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Trump and his cabinet/buffoonery- Get your bunkers ready!


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So it's nice out today and i went outside to eat my turkey sandwich, which, i must say was pretty good due to a special trip into 7 Corners over the weekend that netted me a half dozen delicious french bread rolls that are made by a little Vietnamese bakery. Man they are good, and even though it is a long way off, this is Chinese New Year, and being as my wife is Chinese, i took her out there to the large Asian grocery and shopping that are there so she could get all the stuff she has a hard time finding here.

Man, the roads there are screwy,, honestly, i have no idea who designed the traffic patterns, but they are completely ****ed up.


anyway, i digress...  as i sat on the deck enjoying my sandwich, i noticed a fly.

And i thought..  damn, it's February,, why is there a fly here?

So I shoo'd it away and laughed to myself, because this idiot came out in February, he's got maybe a day or two to live and he's never going to find a female fly because like normal flies, they will be sleeping in until March or so..  and will die a virgin fly. Ha. Sucker.


Anyway, i shoo'd it away because of a fly's affinity to eat ****. Swallow it all down and ask for more. They love it.

And i don't want that anywhere near my sandwich, or anything else because after they eat it they can't help but spread it all over the place.


Anyway, it almost put me off my lunch. 


good sandwich, though. Whoever makes th Harris Teeter brand makes some pretty good pickles.



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51 minutes ago, Force1958 said:

That's a good one, the Mueller investigation has found no evidence that Trump colluded with anybody. 



I can't predict that the president will be charged with collusion or that he'll be found guilty of anything but I can say with certainty that you have zero knowledge of what the Office of the Special Counsel has or does not have in regard to evidence.


Over 90 indictments, 9 convictions, and the case continues. You ignore what you want to ignore.

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49 minutes ago, Force1958 said:

Of course I do.  But more importantly the border security folks do.  Listen to them, not me.



We have physical barriers to prevent illegal access into the country, does it need to be upgraded and expanded in parts?  Possibly.  But building an actual concrete wall along the border is one of the most ridiculous campaign promises, correction, the dumbest campaign promise in the history of the U.S.  


But instead of using that money for a friggin wall, why not use it to develop actual detention centers across the border and at check points with actual decent living accommodations and hire more staff (medical, security, boarder patrol agents, etc.) so it makes the deportation and asylum processes more humane, organized and easier?  


I'm not going to look up exact statistics, but isn't a great percentage of illegal immigrants due to expiring visas (in which they entered legally) that were never renewed?  Not to mention, the drugs smuggled in the country are most likely being smuggled in via tunnels and other methods, not just being walked across the border.  

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1 hour ago, Force1958 said:


1.  Yes the border IS safer, but there are still parts of it where illegal's are pouring across.  Don't listen to me, listen to the border agents who invited Pelosi/Schumer to the border to see/hear for themselves.  Of course they declined.  



So serious question.  Do you work for DHS?  More specifically, any agency that deals with Border Security?

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6 minutes ago, Bang said:

So it's nice out today and i went outside to eat my turkey sandwich, which, i must say was pretty good due to a special trip into 7 Corners over the weekend that netted me a half dozen delicious french bread rolls that are made by a little Vietnamese bakery. Man they are good, and even though it is a long way off, this is Chinese New Year, and being as my wife is Chinese, i took her out there to the large Asian grocery and shopping that are there so she could get all the stuff she has a hard time finding here.

Man, the roads there are screwy,, honestly, i have no idea who designed the traffic patterns, but they are completely ****ed up.


anyway, i digress...  as i sat on the deck enjoying my sandwich, i noticed a fly.

And i thought..  damn, it's February,, why is there a fly here?

So I shoo'd it away and laughed to myself, because this idiot came out in February, he's got maybe a day or two to live and he's never going to find a female fly because like normal flies, they will be sleeping in until March or so..  and will die a virgin fly. Ha. Sucker.


Anyway, i shoo'd it away because of a fly's affinity to eat ****. Swallow it all down and ask for more. They love it.

And i don't want that anywhere near my sandwich, or anything else because after they eat it they can't help but spread it all over the place.


Anyway, it almost put me off my lunch. 


good sandwich, though. Whoever makes th Harris Teeter brand makes some pretty good pickles.




Another choice Bangtastic story but there is an underlying truth in it. Lunch? It's real. Turkey sandwich? Tangible. Out shopping with the wife? Genuine, everyday


Juxtapose these things with the insanity turdnado raging in the media, all the crazy **** fallin out of Trumps spew hole and his panderers and enablers trying to turn chicken **** into chicken salad, yadda yadda ****ing yadda, none of that is real, not real in the way that enjoying a good sandwich on an unexpected nice day in February is. 


We all need to just pull back a tad and see the difference between the real and the........well, whatever the fresh hell it is today

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I looked it up. The "Boarder security Agents" that invited Pesoli to the boarder weren't agents at all. They were their wives, and it was two of them. And they didnt really invite them, though the words "you are invited" did show up in the letter, the letter was much more "Stop pretending that you care about federal workers" and "Dont bring security you wont need them here" BS. 


So, yea. Fake news. 

