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Trump and his cabinet/buffoonery- Get your bunkers ready!


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42 minutes ago, AsburySkinsFan said:

Trump and his pardons. I’m 100% cynical about all of this, he saw that pardoning the woman played well so now he just gunna pardon everyone! Then oops, did I pardon my friends? 

I hate Trump and everything about him, I still wake up every morning hoping to read that he chocked to death on his big mac and diet coke. 


The pardons are a nice gesture on the micro level. I can't be angry about someone like Alice Johnson being let out of jail, the problem is without actually looking into policy changes that eliminate people like her in those kinds of situations from even being in jail in the first place, then there will remain hundreds if not thousands of folks who are nameless and faceless, that don't have a celebrity advocating for them, that will still be rotting away in jail.  If Trump was truly moved by Kim Kardashian and Alice Johnson's story, he would be demanding something to be done about policy.


What Trump knows is that "smiling African American lady thanking Trump on TV" will be aesthetically pleasing and might win over some voters. How much does actual policy factor into a Trump supporter or someone who *might* vote for him 2020?

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Some private schools in Florida that rely on public funding teach students that dinosaurs and humans lived together, that God’s intervention prevented Catholics from dominating North America and that slaves who “knew Christ” were better off than free men who did not.

The lessons taught at these schools come from three Christian publishing companies whose textbooks are popular on many of about 2,000 campuses that accept, and often depend on, nearly $1 billion in state scholarships, or vouchers.


At the Orlando Sentinel’s request, educators from Florida colleges and school districts reviewed textbooks and workbooks from these publishers, looking at elementary reading and math, middle school social studies and high school biology materials.


They found numerous instances of distorted history and science lessons that are outside mainstream academics. The books denounce evolution as untrue, for example, and one shows a cartoon of men and dinosaurs together, telling students the Biblical Noah likely brought baby dinosaurs onto his ark. The science books, they added, seem to discourage students from doing experiments or even asking questions.


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10 minutes ago, RedskinsFan44 said:

re Trump pardons, he seems to think the pardon is some magical cure to all ills. Does he seriously believe he can solve the issues NFL players,are protesting through pardons? You can't bring someone back to life with a pardon.

Sure he does, he thinks any clever little ploy will get the flocking for a photo op with him. Every single thing he does is self serving, even the stuff that looks magnanimous is done only to serve him. To imagine that he'd do any of these pardons if he couldn't immediately congratulate himself takes a strong and vivid imagination.


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On 6/8/2018 at 9:45 AM, Llevron said:


Second - Really? Russia should be back in the G6 (7?8?). Nothing ****ed up about our maybe Russian influenced president being the ONLY guy in the ****ing world that wants to give Russia MORE power. Wtf. 

There's more, and I can't believe the media didn't pick up on it...I swear he said "We've got a world to run". I stopped in the middle of tying my shoes...did anyone else hear it?


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1 hour ago, FanboyOf91 said:


BAM!! Right ****ing there it is.

Trump's voters and supporters were willing to flush 70 years of international leadership down the crapper just to say "**** you" to Liberals.

Damned morons decided to cut their nose off to spite their faces!

Sooner or later the rest of the world is going to decide that going their own way and ignoring us is in their best interests.

Every time I see a picture with that smug son of a **** who can barely comprehend the funny papers I just want to scream.

I hate him, and if he died in his sleep tonight I'd wake up smiling if not for the fact that Pence would take over.

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2 hours ago, TheGreatBuzz said:

Watched a thing today on the rise of Hitler on History channel.  It was more about the things leading up to WW2.  There were some strikingly scary similarities.  

More and more I keep hearing Trump’s base is frightened about the loss of position of white people in America. I’d add Evangelical to that as well.

And let me start right here as a white man, if you support Trump because you fear losing your precious white privilege then you are a terrible person. And if you support Trump because you fear Evangelicals are losing their privilege, then you can shove your false religion up your arse. That god ypu serve was crafted in your image, you might as well rename him Ba’al.


Oh, but I know, no good white Christian American would ever say their support for Trump is from their fear of being treated equally with the rest of humanity, and yet that’s what we hear all the time in your fake culture wars and your hypocritical sermons on the sanctity of human life that you treat without love or compassion. 

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3 hours ago, AsburySkinsFan said:

BAM!! Right ****ing there it is.

Trump's voters and supporters were willing to flush 70 years of international leadership down the crapper just to say "**** you" to Liberals.

Damned morons decided to cut their nose off to spite their faces!

Sooner or later the rest of the world is going to decide that going their own way and ignoring us is in their best interests.



They literally don't care about the country. It's all about hating liberals. If only they knew how many liberals were impacting their lives in better ways. Though I'm sure they wouldn't believe it if you told them. 

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1 minute ago, Hersh said:


They literally don't care about the country. It's all about hating liberals. If only they knew how many liberals were impacting their lives in better ways. Though I'm sure they wouldn't believe it if you told them. 

Oh exactly! The fact that they view the EPA as the enemy only begins to scratch the surface of their collective insanity.

"No damned Librawl is gunna tell me I cain't drive my 8mpg pick up truck! 'Muricah!!"

"I ain't peein' in the same bathroom as no queer...and I'll be damned if them fairies are gonna pee in my sister's bathroom."

"We need to cut the freeloaders off those entitlement programs, hold on while I go cash Momma's SSI check."

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