives. The hound has had it out for Gregor ever since he burned him. 


It was a tease for their fight next season. Now isn't the time but you know I'm coming for your ass.  

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4 hours ago, JamesMadisonSkins said:

Only real plot hole/issue with the Vale sitch .. Sansa lied to Lord Royce initially by not outing Littlefinger. Actually, remember that she put on a total act to get him to buy-in on Littlefinger. I know she's been through a lot and you could say that she had some Stockholm syndrome going on in those times that can be excused, but Lord Royce basically sacrificed the neutrality of the Vale and the lives of likely hundreds or thousands of his own soldiers to march north with Littlefinger to save Sansa and the Starks. I would imagine that he'd be a little more annoyed about the whole thing, unless he simply places the blame on Littlefinger for all of it, and none with Sansa.


Annoyance or not, Baelish getting executed automatically gives Royce a promotion. and we saw previously, he had no love Littlefinger and probably didn't appreciate how Robyn almost had him executed over basically nothing. 

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3 hours ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:


Tyrion is in love with Daenerys. They've been hinting at this for awhile.


last season when he convinces her to leave Dharrio behind he tells Dany "he wasn't the first man to love you and he won't be the last" which I always took as him referring to himself and coming to terms with his feelings. 


Then last episode he is basically begging Dany to stay in case she is hurt. Sounded a lot like someone pleading with someone they loved and thought they could lose


even this episode we get Cersei talking about "she's your type of woman, a foreign whore" which is a reference to the only two women Tyrion has ever been in love with. Basically spelling it out. Then the shot of him looking heartbroken and devastated over her being with Jon. 


I don't know how they will play this up next season tho. 


Regarding Bran, he had no way of knowing about the annulment. He didn't just inherit every memory ever, he has to know to go and look for something. If he takes the Tower of Joy at face value he knows it's not a kidnap/rape scenario because she named her child the most famous and honorable Targaryen name ever. But everybody knew that Rhaegar was married to Elia Martell so he had no reason to ever think they annulled it, especially since it was done in secret. Which is odd considering it could have prevented a war had it been public knowledge 




It would've been a war anyway. Robert would've wanted some kind of restitution for his betrothal being broken by the ruling family. And the Martells and Dorne wouldn't have taken Ella and her children being pushed aside. He basically removed his marriage to Ella and made his two children with her ****s. The Dornish embrace ****s, but they know the rest of the Seven Kingdoms don't and they wouldn't lose out on being part of the ruling family without a fight. 

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In my main fantasy football league with my buddies where most of us are Thrones fans too ... I've been The Unsullied for the last 3 years and have finished 1st - 2nd - 1st and taken home $2,000 total in the process. Hopefully I'm not jinxing it but I wanted a refresh. You guys like my new name? Aegon Get VI? 


Came up with that one on my own. Maybe it's too cheesy idk. But Jon is now Aegon VI and I wanted to pay homage to my home boy. 


The other one under consideration was "Aegon Wincest Title" 

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18 minutes ago, JamesMadisonSkins said:

In my main fantasy football league with my buddies where most of us are Thrones fans too ... I've been The Unsullied for the last 3 years and have finished 1st - 2nd - 1st and taken home $2,000 total in the process. Hopefully I'm not jinxing it but I wanted a refresh. You guys like my new name? Aegon Get VI? 


Came up with that one on my own. Maybe it's too cheesy idk. But Jon is now Aegon VI and I wanted to pay homage to my home boy. 


The other one under consideration was "Aegon Wincest Title" 


I just like simple stuff that references the show.




ours is the fury


a team has no name 


death is the enemy


if you want redskins related: 


a song of ice and Pryor





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When they showed the back of the head out of focus I swore it was gonna be Jorah. But I guess he should be used to Dany getting laid with guys other than him.. 


In the 'Inside the Episode' D&D mention that Jon's heritage will come to be known by both he and Dany and they will have to deal with that new twist in their relationship. Both politcally, and romantically if they choose to continue it. 

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2 hours ago, Gamebreaker said:


It would've been a war anyway. Robert would've wanted some kind of restitution for his betrothal being broken by the ruling family. And the Martells and Dorne wouldn't have taken Ella and her children being pushed aside. He basically removed his marriage to Ella and made his two children with her ****s. The Dornish embrace ****s, but they know the rest of the Seven Kingdoms don't and they wouldn't lose out on being part of the ruling family without a fight. 