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Hey its ok that he lies..... But damn that Hillary woman.. Cant trust her, but I trust the orange buffoon..... He just makes me feel good... Lying and all... Force1958 you are a freaking hypocrite... Thats all and a troll in my opinion

11 minutes ago, visionary said:


She is still gonna vote for Rao because..... 

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26 minutes ago, Llevron said:


I looked it up. The "Boarder security Agents" that invited Pesoli to the boarder weren't agents at all. They were their wives, and it was two of them. And they didnt really invite them, though the words "you are invited" did show up in the letter, the letter was much more "Stop pretending that you care about federal workers" and "Dont bring security you wont need them here" BS. 


So, yea. Fake news. 


Dammit, you're ruining it :0


I was waiting for him to admit that he in fact does not work for DHS or and other Border Enforcement agency, since I in fact do, and can usually spot the uninformed pretty quickly.  


Also, a lot of Taze's 3rd paragraph above is correct, about the expired visas.  The tunnels are a real thing, and an argument against the wall, but by far a majority of drugs come in through legal ports.  It's a simple numbers game for them.  The risk of a large truckload getting caught and seized is worth it if several others get through, and it is far more efficient than having 100+ backpackers try to hike the same amount in, in backpacks or rafts or small trucks, whatever, over time.

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I have no reason not to believe Ernst story about being assaulted, however it's interesting to me that when it comes to someone like Trump, she's able to see past all that stuff.  As far as Kavanaugh/voting to confirm him, she throws out the lame "I believe she experienced trauma but not by him, witnesses contradict her story" line.   Forget that it just isn't true (the 2nd part of the statement) but for her to vote to confirm someone that could possibly be guilty of it?

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7 minutes ago, NoCalMike said:

I have no reason not to believe Ernst story about being assaulted, however it's interesting to me that when it comes to someone like Trump, she's able to see past all that stuff.  As far as Kavanaugh/voting to confirm him, she throws out the lame "I believe she experienced trauma but not by him, witnesses contradict her story" line.   Forget that it just isn't true (the 2nd part of the statement) but for her to vote to confirm someone that could possibly be guilty of it?


Someone can be an assault survivor and still be a political hack with no moral center. To be a Republican today, you  have to accept that having strong, guiding moral principles is unacceptable. You are either a raging white supremacist, a defense industrial base neocon or the personal servant of the 1%. One shared quality amongst all of them is that they also have to pretend being “Christians”, to make sure that the rubes show up on election day.

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cnn has some world class reporters in their international unit...yesterday they started running an exclusive story on u.s. made arms sold to the saudis that are now ending up in radical sunni, iranian-backed, and other radical elements and in a position to be used against americans, and such has been happening


so watch for the to continue to develop as a couple senators have seen the reporting, know it's happened before, and are following up


the story if you see it on cnn has a lot of that disturbing backstory footage on how the civilian--esp the kids--are suffering in the area where the events are occuring, and is hard to watch

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I have no doubt the Saudis are distributing their arms to rebranded Al Qaeda groups who share their salafist ideology, but I can't see them letting those armaments slip into the hands of their worst enemy Iran. CNN has Bob Baer, perhaps the best middle east intelligence officer turned analyst out there (and the inspiration for Clooney's character in Syriana). Arwa Damon and the older former female CIA officer are excellent as well.

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Just now, Riggo-toni said:

I have no doubt the Saudis are distributing their arms to rebranded Al Qaeda groups who share their salafist ideology, but I can't see them letting those armaments slip into the hands of their worst enemy Iran. 



I can see the Saudis using these weapons to buy off terrorist groups as a way to get them to attack others than the Royals and their Gov. If those weapons end up with Iranians. I believe it too. 

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Remind me again who had a $46 billion dollar enhancement to the comprehensive immigration bill (an enhancement that would have strengthened border security by adding $30 billion worth of border patrol and 8 billion in fence repair/replacement) in 2013? I forget..what did the GOP House do with that amendment again? Debt limit or something? 🙄

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54 minutes ago, NoCalMike said:

I have no reason not to believe Ernst story about being assaulted, however it's interesting to me that when it comes to someone like Trump, she's able to see past all that stuff.  As far as Kavanaugh/voting to confirm him, she throws out the lame "I believe she experienced trauma but not by him, witnesses contradict her story" line.   Forget that it just isn't true (the 2nd part of the statement) but for her to vote to confirm someone that could possibly be guilty of it?


Several witnesses contradicted her story, every one she named as there even.

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5 hours ago, @SkinsGoldPants said:


I can see the Saudis using these weapons to buy off terrorist groups as a way to get them to attack others than the Royals and their Gov. If those weapons end up with Iranians. I believe it too. 

There is no doubt that the former has happened, is still happening, and will continue to happen. The Saudis have done more to spread islamofascism/terrorism than any other country in the world. 


But the Saudis are in a proxy war against the Iranians. Most Saudi oil fields are in areas with Shiite majorities who suffer discrimination under the wahhabist regime.


Arabs and Iranians have hated each other for centuries, even before the Safavids forcibly converted the Persians to Twelver Shiism, and each is now arming his own co-religionist ally in Yemen and Syria against the other.

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