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Moose & Squirrel v Boris & Natasha: what's the deal with the rooskies and trumpland?


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55 minutes ago, redskinss said:

But how does that heal society? 

Just time? 

Basically what I'm saying is,  I have way too many people I used to consider friends before all this trump nonsense that I now either despise or would rather not associate with. 

How do I get back to calling them friends? 

I think what you're partly asking about is redemption.

I don't know how many people think deeply about redemption, but what redemption really is - from my painful, personal experience - is recognizing that there is a line that was crossed and making the choice to work every single day to not cross that line again and in doing so, slowly build and earn back the trust people lost towards you, when you crossed that line in the first place.

Now in order for your friends and others to redeem themselves, there has to be an understanding and Acceptance of there being a line that was crossed, and a Rejection of what's beyond that line rather than the current justifications and obfuscations for crossing it in the first place.

The problem is, that undertaking, that change for the better, requires challenge and stress and a self-awareness of our limitations and areas in need of further development which is painful to face.  It requires a society that has some semblance of health to enough of a degree to differentiate between healthy and unhealthy behavior, and to evaluate both the short and long term consequences that arise from the choices we make.

All of which runs contrary to our appetite based, least path of resistance, short-cut taking, exploitative way of living.

I always remind myself when I get caught up in all this **** that we're dealing with, that this didn't start with Trump. The stuff we're dealing with now is a culmination of systemic consequences made from the bad choices, directions, and focus our society has chosen to accept and internalize over it's life-time. 

Basically, we have to fix our foundation. And only now is the awareness of our flawed foundation reaching enough of a critical mass to dispel the myths and fabrications of American exceptionalism or the false sheen of "golden age" nostalgia. MAGA is a reaction to that critical mass of awareness. The people fighting to take things back to the way they were, where exploitation is hidden or diverted from our awareness and we are fed stories/lies and accept and internalize them in order to support and prolong the manipulation of those who benefit and created this quasi-"matrix" in the first place.

There is a **** load of people who want to stay in that matrix. But, not all of us are that weak and that ready to settle for scraps when it comes to the potential awaiting for us in life.

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16 minutes ago, NoCalMike said:

Healing between the masses would have to start with leadership.  Right now they are playing into it as much as anyone.  The GOP (most of them) know what kind of person Trump is, and how unfit he is to be in his position, but they have deemed that less important then getting legislation passed.  They have unified with him and his kind (at least publicly) over doing the right thing.  That right there in itself is a huge barrier for the healing that will need to take place post-Trump.


This country's leadership first and foremost, on both sides, need to make it clear that Trump is not an acceptable breed of of individual to be POTUS.  It was one thing for him to win the election, but everything that has happened since should have solidified his loss in support from both sides of the aisle.  


If this doesn't happen, then post-Trump will likely mean more of the same, or perhaps someone just as scummy from the Left getting into office.


If Trump is not removed from office at some point, then he becomes the new standard. He becomes the standard quo.   America is now Trumperica. It is up to our leaders and then the citizenry to change that.

Trump has to go, but there needs to be a deep recognition of what is going on in this country. Trump didn't cause this.


I think people would be willing to listen, but the 1% who control this country have no intentions on that ever happening.

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20 minutes ago, BenningRoadSkin said:

Trump has to go, but there needs to be a deep recognition of what is going on in this country. Trump didn't cause this.


I think people would be willing to listen, but the 1% who control this country have no intentions on that ever happening.


You're right in saying it didn't start with Trump, but he is really the result of a 30 year propaganda machine.  If it wasn't Trump, it would be someone else. Hell, if Steve Bannon himself was more of a celebrity I wouldn't doubt most Trump voters would support him for President at this point.


Trump is merely Frankenstein's monster.


Another thing to keep in mind is that even the Wealthy elite have their factions.  You have the Holy rollers like Erik Prince & his sister DeVos who think they are doing god's work by spreading Christian Patriotism and then you have guys like the Koch brothers who are more just industry guys that likely don't care much about social issues either way.  What they have in common though is supporting any candidate will make sure their pockets are heavier by any means necessary.

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1 hour ago, redskinss said:

But how does that heal society? 

Just time? 

Basically what I'm saying is,  I have way too many people I used to consider friends before all this trump nonsense that I now either despise or would rather not associate with. 

How do I get back to calling them friends? 


by doing the little things.


Don't take politics too seriously.  Try to unplug from it from time to time.  It's good for you mental health.  


You didn't become friends with them for their political beliefs in the first place, I assume.  If you can't have civil conversations about politics, talk about something else, and don't engage on that topic if they bring it up.


If they post a lot of crap on FB that is getting in the way of your friendship, unfollow them.


It's good to have friends with varying political positions.  Helps you remember that people who disagree with you aren't a bunch of monsters who want to destroy this country.  Just good people with differences of opinion on issues that are infinitely more complex in the real world than we treat them in conversation.  

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2 hours ago, redskinss said:

What did the Germans do as a society to heal from the divide between Nazi sympathizers and the citizens who did not side with the Nazis? 

I have a feeling were going to have a similar problem post trump albeit on a much lesser scale (at least I hope) 


Broadly speaking, they got conquered and divided in half by external superpowers.  Their cities and industry and civil institutions were destroyed and rebuilt from the ground up.  I don't think there was significant Nazi sympathy left post-war.

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10 minutes ago, NoCalMike said:

Legally, Trump ultimately deciding against something after the fact might have little to no bearing on what promises he made in a specific context during the campaign. I could be wrong though?


Collusion is a fancy word for conspiracy (which is already fancy enough IMO) 

Conspiracy is, as described by the liberal media, the agreement to commit a crime. It not happening changes nothing from what I understand. 

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36 minutes ago, SoulSkin said:

In b4 she says "you screwed up and asked for an interview in January 2017 not January 2018 so the letter is totally void, ha"

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9 hours ago, Llevron said:


Gotta be a meteor. Not gonna be any revolution. Not possible with the weapons our military has. But thats a different topic 

Yanno, I've been saying for at least a decade that the reason we don't REVOLT in this country like others do is because WE HAVE TO WORK.  We love whatever small (or grand) **** we might have too much to really cause a disruption and try to make a difference. 

I'm guilty, I admit it. 

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Welllll. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg shared the secrets of the atomic bomb with the Russians, which they were nowhere near on their own. When the judge sentenced them, he told them he not only held them responsible for treason, but for the entirety of the raging Korean war, which he insisted was communist aggression emboldened by the secrets of the strongest weapon on earth.

They ultimately share a massive piece of the blame for the whole Cold war, Vietnam, and probably the NK problem today.


i think trump has done some pretty bad stuff, but it's not at THAT level.



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