Something that really puts this in a knot.  The lie that the war was built on was Lyanna's.  If there is nothing else done, she is now a **** or Rhaegar is now a even bigger asshole than if he had raped Lyanna! His choice, unless there is something other than love, shows that he would have been a bad king anyway.

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2 hours ago, Gamebreaker said:


It would've been a war anyway. Robert would've wanted some kind of restitution for his betrothal being broken by the ruling family. And the Martells and Dorne wouldn't have taken Ella and her children being pushed aside. He basically removed his marriage to Ella and made his two children with her ****s. The Dornish embrace ****s, but they know the rest of the Seven Kingdoms don't and they wouldn't lose out on being part of the ruling family without a fight. 


I don't know about that. Was there restitution when Rhaegars betrothal to Cersei was broken off? I'm legit asking because i don't know the details around why it happened. Also, Elia would have had to sign off on the annulment too wouldn't she? Perhaps she was not able to have children and believed Rhaegars vision of the prince that was promised and wanted him to have another child threat could heir. 


I think logically you can maneuver around all that politically much more than you can the prince raping and kidnapping a noble lady bethrothed to another noble house. 


i am curious if anyone else but Rhaegar and Lyanna knew what happened and what everyone believed until it was too late. I like to think they just ran off together and shut the world our to be locked up in their love leaving everyone else to assume that she had been kidnapped for rape. 


If Rhaegar told people his intentions and that it was consensual etc it seems to make the Starks death and the entire rebellion rather shady and unnecessary. And I can't imagine Rhaegar or Lyanna would actually lie about it it say she was kidnapped 

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I don't think that Cersei was officially betrothed to Rhayger, I think she and Tywin wanted that, but he married Elia Martell first.  Then Robert killed her and their two children.  Robert married Cersei after Lyanna ran off with Rhayger, and Robert convinced himself that she was kidknapped and raped to save face.  Cersei was second choice for Robert because he needed Lannister money to keep him in power, and Tywin was trying to pull strings too.

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3 hours ago, LadySkinsFan said:

I don't think that Cersei was officially betrothed to Rhayger, I think she and Tywin wanted that, but he married Elia Martell first.  Then Robert killed her and their two children.  Robert married Cersei after Lyanna ran off with Rhayger, and Robert convinced himself that she was kidknapped and raped to save face.  Cersei was second choice for Robert because he needed Lannister money to keep him in power, and Tywin was trying to pull strings too.


Robert didn't order the murder.  After his forces sacked King's Landing, Tywin Lannister ordered Gregor Clegane to murder Rhaegar's two children with Elia Martell entirely on his own initiative.  This was after Robert's force had defeated and killed Rhaegar at the Trident.   When presented with their dead bodies, Robert tacitly approved, or at least did not object, because the two children were the only ones left in Westeros, save for Dany and Viserys who had fled to Dragonstone, who had a claim to the Iron Throne stronger than Robert's.   Tywin was basically going with the winner here, plus probably still mad at Aerys for passing over Cersei for Elia Martell.   Rhaegar was never officially bethrothed to Cersei.  


At that the time, Lyanna's fate was unknown, although I'm sure Tywin considered bethrothing Robert to Cersei as a possibility in any outcome - he may have been able to convince robert that Lyanna was "disgraced" and not suitable for marriage, had her assasinated, etc.  Other than Lyanna, Cersei was also the only unpromised maiden from a great house I'm aware of, at least one that had supported him in the Rebellion.  Cat was already promised to Ned, and Lysa to Jon Arryn.   

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I really did not enjoy that finale. Awful pacing with far, far too much expository dialogue that went on forever. It was cool in a fan service kind of way to have 75% of the cast in the same place, but there was no momentum and everything felt leaden. The kangaroo court of Littlefinger felt like something out of a sitcom where all of the characters goofily confront a character in the wrong. That whole scene was so rushed and corny, and using Bran as a source of omniscience after spending about 5 minutes with him all season was laziness passing itself off as subtlety. Jon's honesty tacked 20 minutes onto the episode for nothing because Cersei was just going to betray them anyway. Some of this (not to mention the Theon stuff voice_of_reason called out on the previous page) could have been shaved off in service of making the b-plot less choppy and rushed. 


One thing I did like was Jaime finally getting the hell away from Cersei. The ice dragon was also a nice piece of spectacle and the last scene was a tantalizing setup for next season, but ehhhhhhh. I'll let Adult Swim speak for me:



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